Islam not a religion but a way of life - say Kuwaiti writer.
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Sephiroth posted on 19-3-2014 10:06 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Source : http://my.news.yahoo.com/non-malays-more-accepting-child-rape-says-deputy-092200404.html
in India many cases...daily....rape n killed , child molester and etc
Truth.8 posted on 19-3-2014 10:14 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
in India many cases...daily....rape n killed , child molester and etc
Jesus was a son of a rape victim also. Your pathetic god impregnated a woman without her knowledge which means your god raped a human woman (Mary). I don't see why I have to entertain someone who worships a ba$tard. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Truth.8 posted on 19-3-2014 11:41 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
That what your shit brain think... it was a highest (GOD) impreganated Mary ...it Jesus was bo ...
Why didn't your god approach Mary before he screw her up, and informed her what he was planning to do? The fact that your god impregnated her without her consent is equals to RAPE.
And did your god marry Mary afterwards? NO, Joseph did. Therefore, Jesus is born a ba$tard. This is FACT. |
Sephiroth posted on 19-3-2014 12:54 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Why didn't your god approach Mary before he screw her up, and informed her what he was planning to ...
do I need to entertain samsu drinking god worshipper who talk, think and write like drunked person? I guess not.
Source : http://freethoughtnation.com/ric ... evils-of-the-world/
Narrator: “Why is it more problematic than Christianity, for instance?”
RD: “There is a belief that every word of the Koran is literally true, and there’s a kind of closemindedness which is, I think, less present in the former Christendom, perhaps because we’ve had long – I don’t know quite why – but there’s more of a historical tradition of questioning. There are people in the Islamic world who simply say, ‘Islam is right, and we are going to impose our will.’ There’s an asymmetry. I think in a way we are being too nice. I think that it’s possible to be naively overoptimistic, and if you reach out to people who have absolutely no intention of reaching back to you, then you may be disillusioned.”
Yup, this is what is wrong with non-Muslims today. They kept reaching out to Muslims with movies (like in Ender's Game, you will find a Muslim boy who wished Ender "Assalam malikum" and explains it means Peace), books, TV shows (I think there was one called "Alien in America" where a Muslim boy comes to live in American family).
But Muslims themselves do not give a damn about non-Muslims. They already have this mentality that they are alone who are right and that we are living with a wrong lifestyle. So any attempt to invite them over is equals to trying to "lead them astray". Therefore, they will continue to remain stupid, isolated and close-minded while we kept on trying to get closer to them without any success (without converting to Islam ourselves).
Oh by the way, our money, wealth, power, food and water as well as our women are not "haram" for them it seems.
In my opinion, Muslims should be ignored completely. Push them aside the same way they had pushed us aside with their close-mindness. Ignore their pleads for help as they carnibalize each other in choking society corrupted by Islam to the point of their suffociation and death. Ignore them and continue onward to the future. Because right now, Muslims (and Islam) are like two metal balls tied to our legs, preventing us from running into the future. |
erm..saya rasa saya dah nampak problem seph. laki ke pempuan neh? rasa2 dari gaya bahasa pempuan. mana2 la..
saya rasa seph banyak bersumberkan internet dan pandangan mata semata2 dalam menilai agama orang lain. saya punya member hindu sangat religious. biasee..je. xde pulak hina2 agama orang lain. lagi hormat ada lah. bila mana semakin kita mendalami agama..semakin kita hormat orang lain. bila seph da pandang hina agama orang lain...itu buktinya seph tak mendalami agama sendiri. so..apa perlunya kami islam dan Christian berdebat agama dengan seph sedangkan diri seph sendiri tak dalami Hinduism secara mendalam? pointless! clearly boleh nampak kat situ!
kalau agama sendiri tak belajar mendalam..buat apa nak sibuk2 agama orang lain?
apa tujuan?
nak provoke dan cari masalah sebab nak perhatian?
attention seeker?
kurang kasih sayang family?
nak menonjol kan diri? nak 'up' kan diri kat sini sebab kan dunia reality u fail a lot?
clearly. u bukan orang yang nak memahami agama orang lain. lebih kepada cari gaduh dengan orang sahaja. kesian kat agama u. jadi mangsa hinaan orang lain sebab u cari pasal, cari masalah dulu dengan orang lain
u punya pasal, agama u yang kena. u mencemarkan agama u sendiri kat forum ni. u yang memulakan..bukan kami
kalau betul2 nak memahami agama orang lain..pergi la jumpa mana2 ustaz dan paderi.
kalau semata2 nak cari gaduh..cari masalah.. terus la buat provoke kat sini
aku lapar.
makan nasik kejab...
by anwarnuwa
bila mana semakin kita mendalami agama..semakin kita hormat orang lain.
