Sephiroth posted on 27-8-2014 02:14 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Buat apa nak buat yg baru? Itu kan ada Bhavagad Gita dgn Kitab2 (Sutra) dari Gautama Buddha. Suruh ...
hello bro kitab kamu itu Gita dan Buddha. siapa Nabi nya?
Aku masih percaya kitab injin orang Christian dan kitab Taurat orang Yahudi. Tapi kitab kamu itu siapa Nabi yang di beri kitab itu??
Allah berfirman:
Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang kafir, dan mereka mati sedang mereka tetap dalam keadaan kafir, mereka itulah orang-orang yang ditimpa laknat Allah dan malaikat serta manusia sekaliannya.
(Al-Baqarah 2:161) | <Embed> | English Translation | Tambah Nota | Bookmark
Mereka kekal di dalam laknat itu, tidak diringankan azab sengsara dari mereka dan mereka pula tidak diberikan tempoh atau perhatian.
(Al-Baqarah 2:162) | <Embed> | English Translation | Tambah Nota | Bookmark |
by hjrayle
hello bro kitab kamu itu Gita dan Buddha. siapa Nabi nya?
Kamu jangan nak berdalih. Kamu (melalui Al Quran) mencabar orang bukan Islam utk menbuat sebuah kitab setanding dgn Al Quran. Kami kata TAK PERLU kerena sudah ada (iaitu Bhavagad Gita dan Sutra).
Persoalan sekarang adalah - Berani kah kamu menperlagakan kitab kamu itu dgn kitab2 kami? Caranya mudah sbj - suruh kerajaan meleraikan kesalahan orang bukan-Islam mendakwah kpd orang Islam utk masa sebulan cukup. Kamu bebas mendakwah dgn kaum kami (macam apa yg kamu curi2 buat kini) dan kami pula bebas mendakwah kpd kaum (Islam) kamu. Kita tengok berapa banyak orang yg keluar dari Islam dan berapa yg masuk Islam dlm akhir sebulan itu.
KAMU BERANI KAH, ORANG2 ISLAM MALAYSIA? Ini Cabaran kamu bukan Islam. ![](static/image/smiley/default/cool0041.gif) |
Sephiroth posted on 27-8-2014 04:02 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
by hjrayle
Kamu belum jawab lagi soalan saya itu..
siapa nabi yang diberi kitab Gita (hindu) dan Buddha ini?
kalau kamu tahu nabi nya saya percaya dgn kitab yg kamu pegang. |
hjrayle posted on 27-8-2014 04:08 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Kamu belum jawab lagi soalan saya itu..
siapa nabi yang diberi kitab Gita (hindu) dan Buddha ini? ...
Tak ada orang di sini suruh kamu percaya ke atau tidak dgn kitab2 kami. Kami tanya kamu berani terima cabaran kami ke atau tidak?
Truth.8 posted on 27-8-2014 01:50 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
The greatest Creator once destroyed bani isreal because they went astray....
If the Creator a ...
Sorry but your arguments are basically based on your point of view of what a Creator should or should not do. God Himself has His own point of view and has His own will. Your point of view is certainly not God's point of view. To make you understand, consider this:
God is powerful but He doesn't make you the richest person on the face of the earth. That doesn't make God incapable of making you rich, it just that God doesn't want to make you rich per His own will.
God is powerful but misery is still happening all around the world. That doesn't make God incapable to make the misery to stop, it just basically God allows the misery to happen. After all, human beings are created with limitations and weaknesses. But, you also have to remember one thing, God doesn't simply let the misery to happen just like that, He also sent down the Guidance to human beings on how to live this world.
It's logical.
