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Author: tumpanglalu74

[MERGED]Forum Majlis Peguam 'Memeluk Islam: Update-Kecoh: Salah K'jaan-Dr M

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:38 PM | Show all posts
Sampai masa Peguam Islam terajui Majlis Peguam
Dilulus terbit pada Saturday, August 09 @ 18:30:26 MYT oleh SongkokPutih

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" KUALA LUMPUR: Anggota Parlimen Kulim Bandar Baharu, Zulkifli Nordin hari ini mencadangkan peguam beragama Islam menerajui Majlis Peguam, susulan beberapa isu kontroversi dicetuskan majlis itu khasnya melibatkan kesucian agama Islam.

Zulkifli berkata, sudah sampai masanya peguam yang beragama Islam mengambilalih teraju kepimpinan Majlis Peguam, bagi mengelakkan lebih banyak berlaku isu yang boleh menimbulkan kemarahan orang Islam.

"Saya mewakili Persatuan Peguam Islam memberi amaran supaya tidak mencabar umat Islam kerana kesabaran mereka ada hadnya," katanya.

Zulkifli yang juga ahli exco Persatuan Peguam Islam berkata demikian selepas menyertai perhimpunan membantah penganjuran forum awam 'memeluk Islam' anjuran majlis tersebut di sini hari ini.

Tindakan Majlis Peguam yang berdegil untuk meneruskan forum berkenaan telah membangkitkan kemarahan umat Islam khususnya di ibu negara.

Forum awam tersebut akhirnya dihentikan ekoran bantahan umat Islam yang berhimpun di luar bangunan ibu pejabat majlis tersebut hari ini. (Forum peluk Islam dihentikan)

Seramai 500 orang berkumpul di depan bangunan Majlis Peguam sejak awal pagi, sambil melaungkan "Hancur Bar Council", "Hidup Islam" dan "Batalkan Forum".

Mengulas penganjuran forum itu, Zulkifli berkata Majlis Peguam menganjurkan forum tersebut kerana hendak membuat provokasi terhadap orang Islam.

"Semasa saya berunding dengan presiden dan timbalan presiden Majlis Peguam, saya katakan kepada mereka bahawa forum ini tidak wajar diadakan.

"Saya katakan forum ini menguji kesabaran orang Islam," katanya yang gembira kerana umat Islam bersatu menyatakan suara mempertahankan hak mereka.

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:39 PM | Show all posts
apa maksud forum tu dibuat secara tertutup ke atau terbuka? bukan ke forum tu dibuat dalam premis persendirian dengan kehadiran yang terhad?

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by adi_iskandar at 9-8-2008 07:38 PM
malaun2 yg datang membantah tu tau ke bar council tu apa dia?

bar  yg jual arak tu

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Tazmania_Lover at 9-8-2008 08:21 PM
takde otak la Bar council ni!!

PEGUAM NEGARA tak buat apa2 ke?? dia takde kuasa ke???

ooo kuasa dia buat kerja fitnah DSAI je.. tu lagi pentingf

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:40 PM | Show all posts
Pak Lah: Teruskan IFC
Dilulus terbit pada Saturday, August 09 @ 18:27:58 MYT oleh SongkokPutih

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Isu IFC dan murtad yang sebelum ini sudah agak reda menjadi panas semula berikutan gesaan Pak lah agar dialog antara agama seperti IFC diteruskan. Sebelum ini, berikutan ketegangan antara agama, Pak lah telah membuat kenyataan media bahawa cadangan penubuhan Interfaith Council  (IFC) iaitu sebuah badan antara agama yang akan mengambilalih sebahagian besar kuasa Mahkamah Syariah termasuk berhubung isu murtad perlu ditangguh.

BERNAMA melaporkan bahawa Pak Lah membuat kenyataan baru yang menggesa dialog interfaith yang sebelum ini ditunda perlu diteruskan.

Berikut ialah potongan artikel tersebut:

Abdullah calls for more interfaith dialogues 〣ernama (Used by permission) KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 7 (Bernama) -- The government will not ignore issues faced by non-Muslims in the country, especially problems pertaining to religion and faith, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi guaranteed.  

He said the government was concerned with issues raised by non-Muslims, through organisations like the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST), and promised that these problems would be attended by the relevant authorities.

He said this in reply to issues raised by MCCBCHST president Datuk A. Vaithilingam at the Council's silver jubilee dinner, attended by Abdullah here Wednesday night. "We are concerned about the issues raised by the Council. We do not impose constraints on people of different faiths discussing these issues although they are sensitive in nature.

