wonto posted on 16-9-2014 01:37 AM
x..mksd iols @ichi kata ji tae plg bk kiss ngn ji woo.
jd iols tnya la xkn LBH kalah.rsnya mcm di ...
ni dari hasil aku sekodeng umh SL kat soompi nun....
sblm ni KSW no.1... ade 6 kissu dlm STH...
dlm BD dgn LBH aku tak pasan lak ade berapa...
tp dlm SL jitae kiss jiwoo 10 kali
nah amik nih...
YJT & CJW Kisses in A Star's Lover
1. "I can fake emotions" kiss by MR in Japan
2. "Because you crossed the line" kiss by CS outside the hospital
3. "What do you want to do?" kiss" by CS and MR in the hostel (Note: shown twice - once at the end of Ep 11 and another time at the start of Ep 12)
4. "This won't do" kiss by CS in the hostel (Note: shown twice - once at the end of Ep 11 and another time at the start of Ep 12)
5. "I am jealous because you are with your first love" kiss by CS in his room
6. "I still love you" kiss by CS at the ski resort
7. “Give me a kiss, not a peck” kiss by MR in CS' room
8. "Let's get married" kiss by CS in his room
9. "Yes, I'll marry you" kiss by CS in his room
10. "Happily ever after" kiss by BOTH at the lake
wonto posted on 16-9-2014 11:21 AM
Gila la ko ichi.smp tahap mcm ni dh.kekeke
Mmg ptt ko angau.ji tae ni tggi.
Pastu jepun n englis ...
tu la aku pon tak tau bile nak kebah demam jitae jiwoo nih....
gigih tau aku masuk situ....
saje tgk gmbr2....
mcm ko ckp la dorg wat kajian kat semua mende.... gelak aku bace.... hehehe
sampaikan mase ep last kan jiwoo ade tgk sekali dgn fans kat sana...
tp jitae tak dtg sbb sakit... kemain la dorg speku jitae demam sbb tak sanggup nak bepisah dgn jiwoo
mase farewell party lak jitae dtg tp dok jauh dari jiwoo...
pandang jiwoo pon jeling2 jer.... tetibe jitae jd malu dgn jiwoo..
siap dorg compare kan video press con citer nih.. time tu ok je jitae berborak dgn jiwoo...
takde malu2 pon... dasat sunnguh dorg wat r&d...