Truth.8 posted on 27-8-2014 01:56 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
that is your own point of view...the fact remind...the Creator would have done HIS job to ope ... Truth.8:
that is your own point of view...the fact remind...the Creator would have done HIS job to open human heart if the islam is truth..in this case the Creator bless yahudi to be very sucessful nations which is kind blessing...and muslims still liviing in poverty which islam can little doubt if muslims are worshipping the true Creator.... Again, that is just your point of view or opinion, and it is not a fact. Only the Creator knows His job/will or what He Himself want. You are trying to enfore the idea 'God has to open human heart if Islam is the truth'. Again, another 'God has to do this, God has to do that'. On technical basis, you are not the one who decide what God should or should not do.
mashimaru83 posted on 27-8-2014 04:22 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Again, that is just your point of view or opinion, and it is not a fact. Only the Creator knows Hi ... Again, that is just your point of view or opinion, and it is not a fact. Only the Creator knows His job/will or what He Himself want. You are trying to enfore the idea 'God has to open human heart if Islam is the truth'. Again, another 'God has to do this, God has to do that'. On technical basis, you are not the one who decide what God should or should not do if you says is my point of view, than the quran which says do not make friends with jews and christian , burning in hell also can be doubt as this can be some human writing point of view which they have their own agenda.....
secondly, there is no proof or witness that muhammad get his relevation from that cave from angle or whatever source...
Truth.8 posted on 27-8-2014 06:12 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
if you says is my point of view, than the quran which says do not make friends with jews and chris ... Truth.8:
if you says is my point of view, than the quran which says do not make friends with jews and christian , burning in hell also can be doubt as this can be some human writing point of view which they have their own agenda..... Actually Al-Quran doesn't say that. I believe the verse that you were referring to was 5:51. The confusion arises because of the word 'Awliya' in that verse that has been translated to 'friends' by some English translators. That is not entirely correct. Please lookup the meaning of 'Awliya' (plural form) or 'Wali' (singular form) properly (in proper context); hopefully that will improve your understanding.
secondly, there is no proof or witness that muhammad get his relevation from that cave from angle or whatever source... That doesn't mean that the revelation itself is wrong. What you are stating here is what people will call secondary evidence since none of us have the privilege to witness the event that was happening inside the cave. So, we should strict ourselves to the primary evidence that is available which are the verses inside the Al-Quran itself. To make you understand this further, consider this:
A criminial crime has occured but there was no witness to the crime but the evidence for the crime is available (i.e. the weapon). Should we use your reasoning i.e. 'since there is no witness, we cannot put forward the criminal charge' or 'should we put forward the charge based upon the available evidence (the weapon)'?
Sephiroth posted on 27-8-2014 04:13 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Tak ada orang di sini suruh kamu percaya ke atau tidak dgn kitab2 kami. Kami tanya kamu berani ter ...
kamu belum jawab lagi soalan saya.
mcm mana saya nak percaya dengan kitab kamu.
Siapa nama Nabi Allah yang di beri kitab yang kamu pegang itu????...
Nabi yang di beri kitab kepada umat manusia
1. Zabur di beri kepada Nabi Daud
2. Taurat di beri kepada Nabi Musa
3. Injil di beri kepada Nabi Isa
4. Al Quran di beri kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW
5. Gita /Veda di beri kepada Nabi .....................???? |
hjrayle posted on 28-8-2014 07:57 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kamu belum jawab lagi soalan saya.
mcm mana saya nak percaya dengan kitab kamu.
Siapa nama Nabi ...
Itu bukannya Kitab aku. Aku tidak menulis Bhavagad Gita dan aku tidak suruh kamu menpercayai aku.
Persoalan di sini adalah - Adakah kamu menpercayai Tuhan? Kalau jawapan kamu adalah Yeah, maka Bhavagad Gita adalah SATU2NYA Kitab Tuhan di dunia ini. Kamu pergi baca dan BUAT KEPUTUSAN KAMU SENDIRI TANPA SEBARANG PENJELASAN DARI AKU.
hjrayle posted on 28-8-2014 08:01 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Nabi yang di beri kitab kepada umat manusia
1. Zabur di beri kepada Nabi Daud
2. Taurat di beri k ...
Itu hanya BUKTI bahawa setiap kitab yg kamu sebut itu datangnya dari MANUSIA ITU SENDIRI.
Siapa Daud, Musa, Isa dan Muhammad KALAU BUKANNYA MANUSIA BIASA?
tak payah panjang lebar kau menolak akan kebenaran.