Only through discussions can we understand and try solve the issues," the Prime Minister said. He said although the nation was made up of various races and religion, all Malaysians were friends who were sincere towards each other with a common objective which was to make the country a more peaceful place without fearing that they will lose their right to practice their respective religions.

Abdullah also commended Malaysians for being able to "sit down and discuss" various issues, especially on religion, without having the fear of repercussions from any other party. "We are a nation of many faiths. This is what Malaysia is and will always be. We have to a certain extent reached a high degree of tolerance. If not for this tolerance we would have disintegrated as a nation a very long time ago.

The last 50 years is not 50 years of failure but 50 years of success," he added. He also said Malaysia's success in maintaining social harmony is "a commendable and remarkable achievement" which was the envy of many other nations that claimed to be multiracial. "Ours is a good mix, no one race can oppress another race and no one race can form the government and govern this country...this is my belief. It is the friendship and cooperation among the races, which profess various religions, that has brought us this far and we cannot and should not discard this proven and tested formula," he said.

Abdullah said the nation was governed by the objective that all races must remain united and have equal access to justice even when the matter concerns religion. "When I became the Prime Minister, I wanted to hear the truth. There is no use of praising me if you do not tell me the truth. Only after the truth is known can a problem be solved. So the truth, however painful must be told. And in overcoming problems, justice is important.

People have placed their trust in me and I must fulfill their expectations," he added. On issues raised by the MCCBCHST, he said they were being addressed but "when we deal with these issues, it must be understood properly by members of their own faith." He said while the government had promised to look at religious issues it was not intended to please of pacify a certain segment of the society, which had brought-up the issues in the first place.

However, the Prime Minister said that to solve these issues, all segments of the Malaysian society must sit together and find ways to overcome the problems which had cropped-up. Earlier Vaithilingam in his speech said the Council was concerned about several issues especially the fair treatment of the police force in handling religious issues and the judiciary in tackling religious cases.

He also raised the fact that religious classes were not taught at schools, although Muslims had separate religious classes during school hours, the lack of funds to construct non-Muslim places of worship, and the difficulty in bringing priests and musicians based overseas into the country for a long period. "We want the government to take urgent action to solve these problems. This if left unresolved could have a bearing on the nation.

All Malaysians must feel that they have a right to justice and non-Muslims should not be subjected to Islamic laws. "Ultimately it boils down to respect. We feel that there is a plenty of space for all Malaysians to practice their respective religions. We remain committed to the government and have faith in the Prime Minister to solve these issues," he added.            "

Sebelum ini, Pak lah pernah membuat kenyataan bahawa secara peribadi, beliau berpendapat bahawa orang Islam patut diberi kebebasan  untuk menukar agama kerana tidak ada paksaan dalam beragama. Kenyataan ini dilaporkan oleh akhbar-akhbar luar negara secara meluas ketika itu.

Umum mengetahui bahawa anak-anak Pak Lah dan Mahathir merupakan antara ketua-ketua Sister-In-Islam iaitu sebuah organisasi yang menyokong kuat hak untuk murtad atas dasar kebebasan agama.

Kenyataan Pak Lah ini bercanggah 100% dengan kenyataan Syed Hamid Albar bahawa dialog seperti IFC ini membawa kepada sentimen permusuhan antara agama.

Gesaan Vaithilingan supaya subjek mata pelajaran Kristian, Buddha dan agama-agama lain diajar di sekolah dipercayai akan mendapat tentangan kuat ibu bapa yang beragama Islam tidak kira PAS atau UMNO. Justeru, jaminan Pak Lah untuk mempertimbangkan permintaan-permintaan ini menghampakan sebahagian umat Islam."

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:42 PM | Show all posts
Tahniah Zulkifli Nordin yg mewakili PKR...

kalau dia takde.. dan hanya ada Salahudin Ayub (PAS).. maka UMNO akan memainkan isu
" DSAI /PKR anti Islam".. dan boleh la dibuat modal kempen Permatang Pauh

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by peYno at 9-8-2008 08:36 PM
tadi kat tv peyno nampak satu banner
Jgn cabar ketuanan melayu"

sapa la yg bodoh dah hina tu.. masa cam ni pon UMNO nak selit dan amik kesempatan..

dlm masa yg sama Zahid hamidi buat perju ...

nak buat mcmna.....dah kena tifu 50 tahun.......

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:42 PM | Show all posts
antara masalah agama yg timbul

harta pusaka

agama anak2

saper tahu apa lagi yg diaorg nak bincangkan tu?