Yakah? Cuba kau buka mata kau besar2 dan baca article di bawah ini. Nampak sangatlah petapa hebatnya Islam kau mengajar kau (orang Islam) menghormati orang lain.
Source : http://forumforhinduawakening.or ... anned-saudi-arabia/
Saudi Arabia : In a latest development in Saudi Arabia, country’s Interior Ministry has banned 50 names arguing that they contradict the culture or religion of the Kingdom. This rule would ensure parents living in the Gulf country cannot name their child ‘Rama’, ‘Linda’, etc.
As per a report published in TOI, parents in the kingdom will reportedly no longer be able to call their children by names such as Linda, Alice, Elaine or Binyamin (Arabic for Benjamin) after the civil affairs department at the Ministry issued a list of the prohibited names.
The Interior Ministry has banned several names as they consider them as ‘blasphemous’, non-Arabic or non-Islamic, or contradictory to the kingdom’s culture or religion, Gulf News has reported.
The ban was also allegedly justified by the Ministry because some of the names were deemed foreign or ‘inappropriate’, said the report.
Bangsa Arab sana itu, pasal nama pun mereka bising dan ban itu dan ini, sebijik macam Muslims di sini buat hal mengenai Ultraman King minggu lalu semata2 kerana ada orang tersilap guna Google translator. Pasal nama pun kamu bising kah? Apa? Tak boleh masuk syurga dan dapat 72 pelacur kalau nama itu bukan nama orang Arab kah? Bangsa BODOH.
Orang Arab rata2 menperbodohkan dan menawan orang Melayu (dan kaum lain yg mengikuti Islam) melalui agama karut mereka dan kamu terlalu BODOH utk mengetahuinya. ![](static/image/smiley/default/3shakehead.gif)
Statement2 yg lain semuanya karut dan tak perlu sangat dilayan. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif) |
setiap point yg seph bagi..saya boleh jawab
tapi saya tahu...tak guna saya jawab. aunty seph mesti pusing sana sini
sebab seph nak MENANG
bukan nak cari persefahaman atau memahami agama lain
satu lagi...bila point tu bersumberkan dari internet, tak minat sy menjawabnya. internet..apa2 boleh sebar. perkara salah atau tak..sume boleh sebar2 |
by anwarnuwa
setiap point yg seph bagi..saya boleh jawab
tapi saya tahu...tak guna saya jawab.
Boleh jawab tetapi tak nak jawab. Habis tu, apa lanc@h lu buat di sini? ![](static/image/smiley/default/huffy.gif) |
anwarnuwa posted on 20-3-2014 01:35 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sukahati aku la dalam forum aku nak pergi mana2 pun. hahahaha
Tak payah. Buang masa je layan orang yg boleh mengeluarkan kenyataan spt "Boleh jawab tetapi tak nak menjawab". Nanti bila tertekan tak dapat menjawab nanti, mesti lari masuk gua spt Taliban juga. ![](static/image/smiley/default/curse.gif)
hadoi. merajuk la pulak.. matured la skit aunty
lagi sekali saya tanya
aunty nak tanya soalan ke tak ni? |
anwarnuwa posted on 20-3-2014 02:21 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
hadoi. merajuk la pulak.. matured la skit aunty
lagi sekali saya tanya
Dah cakap sekali nak tanya lagi kah? Dah aku katakan - Tak payah. Kamu jenis yg lari bila terperangkap. Buang masa je tanyakan apa2 dgn kamu.
Sephiroth posted on 20-3-2014 01:59 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Tak payah. Buang masa je layan orang yg boleh mengeluarkan kenyataan spt "Boleh jawab tetapi tak n ...
madam sepi selalu mood negative...tak pernah saya tengok madam dlm mood postivie...kutuk, mengata dan lain2 adalah ciri2 madam ini...
takpe aunty
panjang umur...ada masa..aunty seph buat thread baru sy cuba jawab
,umgkin esok lusa tulat tubeng |
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