macam mana saya berhadap di kaba , darah sudah kotor.....
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Sephiroth posted on 2-6-2014 01:09 PM
by anwarnuwa Ada masuk akal kah?
Kalau kamu nak memahami agama orang lain, kamu kena berguru dgn guru agama lain. Baru betul.
Ini kamu kata nak memahami agama orang lain tetapi hanya berinteraksi dgn golongan kamu sendiri, apa benda kamu nak belajar?
Kalau nak belajar matematik perlu cari guru matematik, nak faham tentang matematik tapi belajar dengan guru geografi... minda kau ni dah tak logik septh.
vikramavardhana posted on 3-6-2014 12:17 AM
Saya setuju... Tidak masuk akal. Manusia mudah dikuasai oleh persepsi, oleh itu mereka mesti cub ...
Nampaknya kau masih mencari-cari kebenaran... kenapa tak masuk islam. Dari dulu, sekarang dan akan datang, hanya Islam sahaja yang memiliki kebenaran dari A sampai Z.
Agama lain bercampur baur antara benar dan salah. Contoh bab yoga betul dari segi fizik, tetapi salah dari segi kesesuaian, tidak sesuai untuk semua orang mempraktikkannya, atau tidak Universal.
zamkumis posted on 3-6-2014 09:25 AM
Kalau nak belajar matematik perlu cari guru matematik, nak faham tentang matematik tapi belajar ...
Oi, pergi baca betul2 apa Anwarnuwa tulis. Kata2 karut kamu itu lebih sesuai kpd dia dari aku.
hanya Islam sahaja yang memiliki kebenaran dari A sampai Z
Maaf, aku tak nak menjadi katak dibawah tempurung macam orang Islam. Bagi aku, Islam adalah agama palsu.
Last edited by Sephiroth on 3-6-2014 09:43 AM
anwarnuwa posted on 30-5-2014 07:44 AM
bukak mana2 link online paper seperti sinar harian tentang kenyataan cuci darah tu dan baca kome ...
Dont blame the media? what kind of statments?
why the media which mostly muslims need to broadcast the person who says " darah sudah kotor dgn makan babi"
the media has editor department, by rite the editor should be wise enough to delete such segment...
suing the company for putting dna babi is good as a lesson for peoples not mess with halal and haram issue...
i welcome such move to sue the coklat company for misleading the customers...
this not first time...many products in market can also be doubt...
if Jakim says the cadbury is free from dna babi...than they should eat the cabdury by proofing is halal...
zamkumis posted on 3-6-2014 09:32 AM
Nampaknya kau masih mencari-cari kebenaran... kenapa tak masuk islam. Dari dulu, sekarang dan akan ... Agama lain bercampur baur antara benar dan salah. Contoh bab yoga betul dari segi fizik, tetapi salah dari segi kesesuaian, tidak sesuai untuk semua orang mempraktikkannya, atau tidak Universal. kamu ini kuman aka zamkumis...macam parrot...dengar ckp orang....sepatuhnya kamu kena kaji dulu sebelum menjadi tukang cerita nombor 1
vikramavardhana posted on 31-5-2014 07:25 PM
I don't eat in restaurants too while I was in KL. They served beef, chicken and pork. These are all ...
i like beef and some light meats but in very moderate scale....beef and mutton very seldom i eat...
by the way, the hindu holy book never mention beef is haram
Agama lain bercampur baur antara benar dan salah. Contoh bab yoga betul dari segi fizik, tetapi salah dari segi kesesuaian, tidak sesuai untuk semua orang mempraktikkannya, atau tidak Universal.
Ini adalah contoh persepsi... Kamu sebenarnya cuma melihat sesuatu menerusi lensa persekitaran (termasuk juga benda dibaca atau didengar kamu sekadar kamu mampu). Yoga, tidak universal bagi kamu disebabkan ia tidah disebutkan dalam Quran dan tidak diajari di Mecca atau Medina. Ia juga tidak diajar oleh sahabas dalam catitan Hadith kamu. Jika kelihatan serupa seperti Sunna garlic itu, pasti kamu cuba perkaitkan tradisi agama Brahmins dan Hindus dengan kebenaran nabi Mleccha itu
Dzulqarnain posted on 2-6-2014 04:12 PM
Paling kurang mau saman RM1 Billion...wajib dpt.
aku pun nak saman...dpt duit...tak payah kerja...goyang kaki
Truth.8 posted on 3-6-2014 08:26 AM
i like beef and some light meats but in very moderate scale....beef and mutton very seldom i eat.. ...
