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Author: yellow belmont

:: - 2003: KOREAN DRAMA @ NTV7 - ::

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2003 11:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by melatyn at 2003-5-27 10:53 AM:
ada sesape tahu tak camner ending citer ad madness??? kalau sesape tahu leh citer tak??? jiang min bercinta ngan sape akhirnya..saya suka dia ngan Ru Ru..

the truth is I don't know...tapi since khabarnya Ru Ru takkan kembali..aku rasa Jiang Min akan kekal ngan Cheng Xuen...tapi apa2 pun boleh jadi...

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2003 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cutecrispy at 2003-5-27 11:23 AM:
yellow belmont...
yup!..u r right...ketiadaan Ah Dong lebih terasa coz he's like a brother to all of them...miss him..

lagi 1..ketiadaan Ah Dong lebih terasa sbb dah tahu yg dia takkan kembali plus ader scene pemergian + pengorbanan + lagu Goodbye...sementara masa Ru Ru menghilangkan diri...ingatkan dia akan balik lagi..

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Post time 27-5-2003 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Ah Dong dah tak dek.... uhu..uhu.... crite nie dah tak best nak tonton lagik.... Ah Dong!!!!

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 27-5-2003 02:31 PM | Show all posts
Mintak tumpang dulu yek, Mr. yellow belmont...

Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-5-27 01:13 AM:
Healing hearts
what happened to Dr. Si's brain?
i just don't like the ending of this serial as far as dr.Si's and Fong 's re'ship is concerned.too open..but quite like the finishing touch  between flora& a'thony
how about helen and alan...apa dah jadi....
and juga special cameo dr. GHOST...
lagu ending tu you guys rase dr. Fong kah yg nyanyi?

Ending tergantung maa... ampeh tul. Ke ade 2nd series?! Cameo Dr Jeff tuh mmg best. Jadik angel-cum-cupid la plak. :bg: Tak puas ati sbb xtau ape jadik kat Dr Paul n Dr Si (what's wrong with her haa?!) (+) ape kesudahan my fave Dr Alan n Dr Helen. Cuma pakcik polis tu aje la happy ngan nurse tuh. Also, Anthony ngan Flora.

Back to Ad-Madness...

Btul... Siao Ke macam little sister dlm geng tu. Mempertahankan Da Chu, siap leh marah Yu Zhai the serious-guy lagi! Slalu Yu Zhai aje yg marah org. Hehe.

Ah Dong plak big brother. Tu yg lebih terasa kehilangan tu... lagipun dia kan the leader of the group. Hmm... perasan x Zheng Yu Cheng tu ade gaya cam Ah Dong? Pakai baju kotak

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 27-5-2003 02:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Eastern at 2003-5-27 02:26 PM:
Ah Dong dah tak dek.... uhu..uhu.... crite nie dah tak best nak tonton lagik.... Ah Dong!!!!

Lek, East. Bwk

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Post time 27-5-2003 07:22 PM | Show all posts

i am smiling....

salam and hai all

just enough to sum up all the things that happened today..eventhough i missed the first 30 mins of the serial...


i am SMILING...ya' know why..aaahh those guys with the suit....just the suit...
yu zhai with the suit..

gals pun not too bad tapi pelik jugak they all are wearing inner  turtle neck shirt inside.... selalunya those westerners suke pakai body suit i punya...welll ..but they all look so damn smart...shall i called yu zhai as utterly gorgeous now..hmmm.. lemme have a few minutes to think 'bout it.....taaaaa:
p/s mata i tak terbeliak naa..sbb nanti org ingat mata i terbeliak...

KATT dearie..yu -huuuuuu where are're not gonna go away aren't you...?/ please stay.....

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 27-5-2003 at 07:27 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2003 12:39 AM | Show all posts

sad but true..

Originally posted by Eastern at 2003-5-27 02:26 PM:
Ah Dong dah tak dek.... uhu..uhu.... crite nie dah tak best nak tonton lagik.... Ah Dong!!!!

semacam otak aku nak kata yg dia bersetuju ngan ko...but still...aku akan follow citer nie sampai habis..

p/s: tgh aku menaip kuar plak iklan Ad-Madness kat ntv7...tambah rindu nak tgk Ah Dong ngan Ru Ru lagi..T_T

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Post time 28-5-2003 03:06 AM | Show all posts
yellow belmont

lagi 1..ketiadaan Ah Dong lebih terasa sbb dah tahu yg dia takkan kembali plus ader scene pemergian + pengorbanan + lagu Goodbye...sementara masa Ru Ru menghilangkan diri...ingatkan dia akan balik lagi.

