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Author: sheila


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 Author| Post time 16-3-2011 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Bagi adik2 yg ada msalah bibir lebam, bibir gelap, tk leh x pakai lipstik, cubalah amalkan Ageless. boleh dtelan, boleh dsapu jugak. lama2, bibir adik moist, warna sekata dan tk perlu sapu lipstik lagi, akk cuma sapukan lip balm jek.

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 Author| Post time 18-3-2011 03:30 PM | Show all posts
nxt week kt tmpt akk ada kempen derma darah pd 27hb Mac. akk nk pegi. dh lamaaa dh akk x derma darah. akk nk tgk warna darah akk. adakah hitam or merah kehitaman mcm org lain gak or red rosey gitu.  menurut mereka yg lebih berpengalaman dri akk, buat penggamal yg  dh lebih 3 bln ambik secara berterusan, warna darah akan lebh cantik dari mreka yg tidak amalkan AGELESS atau dari mereka yg tidak mengambil apa2 supplement bgi mmbersihkan darah dri toksin. so, kita tungguuuuu...

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 Author| Post time 20-3-2011 10:24 PM | Show all posts

AGELESS Bio Optima - Tocotrienols - Protect Against Radiation Exposure

Post Last Edit by sheila at 20-3-2011 22:31

The unfolding events relating to Japan’s damaged nuclear reactors is raising the concern in the U.S. of a worst-case scenario of a meltdown with a consequent cloud of radioactive particles following the jet stream over to the U.S. The prevailing jet stream winds would impact Los Angeles to Alaska, and would include Hawaii. Radioactive pollution would reach the U.S. within 36 hours. It would then travel the typical jet stream across the U.S that you see on your daily weather programs. While we all hope this does not happen, and various experts may debate the severity of public health issues involved if it should, it never hurts to have a better understanding of the subject. What would you do if such a cloud was headed your way?

Japanese health authorities are passing out iodine tablets to those in the vicinity of these reactors – as it is common knowledge that the thyroid gland is a weak spot when it comes to radiation exposure. By flooding the body with iodine, the iodine is taken up by the thyroid which then blocks radiation uptake into the thyroid. This reduces the risk for future thyroid cancer (which is already an epidemic cancer in the U.S. in part likely due to excess CT scans).

Such iodine saturation should occur 24 hours prior to exposure and be maintained during the duration of excess exposure. This solution is not without risks, especially when potassium iodide is used. That is because excess iodine can clog thyroid function, inducing either hypo or hyper thyroid. However, that risk is trivial compared to acute radiation exposure – thus iodine makes sense. I like water-soluble iodine that in my experience is much less problematic when higher doses are used. Liquids can be applied directly over the neck region or taken orally, and reapplied as desired based on concerns.

Protecting the thyroid with iodine seems to be about all that public health officials are willing to recommend to the public. However, there are other important steps every person should consider. Radiation interaction within your body generates massive amounts of damaging free radicals, in turn potentially inducing DNA damage that may lead to future cancer – often manifesting a decade or two later. This means it is a good idea to maximize your overall antioxidant defenses. Ideally, this system would be bolstered in advance to provide maximum defense. Unfortunately, the antioxidant defense systems of a majority of Americans are in shoddy condition.

Many nutrients contain antioxidants and many of these behave in your vital antioxidant network to protect your DNA from damage. In your diet these nutrients come from fruits, vegetables, whey protein, and whole grains. Additionally, almost any nutrient supplement with antioxidant properties, such as vitamin C, will help bolster your antioxidant team. I would suggest to everyone a broad-base of antioxidant support as the minimum. Indeed, a cocktail of antioxidants1 (selenium, vitamin C, N-acetyl cysteine, alpha lipoic acid, alpha-tocopherol succinate, and co-enzyme Q10) started 24 hours after a lethal level of radiation exposure has been show to be highly protective.

I would like to highlight three specific nutrients that have science showing they can protect your body against radiation damage:  tocotrienols, berries, and lipoic acid.

Tocotrienols are a unique form of vitamin E that offers protection that regular vitamin E does not. In a recent animal experiment carried out by the U.S. Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute it was shown that gamma tocotrienol32 can protect against whole body radiation exposure.

Excessive radiation exposure damages DNA, especially DNA relating to the system in our bone marrow that produces all the red and white blood cells that are vital for survival. Therefore, radiation exposure has adverse consequences on circulatory health and immune system competence, disturbing energy balance and increasing the risk for cancer. Of particular importance are the haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that constantly rejuvenate blood and can become any of the white or red blood cells, as well as the haematopoietic progenator cells (HPCs) that transform into specific blood cells. Both HSCs and HPCs are the life force of blood cell rejuvenation and essential to your good health.

In this armed forces experiment where mice were exposed to non-lethal amounts of whole body radiation, there was a control group and a group fed gamma tocotrienol. Stem cell colonies (HSCs) were 80 - 86% maintained in the gamma tocotrienol treated mice, while they were 50% reduced in controls. Similarly, progenator cells (HPCs) had recovered completely within 7 days in the gamma tocotrienol treated mice, while they remained at 30% for weeks in the controls. A detailed analysis of the bone marrow showed that gamma tocotrienol maintained the regenerative integrity of bone marrow cells. The authors concluded that gamma tocotrienol “protected hematopoietic tissue by preserving the HSCs and HPCs and by preventing persistent DNA damage.”

