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Author: sheila


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 Author| Post time 30-3-2011 09:59 AM | Show all posts
ALAMAK!! hilang lak apa yg akk nk taip tdi... x pa, siaran ulangan.. akk nk bgitau, kalau supplement tu, kanak2 & ibu mengndung pun boleh ambik, itu tandanya supplement itu selamat utk kita ambil or amalkan. 1 lgi, dgn AGELESS Bio Optima, u takkan overdose. ambik la 8bj sehari pun, kita takkan overdose. ambik lebih jika kita sdg sakit or kita perlukan stamina yg lebih.

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 Author| Post time 30-3-2011 03:39 PM | Show all posts

AGELESS - Merawat keguguran rambut

Post Last Edit by sheila at 31-3-2011 12:21

Semalaaaaaaaaaaaaam.. tiba2 satu ayat dri suami tercinta akk yg sgt2 menghepikan akk.. iaitu.. "Yang, abg dh xnmpak lgi rambut2 awak yg gugur kt lubang bilik air.."

How does vitamin E affect hair loss? Currently, very little information exists on the subject.

The reason is that no official studies have really been done. There is only one study, which is related to a recently granted patent by Carotech. The product related to this patent, Toco-8 is a palm fruit extract that contains both tocopherols and tocotrienols.

These forms of vitamin E are said to be more efficient than alpha-tocopherol, which is the most common (and potentially harmful, if recent studies are to be believed) ingredient in most vitamin E supplements.


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 Author| Post time 31-3-2011 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Sedara saya tu ada jugak beli supplement lain selain ubat hospital,dia kata ikhtiar mana tau boleh s ...
ayeen03 Post at 26-3-2011 12:00

slm ayeen, lama x update ur testimony. mai la story skiit..

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 Author| Post time 31-3-2011 06:25 PM | Show all posts
Semalaaaaaaaaaaaaam.. tiba2 satu ayat dri suami tercinta akk yg sgt2 menghepikan akk.. iaitu.. "Yang ...
sheila Post at 30-3-2011 15:39

TOCO-8 - Study claims 42% hair growth in 5 months (Hair Loss Supplements)

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2011 09:34 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sheila at 1-4-2011 09:38

Berbelas tahun akk dlm keadaan yg smuaaaaaaaa org x mau berada dlm rupa & saiz begitu.. tpi iitulah realitinya.. xdinafikan cuba perlbagai produk juga utk jaga kulit, jga badan dsb. tpi mmg x leh lawan dgn amalan pengambilan AGELESS Bio Optima.. perggh!! inilah hasilnya.. b4 n after..

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2011 03:10 PM | Show all posts
jgn mudah putus asa k..teruus berusaha & teruskan amalan2 dan pasti akan ada hasilnya..

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Post time 1-4-2011 05:25 PM | Show all posts
Salam akak.. nak tanya.. saya pn ada ambik ageless gak.. habis 1st btl, saya cont 2nd tp xhabis ada lg huhu.. dlm masa yg saya ambik produk utk kuruskan badan xsure laa yg mana satu effectnyer saya jadi nk mkn je.. apa nasihat akak sayang lak ageless yg simpan tu.. untuk makluman akak 1st btl tu saya xpernah miss makan.. thanks yea kak

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Post time 1-4-2011 08:16 PM | Show all posts
memang berbaloi makan ageless ni.. paling best bile ader orang cakap...  nampak muda macam budak kol ...
nakal14022004 Post at 23-3-2011 12:04

nakal, brp lama makan nampak kesan? ce cite ce cite

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 Author| Post time 3-4-2011 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Salam akak.. nak tanya.. saya pn ada ambik ageless gak.. habis 1st btl, saya cont 2nd tp xhabis ada  ...
Azana Post at 1-4-2011 17:25

Slm Azana.. 1st thing nk tnya, adik beli dri sapa ye? dri akk ke? bukan apa dik, sbb akk tk hengat nick adik ada bli dri akk. kalau iye, ok, x ya pun ok je, no hal. cuma nk catitan skit, Azana real name dia sapa, Ayeen real name dia sapa..gitulah.

masa adik ambik 1st bottle tu, apa efek yg adik dpt? dri segi kesihatan & kecantik, cer citer ye.  yg kedua, dri pengalaman akk ye, la u ambik AGELESS dgn dos yg betul ikut keperluan, mmg u x brapa nk lalu makan especially yg berminyak & berlemak.. kalau try gak, rasa mcm nk muntah pun ada.. rasa nak makan, ya, tpi x leh nk makan berlebihn..

gini lah dik, kalau utk slimming, ambik la dlm 3-4bj sehari.. x perlu dah adik nk ambik ubat slimming..namanya pun UBAT kn..sure ada negative side effect.. teruskan ambik AGELESS dng dos yg betul. kalau adik nk telan gak adik punya ubat slimming, jarakkan pengambilan bersama. kalau ambik ubat slimming pagi, telan laa AGELESS lepas mghrib lebih kurang.  bgi akk, spatutnya ubat slimming tu yg patut adik berenti ambik dan teruskan dgn AGELESS.. then baru adik nmpak efeknya.. k

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 Author| Post time 3-4-2011 12:58 AM | Show all posts

AGELESS - Vitamin E can fight OBESITY

Post Last Edit by sheila at 3-4-2011 01:01

Natural tocotrienols offers more health benefits than alpha-tocopherol, the common form of vitamin E.

