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Author: sheila


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Post time 16-4-2008 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Black-Eyed-Peah at 16-4-2008 03:01 PM
Dah! Baru amik tadi.. hik hik.
Barang sampai jek depan pintu, iol terus ngapp gituuhh...


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Post time 16-4-2008 04:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Black-Eyed-Peah at 16-4-2008 03:11 PM
Tadi my PA yang sambut despatch tu.. bila dia pass barang kat I, dia kata "Laa susah2 akak order, apasal akak tak tanya saya jek'. Baru ler I tau rupanya housemate dia pun ahli DCL.. Tapi tatau l ...

xkisah ler...nur pun baru telan 2 biji gak utk hari ni...

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Post time 16-4-2008 04:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #380 kak_khem's post aku leh tahan (walhal xberasa nk yak2 pun smlm)...dari pangkor sampai ke, elok jerk sampai KL...yak2 terus...

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Post time 16-4-2008 04:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #383 nur_khai's post

  tahan nasib tak terkincit...gamaknyer kalau yg ada unsur2 julap tu dah kincit dah ko

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Post time 16-4-2008 05:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #384 kak_khem's post

sah2 aku suh berenti setiap R & R..(ko bygkan masuk highway dr bidor ke KL..brp R & R ...& jamban)...

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Post time 17-4-2008 04:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #377 Black-Eyed-Peah's post

wahhh... phewittt! mesti makin cun nanti...

dulu kite amik inte cleanse 2 biji sebelum tido utk 5 hari je..
telan inte-cleanse dgn minum setengah botol oxi-pi..

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Post time 17-4-2008 05:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #386 singamerah's post xhabis jerk sekotak ic tu...   ko kongsi ngan sapa..husben ker

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Post time 17-4-2008 05:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #387 nur_khai's post

uikss.. hasben takde lagi.. coming soon..

lagi separuh simpan...
bile2 makan mlm terlebih (seafood ke.. buffet ke..),
telan sebiji/2 biji inte-cleanse sebelum tido..
besok pagi.. buang abissss... clear...

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Post time 17-4-2008 06:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #388 singamerah's post

boleh laakkk gitu..reserved2 ler erkk...den lak mmg standby 1 papan dlm handbag...lepas makan lajaak..terus telan 2 biji..

esok pagi..ngam2 sampai opiss...zasssssssssssssssssssssssssssss jumper Mr. Toi...senang bangat

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Post time 17-4-2008 06:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #389 nur_khai's post

uishh.. kak nur ni mesti body maintain je kan...
lemak2 tak berani nak tempek kat badan...

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Post time 17-4-2008 06:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #390 singamerah's post

oohhh...nonono...lemak2 baru xada ler kan...lemak2 lama tu yg perlu di banteras....

heheheh...lemak2 lama sudah lembik2...dh kurg ketepuan dah..hahahah

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Post time 17-4-2008 06:43 PM | Show all posts
kak nur.. saya dah ambil nuage nie ><1 bulan..
nak tanya lah kenapa sometimes saya feel very itchy..
boleh b'tahu tak sebab musabab terjadinya begitu..

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Post time 18-4-2008 12:33 AM | Show all posts

Reply #392 faqifi's post

healing crisis ler tu....

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Post time 18-4-2008 11:42 AM | Show all posts

Balas #393 nur_khai\ catat

healing crisis?  walaupun dah ambil inte-cleanse..

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Post time 18-4-2008 11:54 AM | Show all posts

Reply #394 faqifi's post

ye la tu...inte cleanse tu dia membuang toksin dan mengurangkan healing crisis...

mende ni jadi tetap jadi cuma dia berkurangan

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Post time 18-4-2008 11:10 PM | Show all posts
Saya cam nak belikan mak n adik saya la.. cuma diorang ni alergik kat seafood..
leh ke diorang ni amik nuage ni?  sebab nuage ni kan ada sumber2 marine..


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Post time 19-4-2008 01:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #396 cloudy_83's post

nuage ni berasaskan marine rumpai2/tumbuhan laut bukan dari haiwan laut so takde masalah pd yg ada alergik seafood ni...

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Post time 19-4-2008 09:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #396 cloudy_83's post

insya allah..xada masalah...even saya yg ada masalah resdung, bila consume nuage...nggak ada pula gatal2 idung..gatal2 mata..telinga...mmg, boleh amik

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Post time 21-4-2008 04:48 PM | Show all posts
kalo gitu xde masalah la ek untuk adik n mak tu..

cloudy baru amik 4 ari ni, setakat ni x nampak perubahan lg..
memang masa memula amik pun kena 1 peket setiap pagi ke?
sebab ada produk kolagen lain cloudy tgk leh amik 2 peket sekali..
ish.. x sabar la nak tengok perubahan tu..

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Post time 21-4-2008 05:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #399 cloudy_83's post

masih awal lagi tu

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