Amalan berpuasa orang Islam - Tak berguna menurut Bhavagad Gita
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Bro Sephiroth saya tak nak respond atas thread yang kamu buka ini. kalau nak respond pun tak ada guna buang masa sahaja.
mcm ini sahaja yang perlu saya katakan...Kalau kepercayaaan kamu itu benar dan Tuhan yang kamu sembah itu benar. mari kita bermohon kepada Tuhan masing-masing Tuhan orang islam itu benar ...Allah Tuhan seluruh Alam .sama-sama bermohon kepada Nya.. siapa antara kita yang benar:
Allah Firman dalam Al Quran:
Kemudian sesiapa yang membantahmu (wahai Muhammad) mengenainya, sesudah engkau beroleh pengetahuan yang benar, maka katakanlah kepada mereka: "Marilah kita menyeru anak-anak kami serta anak-anak kamu, dan perempuan-perempuan kami serta perempuan-perempuan kamu, dan diri kami serta diri kamu, kemudian kita memohon kepada Allah dengan bersungguh-sungguh, serta kita meminta supaya laknat Allah ditimpakan kepada orang-orang yang berdusta".
(A-li'Imraan 3:61) | <Embed> | English Translation | Tambah Nota | Bookmark |
Sephiroth posted on 3-8-2014 12:43 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
by wei_loon5063
I have yet to see you addressing the question that I posted. Why do Hindus do 'self-torture' that cause injury to their body during the Thaipusam although Bhavagad Gita said it leads to nowhere?
by hjrayle
Bro Sephiroth saya tak nak respond atas thread yang kamu buka ini. kalau nak respond pun tak ada guna buang masa sahaja.
Habis itu, apasal buang masa aku? ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
by mashimaru83
I have yet to see you addressing the question that I posted. Why do Hindus do 'self-torture' that cause injury to their body during the Thaipusam although Bhavagad Gita said it leads to nowhere?
Macam mana kamu tahu ianya tak menbawa penganutnya ke jalan yg baik? Kamu tahu prosedure sebelum mengambil kavadi ke? Pantang larang yg mereka kena ikuti?
Banyak yg mengambil kavadi (termasuk utk pelajaran dlm bentuk Paal (susu) Kavadi menbawa kpd jalan yg baik menjadi manusia yg baik. Tetapi orang islam setiap tahun berpuasa tetapi selepas Raya, ulang balik benda yg sama juga. Tak pernah berubah dan terlalu malas nak berubah. ![](static/image/smiley/default/mad0216.gif) |
Sephiroth posted on 6-8-2014 01:15 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
by hjrayle
Buang masa lah w/pun panjang lebar perjelasan yang di beri kamu tetap dgn argument kamu.
Saya rasa tak perlu kamu buat mcm itu. kalau kamu tak percaya dengan amalan dia orang tak menjadi masalah, kamu pun tidak rugi saya pun tidak rugi. tidak ada paksa dalam Islam sudah terang akan kebenaran. Fahamilah kita hidup di dunia ini tersingkat. kalau usia kamu sekarang 40 tahun..tak mungkin kamu dapat hidup 100 tahun. sbb usia umat akhir zaman 60 - 80 tahun. Jarang sampai 100 tahun.
Selepas itu baru kamu tahu akan kebenaran.
cari lah kebenaran jangan mengutuk.
by hjrayle
Buang masa lah w/pun panjang lebar perjelasan yang di beri kamu tetap dgn argument kamu.
Huh? Siapa kau? Oh yeah ... makluk yg suka sangat menbazir masa aku. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif) |
Sephiroth posted on 31-7-2014 09:35 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
by orangbesi
Maaf, kamu tengok je lah masyarakat Islam kamu itu - antara yg paling banyak berpenyakit berkaitan dgn makanan - kencing manis, sakit jantung dan lain. Apa yg kamu (orang Islam) buat adalah utk sbg memenuhi kehendak agama kamu shj dan bukannya utk Spiritualism.
aku akuinya
pasal NABI kami ada mengatakan
bahawa umatnya berpecah lagi teruk dari umat Bani Israel
hanya satu je yang selamat
dalam tiap2 agama pun, manusia yang memecah belahkannya
demi kepentingan sendiri atau mengikut hawa nafsu
dah tahu mereka tu bodoh..............pandai2 le MENYAMPAIKAN KEBENARAN![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Sephiroth posted on 6-8-2014 01:15 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
by hjrayle Sephiroth:
Macam mana kamu tahu ianya tak menbawa penganutnya ke jalan yg baik? Kamu tahu prosedure sebelum mengambil kavadi ke? Pantang larang yg mereka kena ikuti? You missed the point, it has nothing to do about me knowing the details (procedures, pantang-larang, etc.) about kavadi. It's about Bhavagad Gita verse you posted in the first post. It explicitly stated that the incorrect self-control which results to self-torture will lead to nowhere except the darkness. It doesn't mention anything about procedure/pantang-larang/etc. Putting up kavadi is clearly an act of self-torture. And according to Bhavagad Gita, self-torture can lead to darkness; what say you?
by mashimaru83
it has nothing to do about me knowing the details (procedures, pantang-larang, etc.) about kavadi.