Another recent animal study shows that gamma tocotrienol32 can offset the adverse effects of radiation exposure, including the reduction of peroxynitrite, the most damaging free radical. This is important because as free radicals begin forming their reactions can cascade into producing large amounts of the most damaging of all free radicals, peroxynitrite. Short-circuiting peroxynitrite formation in response to radiation exposure is of immense importance to protecting DNA.

Lipoic acid is a very small and versatile fat- and water-soluble antioxidant. Animal studies show that it helps maintain the antioxidant defense system4 in multiple body tissues upon radiation exposure, especially protecting the brain, liver, spleen, kidney, and testes.

The health status of some 6,000 workers from Latvia5 who went to clean-up the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant has been followed for several decades. These workers suffered higher-than-normal rates of problems in their nervous, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine system (especially thyroid) and immunological systems.

A study conducted on some of these workers 10 years after the fact showed that 600 mg of lipoic acid6 for two months was able to normalize many, but not all, of their lab abnormalities. Too bad they didn’t have protection prior to and during exposure. Pretreatment with lipoic acid7 has been shown to significantly reduce radiation exposure damage to the brain.

Recent animal research conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture showed that blueberry and strawberry extracts8 helped prevent brain damage from radiation exposure. Interestingly, the polyphenols of each fruit protected different areas of the brain – supporting a variety of dietary berry intake and/or supplements with multiple berries.

Having an adequate antioxidant defense system for more optimal health is common sense. During times of increased stress your needs for antioxidants rise – and this relates to any type of stress. Radiation exposure is simply one more type of stress – a rather nasty type. The demands in your life or existing health concerns may already be testing your antioxidant reserves. Bolstering your antioxidant defense system to compensate for a potential challenge is also common sense.

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 Author| Post time 20-3-2011 10:37 PM | Show all posts
Akk juga ada good news.. skg ni rmbut akk dh TAK GUGUR LAGIIIII.. Ya Allah!! hepinya kauu!! skg ni bla ikat rmbut, tk perlu lagi pusing getah ikat rmbut tu berkali2. 3x dh cukup utk tidak melorot ikat rambut kita tu.. and nmpak rambut akk lebih bushy dri yg seblumnya..

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2011 12:40 PM | Show all posts
Wahai k.Sheila yg makin anggun skrg. Nak Tanya, ageless Ni blh ke nak ubat rambut beruban? Sya ni baru 30 tp rambut dah Ada uban. Blh ke Kak?

wahai cik adik.. tqvm laa atas compliment adik tuu..  Alhmdulillaah.. actually, rambut beruban bnyk faktor kan.. so putri, mmg leh surf kt tenet utk cari info mengenai uban. agaknya msti putri dh tahu kan. so, cut it short.. kalau kita baca info pasal uban ni kan, punca utama kat folikel rmbut. so, smakin kurang sel melamin dlm folikel smakin pudar warna rambut. konsep AGELESS Bio Optima adalah renew cells dan memperbaiki sel yg rosak. so, amalkan AGELESS boleh menambahbaikan sel kita. ada kes yg akk tahu ye, pemberi testimoni yg jugak mmber platinum Ageless, dulu rmbut dia mmg akk tengok grey hair banyak, kira campur2 putih & kelabu.. sbb dia chinese kan. tpi bla jmpa skali lgi, mmg nmpak ada perubahan.. rambut hitam dh mula menutupi yg kelabu & putih. akk juga buat ujian yg sama. akk suh anak cabut uban akk dan akk nk tgk bertambah banyak atau bertambah kurang uban akk.

rmbut akk warnanya dark, utk jdi beruban pun mmg cepat la kan. sbb melamin tu x cukup gelap kan. tpi skg, akk pratikan mmg ada uban, tpi x sbnyak yg dulu mksudnya kena selak2 rmbut baru nmpak uban or sana sini bersepah uban tu, x da la uban serata kepala. cubalah adik, sapa tahu kan. ;)

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2011 01:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sheila at 21-3-2011 13:40

Rahayu says "Darling..that burnt mark tu dah faded after 3 months makan ageless..I x citer or tunjuk kat u time noooo...."

kalau tgk pic kami bertiga, dia yg pakai baju putih tu, so boleh tgk tangan dia. parutnya dh smakin tidak kelihatan. itu pic last year bln 11 x salah, skg dh bln 3 kan, mmg dh smakin x nmpak or tk prasan..

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2011 01:41 PM | Show all posts
cuba tgk kt 1st page.. haa pic yg kami bertiga tu k.