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:42 PM | Show all posts
tapi yang btol nye forum ni MMG xpatut diadakan...macam sgaja nak carik pasal jer sbb anwar bgi india nek r ni....pijak pale plak india skang ni...:@ :@

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by peYno at 9-8-2008 08:36 PM
tadi kat tv peyno nampak satu banner
Jgn cabar ketuanan melayu"

sapa la yg bodoh dah hina tu.. masa cam ni pon UMNO nak selit dan amik kesempatan..

dlm masa yg sama Zahid hamidi buat perjumpaan dgn mualaf2 PERKIM..dan mereka turut membantah forum ni

so Mualaf2 ni tak leh join la.. sebab ni pasal ketuanan melayu???

ni la bodohnya melayu kalau dia ingat masuk ISLAM tu maknany MASUK MELAYU

bukan setakat tu saja PeyNo, terdengar gak ada yg sebut pasai Melayu dlm demo tu

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zamzam at 9-8-2008 08:39 PM

bar  yg jual arak tu

chocolate bar

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kietaro_sasaki at 9-8-2008 08:42 PM
tapi yang btol nye forum ni MMG xpatut diadakan...macam sgaja nak carik pasal jer sbb anwar bgi india nek r ni....pijak pale plak india skang ni...:@ :@

ha kan aku dah kata... depa nak guna modal hentam DSAI

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DTECCONAN at 9-8-2008 08:43 PM

bukan setakat tu saja PeyNo, terdengar gak ada yg sebut pasai Melayu dlm demo tu

punyala kolot melayu tu.. dia ingat islam tu melayu punya aje... kesian rakan2 mualaf bukan melayu dari PERKIM yg turut membantah forum tu

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by peYno at 9-8-2008 08:42 PM
Tahniah Zulkifli Nordin yg mewakili PKR...

kalau dia takde.. dan hanya ada Salahudin Ayub (PAS).. maka UMNO akan memainkan isu
" DSAI /PKR anti Islam".. dan boleh la dibuat modal kempen Perma ...

haha, mana pegi Pemuda UMNO?

sibuk ngan pilihanraya kecil

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:47 PM | Show all posts
Kalau forum tertutup kamu setujukan

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Muntz at 9-8-2008 01:29 PM
Bersifat eksklusif, inklusif atau pluralis terhadap agama tu tak apa. Takder org nak larang kita interpret agama kita macam mana. Tapi kita hendaklah menjaga juga kebajikan orang2 lain terhadap agama mereka. Kalau kita fikir kita eksklusif, mereka juga ada yg berfikiran eksklusif, lebih2 lagi org Kristian. Sbb tu jgn kita dok pikir diri kita sendiri jer. Bayangkan kalau kita hidup di Filipina, pastu kerajaan langsung taknak jaga kebajikan kita, biarkan kita collect duit sendiri buat surau, itupun kalau ada duit, kena sekat2.. tak dibagi tanah bagai... nak buat translation Quran pun takleh buat bahasa tertentu... tentulah kita pissed off jugak kan?

Stop being selfish. Kalau Rasulullah dulu nak selfish dan tak menjaga kebajikan org bukan Islam, dah lama dah org Yahudi dan Kristian berperang dgn baginda dulu.

wow wee sounds so much like...Malaysi....................opps.....


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Post time 9-8-2008 08:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #377 peYno's post

dlm masa yg sama Zahid hamidi buat perjumpaan dgn mualaf2 PERKIM..dan mereka turut membantah forum ni

so Mualaf2 ni tak leh join la.. sebab ni pasal ketuanan melayu???

ni la bodohnya melayu kalau dia ingat masuk ISLAM tu maknany MASUK MELAYU

eh bukan selama ini masuk islam ertinya masuk melayu ker????? redzuan tee tu masuk melayu kan? sama gak dgn khairul azrai bola kedah tu kan masuk melayu ??

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #395 zenslack's post

DSAI setuju, Nik Aziz setuju , Zahid Hamidi pon setuju..
malah Nik Aziz kata kalau debat mana lebih baik..antara Islam dan agama2 lain pon dia setuju

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #396 terrence's post

hahaha, teringat Kelantan
nak bina surau memang kita collect sendiri pon

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Post time 9-8-2008 08:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kietaro_sasaki at 9-8-2008 08:42 PM
tapi yang btol nye forum ni MMG xpatut diadakan...macam sgaja nak carik pasal jer sbb anwar bgi india nek r ni....pijak pale plak india skang ni...:@ :@

tu dia balaci UMNO...sebab ini pasal Majlis peguam.. PEGUAM NEGARA ko tak salahkan ke?? kenapa DSAI?

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