Reply 386# mijot
Tenkiu mijot...akak tak risau sgt sbb otai Dee ada so rileks sikit hehe...jgn mare Dee |
Reply 379# mijot
rasenyer penah tertengok kt web AA, sorg dibenarkan membawa 1 hand luggage dan tambahan hand bag or laptop bag..
tp yg stroller tu, special kes ker..? ye lah kot.. (tanye jwb sendiri...)
p/s klu silap, tlg betulkan ye.. |
Reply 391# azlianakasim
dulu AA tak tegas sgt...
bawa hand luggage kiri kanan lepas lagi...
sejak kebelakangan ni AA dah tegas...
tapi tegas diorg tu kekadang bertempat...
ada yg kata LCCT tak tegas sgt, KIA tegas dan sebagainya..
yup setiap pax hanya boleh bawa 1 hand luggage dan handbag or bagpack or laptop bag..
stroller rasanya kes berkecuali...
sbb benda khas bagi baby/budak2..
hand luggage ni adalah benda yg kita pegang.. |
Reply azlianakasim
dulu AA tak tegas sgt...
bawa hand luggage kiri kanan lepas lagi...
seja ...
mijot Post at 4-4-2011 23:29
mijot...nk tanya utk international flight ni.klu kita buat check-in dkt kiosk then kita cuma bawa hand luggage, boleh terus ke boarding hall kan?
hehehe.....bolehkan kita buat self check-in dkt kiosk tu? |
Reply 389# faan
amboi..siap babai dah..hehe..best nye...tahun depan baru nak plan gi HCM..selamat jalan korang |
website AA tu still xle login kat manage my booking...hampeh |
website AA tu still xle login kat manage my booking...hampeh
asamfy87 Post at 5-4-2011 09:44
malam tadi saya log in dn tengok list of booking boleh pulak.mmg dptlah masuk manage my booking tu tp saya tak buat apalah.
nk update pasport no malas nk buka laci. |
Reply 396# dee556
sy try pagi ni x bole lg..bole login main page..tp bile click manage my booking terus ade error [SSO] Sorry, an error has occurred. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact our call center and inform us of this problem. |
Reply dee556
sy try pagi ni x bole lg..bole login main page..tp bile click manage my booking ...
asamfy87 Post at 5-4-2011 11:35
memanjang tu je yg keluar.mijot pun bgtau dia nk update utk kawan dia tak boleh ni. |
Reply 393# dee556
boleh buat self check in kt kios...
check kt kios boleh 24jam ke 1jam sebelum terbang...
kalau international, kalau kena verify dulu kt document check counters then baru gerak boarding hall..
saya pun tak sure sgt...rasa sama cam domestik... |
buleh tak tnya psl goholiday AA dkt sini..
ada promo hotel true goholiday..saya tak fhm utk stmnt mcm ni "standard Twin- Room Only(big sales promo)...tak fhm utk Room Only..mksud nye apa ya..katalah kita nk msk air pns utk susu ank..heater x ada ke..
kot ada yg sudi membantu(sbb bkenan dgn Gaya center Hotel di KK..2mlm $80 je) |
An internal error has occurred. Please call for assistance.
menderr laarrrr...promo kan main tapi nak book,haremmmm :re: |
buleh tak tnya psl goholiday AA dkt sini..
ada promo hotel true goholiday..saya tak fhm utk stmnt m ...
azzu_me1 Post at 5/4/2011 12:15
room only tuh tak silap maksudnya tak termasuk breakfast kot...
eheh..samalar kita,tgh try nak book gaya centre hotel gak neh..saya plak confused nak booked 2 blk bila letak 2 adult kluar promo murah tuh kalau letak 4 adult takde plak |
buleh tak tnya psl goholiday AA dkt sini..
ada promo hotel true goholiday..saya tak fhm utk stmnt m ...
azzu_me1 Post at 5-4-2011 12:15
cik.......room only maksudnya TIDAK ADA BREAKFAST.
lain-lain kemudahan kat bilik ada, misalnya klu bilik tu mmg ada te/coffee making facilities....dia orang mmg biar situ je tak ada pulak dia nk alih coz of the terms tu. |
gud news for AA adict,
You've got it right! We've got 20% off for ALL SEATS ALL FLIGHTS! No matter where you go or where you fly from, you can get 20% off from 0000hours (GMT +8) tonight! All the more reason to zoom off to a AirAsia GP Destination!
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saya called premium line jumaat lepas mintak tukar time sampai sekarang tak buat..
saya isi feedback form AA ni dah 10 kali tp bila submit asik error.. live chat personnel lak senyap je bila tgh chat.. td siap left conference.. apsal AA customer service ni horror sgt???????? |
saya called premium line jumaat lepas mintak tukar time sampai sekarang tak buat..
s ...
axaman Post at 5-4-2011 17:25
napa pulak mcm tu ya?selalunya premium line bila kita call, dia orang buat immediately. |
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