saye baru dpt tau pasal mineral makeup nih .. and am really interested ngan BE tu ... tapi ade sket kemusykilan....drpd pembacaan postings yang lepas2, ramai yg kata elok beli clear radiance dulu ... tp clear radiance ni hanye tepek kat certain2 tempat je kan ? utk naikkan seri gitu .. kalau mineral veil, boleh tepek satu muke mcm pakai loose pwder ke ? |
Originally posted by et3rNiTy at 1-5-2006 09:26 PM
saye baru dpt tau pasal mineral makeup nih .. and am really interested ngan BE tu ... tapi ade sket kemusykilan....drpd pembacaan postings yang lepas2, ramai yg kata elok beli clear radiance dulu . ...
clear radiance can be used a few ways.......u can use it on the whole face if u want it.......not a problem......just that some ppl dont like it cos its pinkish in colour........or u can use it before applying your BE foundation to bring out the radiance on your face......or like u said....highlight it on a few areas after applying everything on your face
mineral veil is like a loose powder..........after using your BE foundation.... u apply the mineral veil over it to set it........hope this helps ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
thanks allure ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
In other words, clear radiance acts like something that makes our face glow and radiant .. while mineral veil is like loose powder. right ???
Actually i plan to use MAC foundation .. tak habis2 lagi .. byk betul. can I use clear radiance / mineral veil on top of the foundation other than BE's ? |
Ni yg buat teruja nak try mineral make\up ni...:nerd: |
aik .. bukan ke shb dah lama teruja ngan mineral makeup .... tak beli lagi ek ?? |
Originally posted by et3rNiTy at 1-5-2006 09:46 PM
thanks allure ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
In other words, clear radiance acts like something that makes our face glow and radiant .. while mineral veil is like loose powder. right ???
Actually i plan to use MAC found ...
yes on the first question
if u use it with other foundations other than BE foundation.....u wouldnt get the full effect.......u might as well use a normal loose powder |
Originally posted by et3rNiTy at 1-5-2006 09:26 PM
saye baru dpt tau pasal mineral makeup nih .. and am really interested ngan BE tu ... tapi ade sket kemusykilan....drpd pembacaan postings yang lepas2, ramai yg kata elok beli clear radiance dulu . ...
kalau mmg tgh mencari loose powder,boley je nak start dengan mineral veil..
beli CR dlu kalau sume alat mekap dah ade,start dengan bende yg takde..
cthnye kalau takde foundation,beli la BE foundation dlu :ah:
boley pakai ngan makeup lain gak..no problem. |
hisyy ... tgh teruja betul ngan dua2 : mineral veil + clear radiance nih ... terus register dlm BP dah ... cume still unsure nak beli mana satu....;) |
Originally posted by et3rNiTy at 1-5-2006 09:26 PM
saye baru dpt tau pasal mineral makeup nih .. and am really interested ngan BE tu ... tapi ade sket kemusykilan....drpd pembacaan postings yang lepas2, ramai yg kata elok beli clear radiance dulu . ...
mineral veil tue almost equal ngan loose powder. ianya tak der sun protection yer |
Originally posted by et3rNiTy at 1-5-2006 09:46 PM
thanks allure ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
In other words, clear radiance acts like something that makes our face glow and radiant .. while mineral veil is like loose powder. right ???
Actually i plan to use MAC found ...
boleh guna ngan MAC |
Originally posted by et3rNiTy at 1-5-2006 09:50 PM
aik .. bukan ke shb dah lama teruja ngan mineral makeup .... tak beli lagi ek ??