Memang scene Lee Dong leaving last week tu masih lagi terasa sebab dia kan one of the leads dari awal cerita ni. At least the way Lee Dong pergi ada juga explanation like the conversation dengan Cikgu Kim tu serta barang-barang yang ditinggalkan & the groups still mentioning him from time to time. Tapi dengan Ru Ru, it’s quite abrupt with no following news, like she was never there :cf:.

Harap-harap by the end of the series, they will tie up all the loose ends pasal Lee Dong & Ru Ru. Tak berapa seronok tengok cerita yang ending tergantung tanpa penjelasan ni.


Harap Ah Dong n Ru Ru leh muncul as cameos... sure hilang rindu

Yelah, maybe the other 3 members – Lee Dong, Ru Ru & Ai Ling will be back in the last episode as cameos, in some sort of a reunion or something :bg:.

Kita kan fans yg best, hebat n cool!

Sokong, sokong – excellent motto for this thread especially. Good thinking :2cool:!


gals pun not too bad tapi pelik jugak they all are wearing inner  turtle neck shirt inside.... selalunya those westerners suke pakai body suit i punya...welll ..but they all look so damn smart...shall i called yu zhai as utterly gorgeous now..hmmm.. lemme have a few minutes to think 'bout it.....taaaaa

KATT dearie..yu -huuuuuu where are're not gonna go away aren't you...?/ please stay.....

Tuesday’s episode agak kurang the fun scenes since the group bersedia buat practical di luar. Susah juga nak adapt to working environment for first-timers, kan. Anyway, Da Chu as usual memang kelakar by being himself. Sampaikan another student yang buat practical ter confused dengan his appearance. Siap dengan suit, specs & briefcase, orang tak sangka dia student juga.  And yes, the group memang nampak smart with their power suits.

I’m still here.....don’t worry. Insya Allah, I’ll be around as long as people interact with me ^_^. I’m not going anywhere, just yet. Still on long vacation :2cool:.


& Takki
juga......selamat melangkah ke U. life ~ the begining of a new chapter like Ad-Madness, Malaysian-style ^_^.

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Post time 28-5-2003 03:26 AM | Show all posts
hari ni punyer episod betul

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Post time 28-5-2003 09:32 AM | Show all posts

hi guys...

hi  EASTERN...

don't give up gal..just hang on ..sikit lagi laa and don't even think of going to any therapy nor forming a support group.. I know..been'll take some time to get on with it...(just like when David Duchovny left x-files...he's really good in playing Mulder character and yet still...he dares to think that  he could  make millions in movies/films..sometimes teruk jugak ...when an actor tried very hard to prevent stereotyping..) but then again they also cannot run away from the fact that they are a part of pop -culture..camne tue..

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 28-5-2003 at 09:36 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2003 09:51 AM | Show all posts


Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2003-5-27 02:31 PM:
Mintak tumpang dulu yek, Mr. yellow belmont...

tumpang..jgn tak tumpang..:2cool:
Kita kan fans yg best, hebat n cool! do u differ antara best?..hebat? & cool?..:re:
Harap Ah Dong n Ru Ru leh muncul as cameos... sure hilang rindu.
hope so..

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2003 10:04 AM | Show all posts


i am SMILING...ya' know why..aaahh those guys with the suit....just the suit...
yu zhai with the suit..

gals pun not too bad tapi pelik jugak they all are wearing inner  turtle neck shirt inside.... selalunya those westerners suke pakai body suit i punya...welll ..but they all look so damn smart...shall i called yu zhai as utterly gorgeous now..hmmm.. lemme have a few minutes to think 'bout it.....taaaaa:
p/s mata i tak terbeliak naa..sbb nanti org ingat mata i terbeliak...

macam makcik punya? :re:
yup..they all look so damn smart :eek:
yu zhai?..naah..Jiang Min lagi gorgeous..tapi kot Da Chu yg paling smart..

p/s: blh pecayer ker tak terbeliak? :re:

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Post time 28-5-2003 10:05 AM | Show all posts

my buddies

To KATT dearie..

yeah i sincerely hope so ...the fact that the writer should have the courtesy to sum up /tying all the losse ends..jangan jadi e-files sudah laa..they raised too many questions and finally dissapointing the x-philes (like me) with too little explanation given at season finale..!!!!!

To Takki...

hmmm ( blush ..blush)
it's all due to the TEAM WORK my dearie...everybody like you lots are the most important participant here..never thought that from a very humble , naive comments of cho deh les pas....we could go on this far..hmm...thank you lah...Blush blush

to CUTIE the crispy..( ingat  Pringles)
well the answer to all the questions are wind in the blowing not BLOwing in the wind ( double meaning is not intended here..Xcuse sesangat lingo

side story: ade kan lagu andrea from the CORRS .." we're so young'   and my love patzzi ..nothing to lose and breaking my heart from fave...