In a study titled "Gamma Delta Tocotrienols Reduce Hepatic Triglyceride Synthesis and VLDL Secretion" published in October 2010 issue of Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis, scientists found gamma and delta tocotrienols, derived naturally from palm oil, are potent in lowering triglyceride levels by 28 percent in the blood of human subjects after two months of supplementation.

In addition, tocotrienol-treated subjects in the double blind, placebo-controlled human trial showed decreasing trends in average weight, body fat mass, body fat percentage and waist measurement.

The study, hence, points to the potential of tocotrienols as a natural remedy in fighting obesity.

This study demonstrated that gamma and delta tocotrienols work to lower triglyceride levels, by directly suppressing genes that enable triglyceride production (SREBP1/2, DGAT2 and APOB100), suggesting that tocotrienols are able to directly regulate triglyceride synthesis in the body. At the same time, this down-regulation also translates into a reduction in the level of triglyceride transport lipoproteins (VLDL and chylomicron), which distribute fats around the body.

The study supports its in vitro research findings, by demonstrating the triglyceride-lowering effect of tocotrienols in both mice models and human clinical studies.

Moreover, the study also showed that tocotrienols may inhibit the development of atherosclerosis, a medical condition in which fatty plaque, resulting from oxidation of LDL-cholesterol (also known as "bad" cholesterol), builds up inside the arteries. It was found that gamma tocotrienol can enhance the removal of LDL-cholesterol from the blood, by inducing the expression of LDL receptors. This is a key step in achieving healthy blood lipid levels.

This research study, which involved a collaboration between scientists at Davos Life Science (Singapore), researchers at Malaysian Palm Oil Board and Phytopharma Co. Ltd. (Japan), involved 20 human subjects with borderline hypercholesterolemia and was conducted in Takara Clinic in Japan. The subjects were not receiving any cholesterol-lowering medications at baseline.

"Our studies show that tocotrienols have the potential for the prevention or treatment of metabolic syndrome. This research contributes further evidence that natural tocotrienols is a far more powerful form of vitamin E with unique health-related benefits not shared by alpha-tocopherol, the common form of vitamin E," said Arthur Ling, chief executive officer of Davos Life Science Singapore, a company specializing in the research and development and production of tocotrienols.

Tocotrienols, which are members of the vitamin E family, are effective in lowering the levels of triglyceride, a form of fat in the blood. High levels of triglyceride are closely linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. An elevated triglyceride level is one of the risk factors for the identification of metabolic syndrome, which is linked to an increase risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke.

"Other studies have shown triglyceride-lowering effects of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), a polyunsaturated fatty acid found in oily fish, which is approved by Japan's Ministry of Health as a treatment for hyperlipidemia," said Dr. Daniel Yap, head for Tocotrienol R&D, Davos Life Science.

“This study reveals that tocotrienols have a more significant serum triglyceride-lowering effect than EPA. More importantly, tocotrienol did not have any observable side effects, suggesting that it could become a natural remedy to lower triglycerides effectively."

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Post time 4-4-2011 11:49 AM | Show all posts
hai putri sori lambat lak nak bg feedback....heheh..
nakal citer dari awal la ek
nakal start ambik ageless masa pantang ari ke 10 (memula nak tunggu ari ke 20 tp takleh tahan godaan botol tu) untuk seminggu pertma, nakal kene healing criss sakit pala... macam migrain. Bukan penin tp sakit berdenyut2. dah urut2 skit, tido! baru ok.

Untuk botol ke 2 tapi tak sempat abis nakal tgk hasilnya melalui bibir nakal... dah tak kering n mengelupas.. moist jer... bile pakai lipstik nampak cantik jer... licin.. berat lak berkurang...dia pun fixkan  badan . lebih ketara la sebab nakal minum cocoa colagen (Niat untuk tambahkan air susu). Muka nampak berseri jer. Dalam  1 botol setengah la nakal makan orang dah cakap nampak macam budak kolej... macam anak dara la.. heheheh
bab makan tu memang la... setiap pagi nakal cuma ambik nesvita jer. Kekadang plan nak beli nasi lemak la, bihun ler tp bile pagi datang keje.. otomatik tak lalu nak minum nesvita. Setakat ni dah 2 kali orang bagi nasi lemak.. memula ambik tp bile tiba masanya nakal pulangkan balik sebab rase macam tak lalu nak makan nasi lemak. Tp tengahari nakal ambik la nasi..malam just biskut or minum susu jer.