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Post time 21-3-2011 04:51 PM | Show all posts
pm me rega...hehe....teruja bk produk ni..huhu

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Post time 21-3-2011 05:17 PM | Show all posts
sheila pm me harga. nak menerai gak

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2011 09:27 PM | Show all posts
ada yg tnya 1 botol tahan brapa lama, akk lupa lak nk jwb.. sbulan tu antara 3-4minggu. terpulang kepada penggunaan kita. kdg2 kita perlukan 2-3bj sehari, kdg2 4-6 bj sehari. nk stamina lebih, telan lebih. tgh demam, ambik 4 bji terus, nk menten VOGUE, telan 3 bj, nk menten kesihatan, cukup 2 bj. faham ye.. sbb dia x da dos yg tetap.

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2011 09:29 PM | Show all posts
pm me rega...hehe....teruja bk produk ni..huhu
insantertekan Post at 21-3-2011 16:51

worait2.. sabo2.. akk pm k. tqvm

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 Author| Post time 21-3-2011 09:31 PM | Show all posts
sheila pm me harga. nak menerai gak
marla69 Post at 21-3-2011 17:17

sabaar2.. jap akk pm k.

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 Author| Post time 22-3-2011 05:12 PM | Show all posts
ok2, akk nak bagitau, yg AGELESS juga boleh menghilangkan parut yg baru & memudarkan bekas parut yg lama smpai hampir x kelihatan. kalau kita ada bekas parut yg timbul, insyaAllah dgn mengamalkan AGELESS, dpt meratakan permukaan kulit kita..

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Post time 23-3-2011 12:04 PM | Show all posts
memang berbaloi makan ageless ni.. paling best bile ader orang cakap...  nampak muda macam budak kolej.... alhamdulillah.. ayat yang best untuk didengar

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2011 12:11 PM | Show all posts


memang berbaloi makan ageless ni.. paling best bile ader orang cakap...  nampak muda macam budak kol ...
nakal14022004 Post at 23-3-2011 12:04

kalau dh branak pinak, org kata nmpak mcm budak koleeej... aduuuss!! mmg rugii aar mreka yg x mau or tk penah nk cuba..!!  TAHNIAH DIK kerana beri pluang kpd diri sndiri..   TQVM sbb beri testimoni BEST GILER nih..

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2011 12:23 AM | Show all posts
memang berbaloi makan ageless ni.. paling best bile ader orang cakap...  nampak muda macam budak kol ...
nakal14022004 Post at 23-3-2011 12:04

kalau mcm akk dh 44 pun boleh nmpak perubahan, tmbah2 laaa adik2 yg baru cecah 20an & 30an kan? msti lagi cepaat sel tu d repair.

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2011 10:01 PM | Show all posts
sehari terpulang kpd KEPERLUAN kita utk ambik dik. kalau mcm adik ada masalah kesihatan, ambik 3 bj. kalau adik just nk menten kesihatan, cukp 2bj. siang mlam x kesah sbb dia bukan ubat. pandai2 kita ejas ikut bla masa kita nk stamina lebih.

contoh ye, kalau adik cuba ambik 2bj mlm sblum tdo, kalau adik xleh tdo sbb mcm cargaas je kan, esok jgn ambik wktu mlm. adik ambik pgi. mcm akk, akk boleh tdo wktu mlm lps ambik Ageless & bangun tnpa rasa letih esoknya. ada org yg nk study wktu mlm, nk overtime, shift mlm ke kan, so dorang ambik wktu mlm. ok.

mula2 ambik 2bj dulu utk 3hri. kalau dh rasa sdap bdn, adik boleh up 3bj utk mula 'mencantikkan' diri dri dlm & luar k. time period pun boleh ambik.

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Post time 26-3-2011 11:53 AM | Show all posts
kak sheila,
ageless ada x testimoni untuk org penyakit thalassemia?
kalau ikut doktor penyakit ni mmg x de ubat kan n perlu buat rawatan seumur hidup?
saya ada sedara, husband n wife ada penyakit ni(masa kahwin both of them  x tau mereka adalah pembawa) n now turun ke baby (1 year).setiap bulan mesti jumpa doktor untuk masuk darah.kesian kat baby tu.

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Post time 26-3-2011 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Sedara saya tu ada jugak beli supplement lain selain ubat hospital,dia kata ikhtiar mana tau boleh sembuh sebab baby kecik lg.

Soalan saya,
                  cemana cara nak bg baby tu mkn ageless sbb skrg ni dia dah x menyusu bdn?

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2011 11:35 AM | Show all posts
kak sheila,
ageless ada x testimoni untuk org penyakit thalassemia?
kalau ikut doktor penyakit ni  ...
ayeen03 Post at 26-3-2011 11:53

salam ayeen..

  sian ye.. turun kpd baby pulak.. kalau ayeen search kt tenet, mmg TOCOTRIENOLS membantu pesakit or penyakit Thalassemia ni. cumanya, dlm umur 2tahun stengah baru bole ambik AGELESS Bio Optima. kenapa x menyusu lagi ye, kalau menyusu, si ibu telan AGELESS, bole mmbantu baby dia kan? 1st tnya si ibu, mmg dh xda susu ke? kalau masih ada, picit2 adaa lagi, teruskanlah menyusu, boleh bantu baby dlm banyaak perkara terutama kesihatan kan. nnti akk cuba tnyakan kpd yg lebih arif tentang pengambilan AGELESS bgi baby bawah 2thn. kira ni kes terpksa or emergency kan..

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