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Author: Squall-Leonhart

Anime Pilihan Squall-Leonhart: Ah! Megami-sama

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Post time 15-6-2005 05:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aishiteru at 14-6-2005 11:40 AM:

cam kena firewall jer.. boleh jer ko direct download kat narutofan tapi kena jadi member dan bayar laa.. kalo ko sanggup laa dan aku rasa mmg worth it laa takder laa mahal mana.. tapi wait, aku t ...

ngok ngek sungguh la ko ni..
yo yo je bg maklumat tut tut tak sure lak...


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Post time 15-6-2005 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bb_nessa at 14-6-2005 09:05 AM:

pakai internet ofis ka?

a'ah..aku pakai ofis punya..:ah:

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Post time 15-6-2005 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rinoaheartilly at 15-6-2005 05:43 PM:

ngok ngek sungguh la ko ni..
yo yo je bg maklumat tut tut tak sure lak...

[img]ht ...

confirm laa takder AMG kat narutofan. sorry for that. *hazukashi*

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Post time 16-6-2005 01:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rinoaheartilly at 15-6-2005 05:44 PM:

a'ah..aku pakai ofis punya..:ah:

susah la kalo cam tu, port di belakang firewall memang susah lepas... sori la... kena direct download le jawabnya...

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Post time 16-6-2005 02:19 PM | Show all posts
nak direct download nih...susah skit nak cari....dapat jumpa ke??

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Post time 17-6-2005 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bb_nessa at 16-6-2005 01:07 PM:

susah la kalo cam tu, port di belakang firewall memang susah lepas... sori la... kena direct download le jawabnya...

kena direct download jgk le jawabnya.....

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 Author| Post time 18-6-2005 03:55 AM | Show all posts
Cuba try kat tapi rasanya kalau nak download kat situ kena register dan posting bebanyak kat forum situ baru bleh download laa...

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2005 06:41 PM | Show all posts
Sikit spoiler untuk episod 22...

Episod 22 nie sebenarnya dah mengundur balik ke belakang kalau ikut manga nyer... dier mengundur ke part saga Ultimate Destruction Program aka Terrible Master Urd... kalau ikut manga nyer, Urd kena gantung lesen dier sebagai dewi dan tak dibenarkan guna apa jer power, so dia kena belajar hidup betul2 macam manusia laa, termasuklak beli baju sendiri dan tukar baju sendiri. So, Urd kena laa pinjam motor Megumi. Tapi ntah camaner Urd terlupa pakai helmet, so dia kena hambat dgn pak polisi laa... dan bila polis bagitau kalau Urd tak berhenti nanti lesen dier kena gantung atau kena tarik, Urd jadik hangin dan terus melarikan diri dan terhumban kat tong sampah.

Kat tong sampah

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Post time 20-6-2005 11:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rinoaheartilly at 17-6-2005 10:35 AM:

kena direct download jgk le jawabnya.....

direct download laa bagus sket sbb laju dari bt

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Post time 21-6-2005 12:19 PM | Show all posts
betui tuh...mmg lagi laju dari bt

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Post time 21-6-2005 05:07 PM | Show all posts
@@ 22 @@ dah @@ kluar @@ pih @@ la @@ download @@

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Post time 22-6-2005 03:02 AM | Show all posts

Title: Ah! A Demon's Whisper is Within an Urn?

Well our mod Squall-Leonhart gave a little short review to what will happen in this episode. It's all about Urd. Having her goddess licence suspended on the later episode sure makes Urd losing her usual charm.

OK before I go further, I think this series is getting into a new phase. Perhaps more demons will appear which bring Keitaro and the goddess sisters unrestful moments.

We haven't seen Marller for a while. She is still pissed off over her failure efforts againts the goddess and searching for something more powerful to avenge the goddess. Finally she finds a legendary urn (debu mayat) inside a cave guarded by octopus-like demons.

Marller calls out for the Lord of Terror inside the urn to wake up. But the Lord of Terror needs time to do so, and there has to be so many unfortunate events among human being to wake the lord, and unfortunately enough, that will include Urd as well, because she is now so un-goddess (just like human).

