ipes2 posted on 26-9-2014 09:45 AM
biasanya acute gout jadi kat first toe tu..org panggil podagra;
lama lama urate kristals ni akan ...
doc dah buat ibu jari kaki saya teketaq ketaq baca nie... waaarrghhh.. memang sah dari bawah perlahan naik ke atas.. timakasih atas info..
Dewa19XKangen posted on 26-9-2014 09:57 AM
doc dah buat ibu jari kaki saya teketaq ketaq baca nie... waaarrghhh.. memang sah dari bawah perla ...
alah sian; ambik ubat tuh; mkn allopurinol tuh; elakkan makanan yg boleh cause gout.
if dpt acute gout, amik ibuprofen or diclofenac acid.. these are antiinflammmatory medications |
Nak tnye kalo badan selalu rasa panas waktu tengahari 12-6ptg, n kulit selalu kering adekah sebab badan x ckup air atau ade masalah thyroid? Lg 1, kalau lelaki, tiba2 bahagian breast dia bengkak i mean mcam membesar tp bila pegang tak sakit ade la dalam 2 tahun, ad kene mngena ngn thyroid ke? Sebab mcam penah tbaca yg ni salah satu ade masalah thyroid. |
Apa tanda- tanda utama penyakit ni? |
Orix posted on 28-9-2014 03:06 AM
Nak tnye kalo badan selalu rasa panas waktu tengahari 12-6ptg, n kulit selalu kering adekah sebab ba ...
masa 12-6 di mesia mmg panas tapi susah utk tau tu sebab hyperthyroidism ke tak.
if mlm mlm masa org lain sejuk, u still rasa panas, out of proportion, then that is hyperthyroidism.
dry skin is very non-specific.
yes, breast development in males ,ie gynaecomastia memang ada kene mengena dgn hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism yg ada association dgn gynaecomastia ni adalah Grave's Disease.
mind you gynaecomastia ada byk causes.
melinda_kerr posted on 28-9-2014 03:10 AM
Apa tanda- tanda utama penyakit ni?
penyakit Thyroid yg mana satu?
hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidsim, goitre (beguk iaitu bengkak thyroid), thyroid inflammation atau thyroid cancer?
atau Melinda nak tau symptomatology secara general je? |
ipes2 posted on 28-9-2014 03:15 AM
masa 12-6 di mesia mmg panas tapi susah utk tau tu sebab hyperthyroidism ke tak.
if mlm mlm masa ...
Really? Erkk. But tak rasa gyno coz pernah gugel n katanya kalau press akan ada rasa macam gumpulan tisu area nipple n aerola. Tp bila sy press nothing, cuma pelik nak kata lemak tp im skinny. But bula nipple always tersembul kinda irritating physically la coz nak pakai t shirt pn sometimes kene pkai yg besar sikit n loose. Pernah gugel jugak ad yg kata ni sebab puberty or estrogen lebih/testosterone kurg. Cmne nak tahu kita ada masalah thyroid ke tak? I mean thru blood test ke atau MRI? How much it cost?
sorry I gi mkn goring pisang segera tadi.
as I said before, gynaecomastia ni byk causes nyer.
as I said before also, grave's disease can cause gynaecomastia.
byk lagi causes lain; physiological, obesity, state of high oestrogen, state of hormonal imbalance, state of low testosterone, medications..
as someone yg keje dalam endocrine, kitorang selalu jumpa patients yg ada masalah ni. |
Orix posted on 28-9-2014 03:43 AM
Really? Erkk. But tak rasa gyno coz pernah gugel n katanya kalau press akan ada rasa macam gumpula ...
oh sorry i forgot to answer yer question above.
we dont check TFT just because someone has gynaecomastia.
byk symptoms lain yg cause us to check TFT, eg heat intolerance, cold in tolerance, weight loss etc etc.
tiap kali clinic meklambak thyroid problem.
gynaecomastia is less common; i would really see an endocrine doctor if i were you.
get your sex hormones, pituitary profiles etc checked out: testosterone, oestrogen, prolactin, fsh, lh etc checked. |
ipes2 posted on 28-9-2014 05:21 AM
oh sorry i forgot to answer yer question above.
we dont check TFT just because someone has gynaec ...
berapa eh kos kalau check semua hormon n consult dgan endocrinologist? planning nak g consult tp takut tak mampu plak cas nye nnt. |
agak mahal jugak I rasa.. ni sepatutnya buat kat spital biasa je; kat mesia sure ade endocrinologists kat spital kerajaan pon.
takyah gi jumpa private endocrinologist la.