Itulah pasal....budget asyik tak approved jer..:geram:
hubby shb kalau bab2 kosmetik dia tak suka shb berbelanja tapi bab fitness,jaga badan atau skincare 24 jam dah boleh approved budget.... |
mutia..cane nak tahu shades mana yg sesuai utk kulit chukie ek??
igt nak beli mineral veil ngan Clear Radiance tu.. |
chukie ... yang mineral veil tue translucent color .. so suitable for all color yang clear radiance tue ada 1 warna jer ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
aliysshen This user has been deleted
ada sape2 prnah try everyday mineral makeup tak? tadi syen bace kt forum acne.org,ramai yg pakai makeup ni.muke syen ni jenis acne-prone.pstu syen pn order sample kt website everyday mineral makeup tu.free jer dpt 3 jars.tak sabar rasenye nk dpt.ada pengalaman ngn everyday? |
Reply #434 aliysshen's post
ramai dah pakai ni.cube tgk kat thread em tu |
Originally posted by aliysshen at 20-11-2006 06:48 PM
ada sape2 prnah try everyday mineral makeup tak? tadi syen bace kt forum acne.org,ramai yg pakai makeup ni.muke syen ni jenis acne-prone.pstu syen pn order sample kt website everyday mineral makeu ...
haah.. check tread EM, BE, mineral makeup in general...
im an EM fan.. takyah dah beli mekap memahal... nampak natural jer... |
up le thread nih ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
masa awal2 kuar mineral foundation dlm bentuk powder, saya pon dgn terpengaruhnye dgn iklan tv gi la beli Sheer Cover. Ye la dlm tv tu kata cepat, cover bagus, nampak natural, blablablabla, maklum le kerja saya busy memanjang selalu nak cepat je kuar rumah.
bila try tu, aiseh, dah la sepah2, pas tu nampak palsu betul. mula-mula tu ingat saya yg tak reti pakai. bila praktis setiap hari, still sama jugak. dah la berus dia tajam, gatal je bila sapu kat muka. bila bosan cam gitu, gi tong sampah la apa lagi.
then try mineral powder foundation dp loreal, bila dah kuar kat aussie ni. ingatkan best dp Sheer Cover tadi. hmmm... sama je. berus dia gatal betul bila bubuh kat muka. sepah atas lantai/ meja solek/ baju tu memang tak ingat nyer la. nampak tebaaaal gila. yucks. buang lagi.
jumpa plak maybelline mineral powder foundation. yg ni berus dia tak gatal sgt. sapuan dia pon smooth sket, tapi still, ye la, tak minat la gaya sepah2 debu2 dia tu. hmmm.. ke tong sampah lagi la jawabnye. haaaiiii.. bazir betul.
la ni, maybelline dah kuarkan liquid mineral foundation & dah try. okay la. definitely best dp powder version. coverage ringan & tak minyak muka. tak nampak fake mcm powder foundation. yang bestnye tak sepah-sepah atas meja solek/ lantai/ baju.
Foundation dia yg mousse dlm jar tu pon best, full coverage tapi rasa ringan & nampak ringan gak. La ni dah kuar liquid mousse foundation with airbrush effect (tak tau la kat M'sia dah sampai ke tak). best gila. more coverage than the liquid mineral foundation tu.
From now on, memang saya tak nak beli dah powder mineral foundation. serik.
Kalau mineral eyeshadow/ lipcolour ok. |
438# sunshinelady
hmm sha lak suka sgt ngan mineral makeup ni..
tgh duk mencuba jenama monave dan lumiere.. beli sample je dulu..
tp baca kt topik mineral makeup takde lg testimoni jenama ni.. sape2 ada pakai
jenama ni tak |
pola suka giler dgn produk mineral ni....
Muka pola sensitif, pakai lah jenama lain hatta MAC sekalipon
comfirm naik jerawat... dah lah time tu muka problem..
hampir setahun pola xpakai makep...
Last2 jumpa review mngenai minerals mekap ni
mmg sesuai yg amat lah dgn kulit muka..dah xde jerawat...
efek dia lak sangat2 cantik!! cam haku pakai studio fix MAC jek hahaha
lah ni, abis semua org duk tanya, rahsia mekap pola...kwn2 opis
sume dok pakat beli mineral mekap gak ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
pola guna brand EM... suka sgt! ![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki