Edited by Wakefield at 4-2-2016 01:27 AM
ai pinjam images below sbg ganti explanation ai. ai bukan org fitness but ai tahu psl hiit ni pun from reading. Most of these bodyweight workout ni ai familiar sbb pernah buat ms ai join Original Bootcampt PJ.
What is HIIT?
more detail info boleh baca di :
After burn effect:
When you do it right, HIIT is scientifically proven to boost your fat-burning hormones and enable your body to burn more calories and fat at 10% – 25% harder for up to 48 hours AFTER the workout!
D science behind HIIT:
Cth HIIT workout using masa:
Cth HIIT x guna masa (repetition) (ai guna yg ni)
Cth other exercises (eg: jogging) yg boleh incorporate HIIT
org yg sswai buat HIIT - org busy, xda masa, xda equipment, mls exercise lama2 tp nk result cpt. smgu 2-3x. bg hari utk badan rest, utk bina muscle and muscle recovery. workout as hard as humanly possible. contoh workout ada banyak, bleh google.
p/s: sorry off topic. ai x sure smaada dlm pm boleh ke x ltk images bnyk2 cmni. and kalu ai salah info n explanation or mcm tbagi ajaran sesat ke, let me know k. mintak maaf awal2.