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 28-5-2003 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Gotta agree with mbhcsf. Diaorg nmpk smart la sesgt. Klakar giler time sorang girl tu ingat Da Chu is one of the staff! Keke. Sejak Yu Zhai dah loosen up skit nih, dia dah ber(+) kiut ler. Hmm... minat Yu Zhai plak lah. Keke. Aah, lagu The Corrs kuar. Best, best.

East, dah hilang membawa diri gak ke? Lek... Jgn camtu. Kita follow je cite nih. Mane la tau ade surprise ke hape ke... East masuk U 1 June yek? Ade masa lg nak tgk. (Btul la mbhcsf, sjk Mulder left "The X-Files" mmg saye x tgk dah. Rasa x best dia xde. Sbnr nye aside from tgk the paranormal cases, suke tgk Mulder n Scully gaduh

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 28-5-2003 11:21 AM | Show all posts
I'm still in a shock... :eek: Rasa cam x caya je. Got this info from another forum. katt tau kot psl cite ni? Lepas baca info ni terus tak terasa nak minat Kim Rae Won (KIM HYUN SUNG dlm My Love, Patzzi)... :re: This info is about him n Bae Doo Na aka our Ru Ru acting in an 18-n-above movie.

P/S: I didn't watch the vid. Tak sanggup... Isk. Argh! Tak caya nyer...

[ Last edited by Takki_Aniki on 28-5-2003 at 11:32 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2003 11:42 AM | Show all posts


Memang scene Lee Dong leaving last week tu masih lagi terasa sebab dia kan one of the leads dari awal cerita ni. At least the way Lee Dong pergi ada juga explanation like the conversation dengan Cikgu Kim tu serta barang-barang yang ditinggalkan & the groups still mentioning him from time to time. Tapi dengan Ru Ru, it’s quite abrupt with no following news, like she was never there

tu la pasal..."like she was never there"...huh :cf:
I’m still here.....don’t worry. Insya Allah, I’ll be around as long as people interact with me ^_^. I’m not going anywhere, just yet. Still on long vacation

glad to hear that..:2cool:

[ Last edited by yellow belmont on 28-5-2003 at 11:51 AM ]

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 28-5-2003 11:52 AM | Show all posts

Different kind of shock!

Okay, okay... sori la kot

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2003 12:04 PM | Show all posts

eh si GiLeR nie..

[quote]hari ni punyer episod betul

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2003 12:16 PM | Show all posts

Takki dearie..

yellow, camne nak differ? Well, terpulang la kot. Hehe. Tapi yg pasti, best + hebat + cool = gempak = kita sume. Hehe.

banyaknya mix :eek:
Xin Yu Zhai... nama betul dia JANG SUNG WON. "Apsal lak ngan dia ni?", korang tanya. Haa... he's JANG NA RA's brother! Hehe.

erkk :eek: ...adik beradik rupanya diorg nie...herm..dua-dua pun ada muka pelakon..
I'm still in a shock...  Rasa cam x caya je. Got this info from another forum. katt tau kot psl cite ni? Lepas baca info ni terus tak terasa nak minat Kim Rae Won (KIM HYUN SUNG dlm My Love, Patzzi)...  This info is about him n Bae Doo Na aka our Ru Ru acting in an 18-n-above movie.

movie yg macam mana tu?..[risau nak klik link tu]

[ Last edited by yellow belmont on 28-5-2003 at 12:32 PM ]

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Post time 28-5-2003 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Takki & yellow belmont & all

About Kim Rae Won & Bae Doo Na's film ~ PLUM BLOSSOM way back in 2000 tu.....well, I saw the trailer and I am shocked & speechless, totally . Thought that it was just like any other movie, silly me. It was a restricted-type of movie about teenagers & sex. Walaupun cuma filem, it DOES change my first impression of KRW & BDN.   Saya tak cerita pasal filem tu di forum ni sebab segan, really. Since Takki had mentioned it, personally it's better not knowing. Film industry in Korea is quite daring actually.

About Jang Sung Won tu, rasanya betul ke Yu Zhai tu adik Jang Na Ra?  Saya rasa mungkin the guy yang jadi Yu Cheng tu  yang nampak more like Jang Na Ra's brother. But again, I could be wrong. Tak ada pulak jumpa biodata JSW ni di mana-mana.

Long vacation.....yes, same concept like the drama :2cool:.

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