rasenye leh search topik tu kat sini. kalo laki makan jd ape ek? hehe... |
It appears evident from the published research that we must expand our use of EFAs to maximize calcium metabolism and preserve bone health. There is a growing body of evidence and research to warrant advice about EFAs and calcium metabolism, bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis. EFAs have been shown to increase calcium absorption from the gut (in part by enhancing the effects of vitamin D), reduce urinary excretion of calcium, increase calcium that is deposited in the bone and improve the strength of bone.18 Adults with osteoporosis who are given fish oil show an increase in calcium levels and an increase in urinary calcium clearance.19 GLA in particular has been shown to reduce the excretion of calcium20, inhibit bone reabsorption and markers of bone turnover while at the same time increasing the levels of calcium content in the bone.21
Ulcerative Colitis
Evening primrose oil has been studied for individuals with ulcerative colitis. Although evening primrose oil did not reduce rectal bleeding or stool frequency, it did significantly improve the stool consistency.22 Evening primrose oil and other EFA supplements may prove to have a long term role in managing the symptoms of ulcerative colitis as well as the underlying chronic inflammatory condition. We look forward to more research in this area.
Other Effects
Brain function: A study of psychiatric patients with tardive dyskinesia (abnormal involuntary movements) received evening primrose oil capsules over four months. Although evening primrose oil supplementation did not improve the abnormal movements, there was significant improvement in mental state, schizophrenic symptoms and memory. In a second phase, zinc, niacin and vitamins C and B6 were added to evening primrose oil. The combination of supplements yielded marked and significant improvements in memory, schizophrenic symptoms and abnormal movement.23, 24, 25
Alcoholism: In a clinical trial of alcoholics withdrawing from alcohol, evening primrose oil significantly reduced the severity of the withdrawal syndrome and improved liver function as well. In individuals who did not relapse, subjects reported improved memory and visual motor coordination while taking evening primrose oil supplementation.26
Kidney transplants: In a clinical trial of 89 kidney transplant patients who received either evening primrose oil or placebo along with their standard immunosuppressive medication, graft survival was significantly better in the evening primrose oil group compared to placebo within the first 3-4 months.27
Safety and Side Effects
Minor side effects that may occur with evening primrose oil supplementation include nausea, upset stomach and loose bowel movements.
These side effects may be minimized by taking supplements with food or milk, taking the daily dose in divided portions and increasing the dose slowly.
No problems have been associated with pregnancy or breast feeding while supplementing with evening primrose oil.
As with any nutritional supplement, you are advised to consult with your health care practitioner before beginning a supplementation program. |
Jangan ambil EPO berserta ...
Omega 3
Fish Oil
Vitamin E
EPO menyebabkan darah jadi cair. Jika EPO diambil berserta ubat2 diatas akan menyebabkan perdarahan. |
Reply #6 shahx's post
EPO tak sesuai untuk lelaki, nanti jadi maknyah |
topic EPO ni dah ada kat sini dan juga di B&F.... tp dah page blkg2.
anyway, sy pun ada amik epo. my cycle yg dulunya tak tetap, now ni Alhamdulillah more regular... dan lg, takde lg bad period pain. sakit sikit2 jer... still boleh pergi kerja... |
Originally posted by zerozone at 7-1-2008 05:43 PM
Jangan ambil EPO berserta ...
Omega 3
Fish Oil
Vitamin E
EPO menyebabkan darah jadi cair. Jika EPO diambil berserta ubat2 diatas akan menyebabkan ...
klu x silap, ada epo yg combined skali ngn myk ikn kan? yg tu
mcm mn plak..? |
nak tanya sket....
ada kakak kat ofis ni tanya ai, ada makan epo tak??...i kata tak since my period pun regular jek every month tapi tgh survey ler...then dia kata takper...muda lg...nanti dah 30 baru start leh consume...betul ker??.. |
Originally posted by samilzdaf at 8-1-2008 11:02 AM
klu x silap, ada epo yg combined skali ngn myk ikn kan? yg tu
mcm mn plak..?