I order these tests in every clinic.
suruh your GP refer u to one of the big hospitals yg ada endocrine dept.
let me know of any problems.. esp regarding gp referral tu |
came across this topic and i teringat satu patient di HTF kangar masa my husband was warded sbb tonsillectomy...
masa hb i warded ada satu remaja age 19yrs old baru admitted (cause of disease i dengar dari hb Cancer Thyroid) .. so kesian sangat tengok sebab his left neck was swollen (mcm beguk) and left eye timbul keluar dan buta sebab pressure dari bengkak di leher...
and i was wondering since doc cakap tadi thyroid ni pantang soya.. dan budak ni 4 bulan ni minum soya je tak minum benda lain sbb dah tak boleh makan minum dan badan dah tinggal tulang.... adakah pengambilan soya untuk menampung keperluan tubuh ini sekaligus menyebabkan sakit budak ni bertambah teruk.. dalam masa 4 bulan semenjak di diagnose cancer tiroid ni the swollen had become bigger and bigger...
fyi - dia tak buat kimo... walaupun setelah di suggest.. sbb dia tak da IC... lagi kesian sangat2... klau nak buat kimo kena 12k... redd plak yang pening fikir pasal budak ni...........
p/s : so sorry kalau ada soalan mcm tak brapa bijak... |
redd_07 posted on 2-10-2014 10:33 AM
came across this topic and i teringat satu patient di HTF kangar masa my husband was warded sbb tons ...
sorry lambat balas CARI takleh dibukak disini for 48 hrs..
cancer kat thyroid byk sgt jenis Nye..tetapi, biasanye, cancer (ie malignant tumors), tak sempat besar mana pon sebab cancer akan bunuh pesakit dia cepat je. Berbeza dgn benign tumors; benign tumors, apa jenis pon, boleh membesar mmg gegila nyer tapi tak fatal.
if budak tu ada thyroid cancer (if young, maybe Papillary etc)
tapi if ada eyes yg like you said, than it sound more like Graves disease, a state of hyperthyroidism.
It will be most unlucky that a chap this young has both a thyroid cancer as well as Graves disease, eventho this is not unusual.
Redd, I did write something about goitrogens and goiter kat atas ie earlier in this thread. If that doesn't help, let me know please, I do not mind sharing information. |
ipes2 posted on 4-10-2014 03:25 PM
sorry lambat balas CARI takleh dibukak disini for 48 hrs..
cancer kat thyroid byk sgt jenis Nye.. ...
wow... thanks doc fir sharing.. will try to read and understand it.. |
redd_07 posted on 5-10-2014 10:04 AM
wow... thanks doc fir sharing.. will try to read and understand it..
senang je nak paham. if ada prob ask again |
ipes2 posted on 28-9-2014 05:12 AM
sorry I gi mkn goring pisang segera tadi.
as I said before, gynaecomastia ni byk causes nyer.
as I ...
best x makan goreng pisang kat sana?
Dark_Vampire posted on 6-10-2014 12:54 PM
best x makan goreng pisang kat sana?
sedap gak..buat sendiri boleh.. byk sgt kedai runcit Asia dan halal kat sini.
kedai runcit melayu pon ada.
i makan goring pisang frozen..best la woi, tak perlu panaskan api, letak minyak, bancuh pisang dalam tepung etc.
we all nyer fresh dr ladang hi3
Dark_Vampire posted on 7-10-2014 08:51 AM
we all nyer fresh dr ladang hi3
ye ke; sebenarnya tak elok sgt goreng pisang ni..sebab minyak yg diguna tu memang masuk dalam tepung dan penuh dgn cholesterol hu hu... tapi saya akui memang sedap esp with tea or coffee |
ipes2 posted on 8-10-2014 03:26 PM
ye ke; sebenarnya tak elok sgt goreng pisang ni..sebab minyak yg diguna tu memang masuk dalam tepu ...
salam..tq bukak topik ni..dok google punca rambut gugur membawa sy ke thread ni...tq again..
rambut sy gugur since sy opret retroveted uterus tahun 2012 dulu..macam2 dah buat,segala syampu tonik treatment semua dah buat tapi rambut yg gugur memang menakutkan..sy fikir sebab perubahan hormon (dalam fertility treatment,on norculot and clomid), tapi baca pasal tyroid ni katenye salah satu sympton ialah rambut gugur,tapi sy takde pulak rasa sejuk or panas ke apa...tapi kan,kalo isi minyak kat petrol pump,bau minyak tu buat tekak sy mcm pedih..bau je tau,,,ada kemungkinan tyroid ke? and,apa 1st step untuk kita cek kita ni ada tyroid ke tak?kalo pegi spital,jumpa doctor yg mana?sorry soalan 'bijak'...tq in advance for ur answer and kindness..may allah bless u for ur effort,,tq.
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