It wasn't before the revelation of the Veda but is now. Even, for Muslims or Jewish, I was told that, any halal meat would fall into haram when they do not follow the specification of fiqh schools or the halachic law. We have Chatur Vedas among the canonical ones within our noble society. I'm a Rigvedic Brahmin, and those who killed the cow and tyrannizing it will be cursed in the Hell by Agni, the angels and guardians of fire who torn the head of the sinners (Rigved 10.87.16-19). You have to check our Itihasas, Puranas and the Upanishads along with the Vedas to get the clear picture of the Revelation to the Maharishis (Nabis)
For Buddhists, they may eat the meat or anything but they should not involve themselves with the slaughtering process. If they have seen the animal being slaughtered, then they had already involved themselves with the process and it bears Karmical (amalan) effects. For Sikhs, they should only do the slaughter only with one hit that immediately kills the animal. For Jains, just like Rigvedic Brahmins, all animals including human-being are haram to be eaten. For Kashmiri Brahmins, they can eat mutton. Some people in my community eat fish too but with prescribed manner. They followed the Itihasas saying and Lord Ram's permitted them to eat fishes |
vikramavardhana posted on 3-6-2014 04:18 PM
Dari dulu sehingga kini, Sanatana Dharma merupakan Jalan yang membawa kami kepada Paramatma, Diri ... wahyu Vedas melalui nabi-nabi di rantau kami sendiri
Boleh saya tahu nama nabi-nabi kamu itu?
zamkumis posted on 3-6-2014 09:13 AM
Boleh saya tahu nama nabi-nabi kamu itu?
Yang wajib dikenali terdapat tujuh orang
Ṛṣi Gṛtsamada
Ṛṣi Visvamitra
Ṛṣi Vamadev
Ṛṣi Atri
Ṛṣi Bharadvaja
Ṛṣi Vasistha
Ṛṣi Kanva
vikramavardhana posted on 3-6-2014 05:19 PM
Yang wajib dikenali terdapat tujuh orang
Ṛṣi Gṛtsamada
Apa asas ajaran agama ini, u ni agama apa Vikrama
zamkumis posted on 3-6-2014 09:35 AM
Apa asas ajaran agama ini, u ni agama apa Vikrama
Vedas, Upanishads, Itihasas.... Kenapa penting untuk kamu tahu agama saya?
Saya sudah beritahu banyak kali di post sebelum ini
# 30
I'm a Rigvedic Brahmin, and those who killed the cow and tyrannizing it will be cursed in the Hell by Agni, the angels and guardians of fire who torn the head of the sinners (Rigved 10.87.16-19)...
Hope it helps,
Last edited by vikramavardhana on 3-6-2014 10:02 AM
by vikramavardhana
Vedas, Upanishads, Itihasas....
Why didn't add Bhavagad Gita? |
vikramavardhana posted on 3-6-2014 05:19 PM
Yang wajib dikenali terdapat tujuh orang
Ṛṣi Gṛtsamada Yang wajib dikenali terdapat tujuh orang
Ṛṣi Gṛtsamada
Ṛṣi Visvamitra
Ṛṣi Vamadev
Ṛṣi Atri
Ṛṣi Bharadvaja
Ṛṣi Vasistha
Ṛṣi Kanva
are all of them maha rishi or sage???
Truth.8 posted on 4-6-2014 11:59 AM
are all of them maha rishi or sage???
Do you even know the difference between a Maha Rishi and a Sage?
Sephiroth posted on 4-6-2014 02:55 PM
Do you even know the difference between a Maha Rishi and a Sage?
yes i aware of it....
he claimed those peoples are 'nabi'
my question is simple: who are they? maha rishi or sage or swami???
Sephiroth posted on 4-6-2014 02:55 AM
by vikramavardhana
Thank you.
Gita is part of the Mahabharat... It is counted as itihasa which shows the divine tradition through our Bhagvan Krishna along with the Ramayan
Last edited by vikramavardhana on 4-6-2014 09:34 AM
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