Sesetengah kompeni ni dia orang tak ambil berat tentang interaksi diantara produk2 ni. Yg penting produk dia orang laris. |
Originally posted by aikon at 8-1-2008 11:38 AM
nak tanya sket....
ada kakak kat ofis ni tanya ai, ada makan epo tak??...i kata tak since my period pun regular jek every month tapi tgh survey ler...then dia kata takper...muda lg...nanti dah ...
EPO ni banyak kegunaan nya. Kalau untuk mencantikkan kulit...sesiapa pun boleh ambik tak kira umur. Saya dah tengok seorang pengamal EPO kulitnya memang cantik, lembut. Ada juga seorang pengamal EPO lelaki...suaranya jadi nyaring. |
Reply #14 aikon's post
EPO tu cuma sebagai supplement saja. Banyak kebaikan kita boleh dapatkan dari EPO selain dapat mengurangkan masalah semasa kitaran haid. EPO juga baik untuk kesihatan jantung, membantu mengurangkan berat badan dan membantu menurunkan tekanan darah. Ia jugak membantu merawat alcoholism, arthritis selain melegakan kesakitan semasa haid.
So.. tak perlu lah tunggu sampai umur 30. Saya tak tau la kenapa aikon nak ambik EPO tu. Kalau untuk kesihatan umum you boleh ambik multivitamin biasa aja.
Satu lagi saya nak ingatkan banyak EPO di pasaran tidak disahkan halal. So please check dgn pharmacist dulu sebelum beli. Nanti saya check dgn kengkawan mana nak dapat EPO yang ada pengesahan halal. |
Originally posted by zerozone at 8-1-2008 01:04 PM
Sesetengah kompeni ni dia orang tak ambil berat tentang interaksi diantara produk2 ni. Yg penting produk dia orang laris.
ada efek x klu ambik epo + myk ikn/omega 3?
sbb seingat aku..kat botol epo tu ade disahkn oleh KKM.. |
Originally posted by samilzdaf at 8-1-2008 02:52 PM
ada efek x klu ambik epo + myk ikn/omega 3?
sbb seingat aku..kat botol epo tu ade disahkn oleh KKM..
Apa yg saya nyatakan diatas adalah pememuan terbaru. Mungkin KKM akan membuat kajian semula. |
kalo dgn starflower oil...ok ke? |
Originally posted by zamzuri at 8-1-2008 01:19 PM
EPO tu cuma sebagai supplement saja. Banyak kebaikan kita boleh dapatkan dari EPO selain dapat mengurangkan masalah semasa kitaran haid. EPO juga baik untuk kesihatan jantung, membantu mengurangk ...
kalau camtu nak amik multivitamin ker EPO??...saya sekang ni langsung tak mkn vitamin pape pun....kalau nak kurangkan kolestrol kena amik ape ek???
thanks, |
Originally posted by zerozone at 8-1-2008 08:20 PM
Apa yg saya nyatakan diatas adalah pememuan terbaru. Mungkin KKM akan membuat kajian semula.
ada efek negatif x klu ambik sama2 ngn yg u senaraikn kat atas td??
syg la..ari tu baru bli epo + omega 3 bg kt mak.. |
Originally posted by samilzdaf at 9-1-2008 08:11 AM
ada efek negatif x klu ambik sama2 ngn yg u senaraikn kat atas td??
syg la..ari tu baru bli epo + omega 3 bg kt mak..
Salah satu kesan EPO darah jadi cair. Begitu juga dengan omega 3, vit E, fish oil, NSAID, warfarin, heparin. Kedua2 ubat ni bila diambil bersama akan menyebabkan kesan pencairan darah lebih aktif. Ubat2 herba saperti EPO mmang kurang dibuat kajian. Cuma lately banyak kajian ubat herba ni dibuat sebab permintaan semakin meningkat. Kajian interaksi EPO dengan ubat2 lain saya nyatakan diatas dibuat oleh sebuah syarikat pengeluar ubat terbesar diTaiwan. Kami memang menerima buletin dari syaikat tersebut setiap bulan. |
Originally posted by anasaze at 8-1-2008 10:44 PM
kalo dgn starflower oil...ok ke?
starflower oil mempunyai kandungan lebih kurang sama EPO, so kesannya sama juga |
ok kot darah cair.. hehee.. |
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