IF you don't know, then DON'T TALK LIKE YOU DO. You will only waste my time. ![](static/image/smiley/default/mad0216.gif) |
Sephiroth posted on 8-8-2014 07:39 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
by mashimaru83 Sephiroth:
IF you don't know, then DON'T TALK LIKE YOU DO. You will only waste my time. ![](static/image/smiley/default/mad0216.gif) Again, you are defeating your ownself here. You don't know about fasting in Islam, yet you want to say 'Amalan berpuasa orang Islam - Tak berguna menurut Bhavagad Gita'. Please stop refuting your ownself.
From the verse, it is clear that Kavadi is going against the Bhavagad Gita's teaching.
by mashimaru83
Again, you are defeating your ownself here. You don't know about fasting in Islam, yet you want to say 'Amalan berpuasa orang Islam - Tak berguna menurut Bhavagad Gita'. Please stop refuting your ownself.
Fasting in Islam :
1. Wake up for breakfast BEFORE the prayer call (usually 5.45 AM in the morning).
2. Stop eating when prayers starts.
3. No food or water the whole day.
4. Start eating when masyrik prayer time (usually 7.00 PM).
5. Suppose to stop eating after the next prayer begin (at 8.15).
This is Muslims' fasting ritual for Ramadhan. Can you write down how a Hindu fast? I don't think so. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif) |
Hindu fasting first and later they tortured their body when Gita says is demonic and igornace... |
Sephiroth posted on 7-8-2014 03:18 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
by hjrayle
Tak perlu kau tahu siapa aku. Aku Nampak keeling mcm kau ini. Hindu kasta bawahan. datang Malaya jadi kuli di bawah oleh bristish. Lepas senang sedikit duduk di Malaysia berlagak mcm semua tahu. Tidak sedar diri berlagak pandai.
Orang hindu ini tak makan lembu tapi kembing makan. apa sebab org hindu tak makan lembu???. |
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orangbesi posted on 7-8-2014 03:57 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
ni saya nampak...........
babi - haram
zina, arak, pil ekstasi dll OK tak ada masalah
pasal Isu Gaza.... selama ribuan tahun palestine di jajah dan tak ada orang cakap apa apa...
ni tiba tiba nak boikot n boikot tu....
wei_loon5063 posted on 8-8-2014 12:51 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
pasal Isu Gaza.... selama ribuan tahun palestine di jajah dan tak ada orang cakap apa apa...
Oi ... Lu tahu baca kah? Ini thread pasal amalan berpuasa, bukan Gaza. kalau lu nak cakap pasal Gaza, belajar buat thread sendiri lah. ![](static/image/smiley/default/indifferent0001.gif)
Sephiroth posted on 8-8-2014 10:54 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
by mashimaru83 Sephiroth:
1. Wake up for breakfast BEFORE the prayer call (usually 5.45 AM in the morning).
2. Stop eating when prayers starts.
3. No food or water the whole day.
4. Start eating when masyrik prayer time (usually 7.00 PM).
5. Suppose to stop eating after the next prayer begin (at 8.15).
This is Muslims' fasting ritual for Ramadhan. Can you write down how a Hindu fast? I don't think so. ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_rolleyes.gif)
Sorry, that is incomplete. Fasting in Islam is not just about what you mentioned above. Again, I suggest that you take your time to learn Islam or stop misleading other people with your lacking of understanding of the Islamic teachings.
And I'm not talking about how Hindu fast. I'm talking about the act of self-torture in Kavadi, which according to the Bhavagad Gita leads to darkness. Why do Hindus go against Bhavagad Gita?
Last edited by mashimaru83 on 9-8-2014 08:20 AM
by mashimaru83
And I'm not talking about how Hindu fast.
Read the title of the thread. It states "Amalan berpuasa dlm Islam tak berguna menurut Bhavagad Gita" clearly.
I have stated COMPLETE steps by which Muslims fast in Ramadhan. Now your turn. What do you know about Hindus and their methods to talk so much? ![](static/image/smiley/default/indifferent0001.gif) |
Sephiroth posted on 9-8-2014 01:40 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
by mashimaru83 Sephiroth:
Read the title of the thread. It states "Amalan berpuasa dlm Islam tak berguna menurut Bhavagad Gita" clearly.
I have stated COMPLETE steps by which Muslims fast in Ramadhan. Now your turn. What do you know about Hindus and their methods to talk so much? ![](static/image/smiley/default/indifferent0001.gif) Your steps are incomplete. Like I stated before this, stop misleading other people with your incomplete information about Islam. You don't understand Islam, yet you want to talk so much about Islam. Again, please take your time to learn Islam or just stop spreading wrong information about Islam.
Again, you have yet to address the issue in relation to the Bhavagad Gita verse you posted. Why do Hindus perform the Kavadi despite it being against the Bhavagad Gita teachings?
by mashimaru83
Why do Hindus perform the Kavadi despite it being against the Bhavagad Gita teachings?
Still waiting for you to explain the procedures which Hindus perform fasting here. |
wei_loon5063 posted on 8-8-2014 12:51 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
pasal Isu Gaza.... selama ribuan tahun palestine di jajah dan tak ada orang cakap apa apa...
kalau pasal jajah camni
manusia nampak sangat leeeee
tapi HATI yg diJAJAH keJAHATan tuuu
buat2 tak nampak jeeeeee
napa tak diboikot je setan2 tu yeeeee![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
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