Jawapan saya pendek sahaja '
Allah berfirman:
Dan kalau kamu ada menaruh syak tentang apa yang Kami turunkan (Al-Quran) kepada hamba kami (Muhammad), maka cubalah buat dan datangkanlah satu surah yang sebanding dengan Al-Quran itu, dan panggilah orang-orang yang kamu percaya boleh menolong kamu selain dari Allah, jika betul kamu orang-orang yang benar.........oleh hyjayle..................![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Typical no substance answer from a muslim which knows nothing but their putrid and blasphemous quran.
mashimaru83 posted on 27-8-2014 09:32 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Actually Al-Quran doesn't say that. I believe the verse that you were referring to was 5:51. The c ...
I fully doubth that quran is not from god...each time i watch the reciting quran during the puasa month...I read the translation...what i see full of hatred and vengance....
do not make friend with jews or christians.
burn in hell...
and few other verses...
when i watched those verses...my six sense says this not work of Creator rather written by human hands... so, i will switch off that kind programe which not good for our brain...
u have to be honest to yourself and u should ask...if such book is divine or othewise...
looking at muslims at this present moment ...consider like vengeful souls who wanted to kill kill kill all those none muslims and wanted to make the world in force as islamic state....how does this vengeful feelings and thinking come? surly it comes from the source of quran....and don't says islam is peace and bla bla bla....it just to cover up....
when u are have such vengeful souls...it how a cunning spirit will goes to human mind and souls to killed and destroyed...even in surface it look beauty and nice ...
Last edited by Truth.8 on 28-8-2014 09:28 AM
Sephiroth posted on 28-8-2014 08:09 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Itu bukannya Kitab aku. Aku tidak menulis Bhavagad Gita dan aku tidak suruh kamu menpercayai aku.
Masih belum ada jawapan dari kamu
Siapa Nabi yang di turunkan kita Veda/Gita ??
Truth.8 posted on 28-8-2014 09:26 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I fully doubth that quran is not from god...each time i watch the reciting quran during the puasa ... Truth.8:
I fully doubth that quran is not from god...each time i watch the reciting quran during the puasa month...I read the translation...what i see full of hatred and vengance.... Again, that is just your opinion. On technical perspective, one have to address the evidence accordingly in order to determine the truth. You were using your sixth sense (which we don't know what that is) to determine that Al-Quran is not the word of God. But, when it comes to the Bible, you seem to ignore the fact that the Bible has errors (you don't even need to use extra sense to see this error).
Anything that has error, cannot be the word of God, and unfortunately, Bible falls into this category.
looking at muslims at this present moment ...consider like vengeful souls who wanted to kill kill kill all those none muslims and wanted to make the world in force as islamic state....how does this vengeful feelings and thinking come? surly it comes from the source of quran....and don't says islam is peace and bla bla bla....it just to cover up....
when u are have such vengeful souls...it how a cunning spirit will goes to human mind and souls to killed and destroyed...even in surface it look beauty and nice ... By pointing out the action of a small group of people, you are judging Islam. I consider that to be unreasonable. The source of Islamic teachings are in Al-Quran. Again, you should be addressing Al-Quran instead of using the action of a small group of people to judge what Islam is all about. I can also pick crimes among the Christians but that would bring us to nowhere... There are bad Muslims and bad Christians, so by using your reasoning both Islam and Christians are not the way of God? In this case you will only be defeating your ownself.
Truth.8 posted on 28-8-2014 09:26 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
I fully doubth that quran is not from god...each time i watch the reciting quran during the puasa ... I fully doubth that quran is not from god
Kamu ni cakap bahasa apa? Kamu faham ke apa yang kamu tulis? ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
mashimaru83 posted on 28-8-2014 02:20 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Again, that is just your opinion. On technical perspective, one have to address the evidence accor ...
but during puasa month, while watching the quran reciting why is full of cursed ..meaning it cursed the infidel , jews and christians?? if such verses are injected to a mind of child ....this child will grow up as hatred towards infidel , jews and christians....meaning, it kind of brain wash ...so, did not most suicide bomber , killing the unbelievers are the taught in the quran in begining to brain wash the muslims mind??
u tell me, what kind of book is this? is it comes from divine???
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