To make things simpler, i just go very brief. Urd is so upset with her licence suspension that she does a big mistake by attacking a man. She regrets it but that calls out the Lord of Terror to make a deal with her. Urd is longing to have her power back and the Lord of Terror's offer might be too good for her to let go.  

Urd accepts it and officially becomes the successor of the Lord of Terror. Belldandy's mind flashes back to when she is told by Kami-sama? about the possibility of Urd becoming a demon just like she is now. Belldandy is now in dilemma. If she had to told the God about her sister now, Urd might be attacked by Valkyries (attacking angels). After a short discussion with Keitaro, Belldandy decides not to report the event to God, and plans to take the matter on her own.

Just after that, Urd comes to the house where Keitaro lives and heartlessly attacks Belldandy and Skuld wth a giant robot. Belldandy tries to convince her sister not to be so cruel and that she should thinks about her sisters. Well it is not that simple. Urd gives a heavy punch towards Belldandy but she is stopped by Skuld's machine operated by Keitaro. Keitaro orders Belldandy to pull out all screws from the Urd's robot so that it fall off to ground. The plan works. Urd fall off with her robot. But Belldandy collapse too because she loses too much power.

Marller comes out from nowhere to take the opportunity to seal Belldandy. She expels her power towards Belldandy but Keitaro takes his full heart and body to protect Belldandy from being sealed by Marller. Unfortunate enough, it turns out that Keitaro is the one that being sealed, instead of Belldandy.

Will continue on the next episode..

I tried to make it very short but it turns out this long. However, I hope you will still enjoy the reading.

[ Last edited by aishiteru on 22-6-2005 at 09:59 AM ]

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Post time 22-6-2005 06:45 AM | Show all posts
heheh... makin best citer dia nih/...

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 Author| Post time 22-6-2005 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Kat saga Terrible Master Urd nie, kalau ikut manga dier Urd dikalahkan oleh Belldandy lepas Belldandy guna spell untuk cabut power limiter dier so dia dapat guna 1st class goddess full power nyer. Tapi tak berakhir kat situ jer. Lepas Urd dikalahkan, aura Lord of Destruction tinggalkan badan Urd dan seterusnya jadikan Keiichi sebagai perumah baru. So kali nie ketiga-tiga dewi terpaksa lawan dengan Keiichi lak. Then Skuld dapat satu idea, dia lontar sekeping disket kosong kat Keiichi dan aura Lord of Destruction berpindah kat disket tu dan seterusnya disket tu dimusnahkan.

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Post time 22-6-2005 01:44 PM | Show all posts
disket kene magnet??...kekekek~~

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Post time 22-6-2005 02:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Squall-Leonhart at 22-6-2005 01:39 PM:
Kat saga Terrible Master Urd nie, kalau ikut manga dier Urd dikalahkan oleh Belldandy lepas Belldandy guna spell untuk cabut power limiter dier so dia dapat guna 1st class goddess full power nyer.  ...

Terrible Master is The Lord of Terror, right? hehe different translation.. aku rasa aku lagi suka The Lord of Terror..

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2005 02:54 PM | Show all posts
Yups, dua2 tu maksud dier sama...

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Post time 28-6-2005 03:23 AM | Show all posts

Title: Ah! The Savior is Within the Fluke?

Hmm how should I begin? Ooo ok we know that Urd has become a demon. Kami-sama up in heaven realizes this matter very well that he orders another goddess, Rind (another goddess yeahhh!!!) to prepare an attack towards Urd if things go worst. Down on earth, Belldandy releases her seal for more power to fight against the demon Urd and releases the demon out of Urd's body.

That's against the rule! OK but saving Keichii-san and Urd is more important, says Belldandy.

What does Kami-sama say? "We stop the attack plan immediately and we will provide Belldandy with something powerful to stop the Self Destruction Program of The Lord of Terror"

Rind agrees, "Haitt!!!"

Back to Urd and Marller (being punished for her failure to seal Belldandy), and captured Keitaro.

Keitaro: Do you plan to use the Self Destruction Program?
Urd: What is it?
Keitaro: Come to think of it. I actually don't know anything about it.
Urd: *slip off*
Urn: I'll tell you everything about it, as well as the plan to activate it. We blah blah blah blah..... (until the end)...
Urd: Proceed, babeh!

Urd, Marller and Urn begin the plan while being witnessed by Keitaro.

Owh wait, Belldandy just locates them, and starts attacking right away.

Urd shoutes at Belldandy, "You b***h!!"

"Stop Urd, you favorite TV show is aired now!! We can go home and watch it together," begged Belldandy

"Hurusai wane! When the Demon World is complete, I can watch it anytime I like," answered Urd

"If that so, I have to stop you," said Belldandy. She and Holy Bell release an arrow towards Urd and hit the Urn.

"OMG WTF!!!" screamed Urd.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA *evil laugh* do you realize Belldandy that you just release the seal of the Self Destruction Program?" said Urd.

"Kami samaaa, what did I do?!!!" shouted Belldandy in shock and panic.

Camera rolls to Skuld.

Kami-sama: "Skuld! I give you this fluke and please hand it to Belldandy."

Skuld: "Where am I supposed to find her?"

Kami-sama: "I'll show you."

Back to the fighting scene, a monster demon, Fenrir, wakes up as the Self Destruction Program activated and gets himself out from the bottom of Tokyo Bay . While it tries to attack Belldandy, Urd's voice deep inside Belldandy's heart warns her to dodge the attack. Belldandy fell off the building but she is saved. The question now is what are the demons going to do afterwards.

"With Belldandy is now gone, I plan to feed Fenrir with Keitaro," said Urd.

"Nooooooooo!!!! Belldandy, taskette kudasai!!!!" begged Keitaro.

Belldandy and Holy Bell make a comeback and release their Wind Cage technique and it works to weaken Fenrir.

Urd: "Grrrrrr.. Marller, give off all your power to Fenrir!!!"

Marller: "Heck NO!!!!"

Urd: "Then, you can go home!!!". Urd kicks Marller's butt off.

Urd releases her power to strengthen Fenrir but unfortunately, Fenrir eats up all her negative power. Urd faints and fells off.

Fenrir: "Muahahhaaha I am now the Lord of Terror. It is so unfortunate for you Belldandy that you don't have much power left to fight me."

Skuld comes out from nowhere with the special fluke gifted by Kami-sama and passes it to Belldandy right away.

Fenrir screams, "S**************tttttttttttttt!!!!!"

Belldandy plays the flukes. Then, suddenly, a weird-looking snake-like monster called Midgard decends from the cloudy sky and immidiately holds Fenrir tightly. Fenrir tries to escape but it could not. Fenrir screams loudly and promises itself and the goddesses for a return. Then, a very bright light suddenly appears and both of them explodes like 1000 pounds TNT bomb. After that, only Midgard appears out of the heavy smoke from the explotion and ascends to the sky. However, things are not over yet. It looks like Fenrir is gone but actually the spirit of the Lord of Terror is not dying from the explotion. As possible as it can be in almost any anime series, the Lord of Terror now takes full control of Midgrads' body.

And so, the story will continue...

[ Last edited by aishiteru on 28-6-2005 at 10:25 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 28-6-2005 03:49 AM | Show all posts
Hmm... citer nie jadik lebih complicated nyer especially dgn kehadiran Rind... kalau ikutkan dalam manga Rind muncul dalam volume 24 time saga Angel Eater.

Anyway, dalam manga nyer, spirit Lord of Destruction akan berpindah masuk ke dalam badan Keiichi.

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Post time 28-6-2005 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aishiteru at 28-6-2005 03:23 AM:

Title: Ah! The Savior is Within the Fluke?

Hmm how should I begin? Ooo ok we know that Urd has become a demon. Kami-sama up in heaven realizes this matt ...

can u please change the color of your font becoz its hard to read la..

Gomen ne....

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