Sekarang dah makan botol ke-3 nakal beli untuk husband sekali... dia cakp asyik nak terkencing jer.. pembuangan toksin la tu..

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Post time 4-4-2011 12:01 PM | Show all posts
Slm Azana.. 1st thing nk tnya, adik beli dri sapa ye? dri akk ke? bukan apa dik, sbb akk tk heng ...
sheila Post at 3-4-2011 00:02

   Az beli dari org lain kak.. nanti az pm akak yea.. terima kasih atas penerangan akak tu

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2011 11:54 PM | Show all posts
hai putri sori lambat lak nak bg feedback....heheh..
nakal citer dari awal la ek
nakal start ambik ...
nakal14022004 Post at 4-4-2011 11:49

bab bbir kering ni,mmg ramai yg bgi feedback yg smaa. duluuu, akk mmg x leh kumur2 guna listerine ke, yg lebih mild mcm plax pun xboleh. menggelupas.. kering bibir mcm kena getah mangga lak..

mmg x brani dh nk kumur2 dgn chap apa pun wpun yg cair or akk tmbah air.. tpi alhmdulillah, minggu lepas akk try balik kumur2 dgn listerine biru tuu..bereeeh!! x da apa2 lagi..   mmg bibir moist, kulit bibir lebih cerah dan tk lebam lagi.. skg akk pakai lip balm je, x pakai lipstick or lip gloss.

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2011 11:56 PM | Show all posts
Az beli dari org lain kak.. nanti az pm akak yea.. terima kasih atas penerangan akak tu
Azana Post at 4-4-2011 12:01

no hal dear.. u r welcome!

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2011 10:17 AM | Show all posts
As salam K.Sheila,

Setelah 4 hari makan ageless..
1) Saya selalu rasa panas, sampai berpeluh2 walau dok dalam air-cond..
2) Tumit yg sakit sebelum makanageless, semakin rasa sakit..

Healing crisis ke nih kak? Selalunya berapa hari yer..?

Tp yg paling best,
1) Hari2 mesti ke jamban, membuang.. kot tak, saya ni jenis yg tak lawas, 4-5 hari baru memerut.. Dengan ageless, sehari 2 kali saya membuang (pagi & malam)
2)  Saya ambik ageless ni waktu malam, memang lambat rasa ngantuk so boleh la men-settle-kan kerja2 rumah yg terbengkalai dulu sebelum tido.. bangun pagi pun rasa cergas walau tido lambat..

Tu je nak share.. baru 4 hari kann, tunggu genap seminggu, harap ada perubahan lain..

Tq kak, sbb share pasal ageless ni.. Hasben saya skg dok ngendeng2 ageless saya, alamat tak cukup sebulan kena repeat order dgn kak..

salam tee.. yahuuuu best dpt feed back dri tee..

yes dear..

1st u makan rasa panas sbb AGELESS sdg dlm proses membersihkan darah teja. servis abis tuu..byk toksin dlm tubuh terutama darah.

2nd, u rsa sakit bertmbah sakit, mmg itu healing crisis. sapa yg sakit lutut, bertambah sakit lututnya, sapa yg migrain bertmbh sakit kepalanya, sbb?? contoh yg mudah akk beri pd smua, bla u terseliuh, kaki u bengkak sakit, tpi utk baik u kena g ngurut TEMPAT YG SAKIT UTK BAIK.. betul? kalau boleh nk lari je bla ke urut kt tmpt yg sakit & ada yg meraung MENAHAN KESAKITAN utk baik. toksin kita banyak yg turun ke kaki, tu sbb kaki kita slalu sakit, sbb tu ada foot patch bukan head patch..hehehe..

yess, akk pun mcm adik gak, telan AGELESS wktu mlm sbb akk dpt tdo yg betul2 pengsan & boleh  bangun dgn cergas tnpa rasa sakit2 badan terutama pinggang sbb akk dh ceaser 3x, spinal 2x dan perlu anta anak2 ke sekolah pgi2.

akk dulu pun seorang yg SEMBELIT, BUKAN PEMBELIT.. jdi bla adik bgitau yg adik ke toilet 4-5hri, waaah, mmg adik byk toksin dan adik akan slalu sakit belakang.  hubby tu, suh dia ambik utk SUPER SUPER SUPER TONGKAT ALI & kita lak.. SUPER SUPER SUPER  KAAAAACIP FATIMAH..

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 Author| Post time 5-4-2011 10:18 AM | Show all posts
As salam K.Sheila,

Setelah 4 hari makan ageless..
1) Saya selalu rasa panas, sampai berpeluh2 wa ...
sheila Post at 5-4-2011 10:17

Lupa nk jwb brapa hari healing crisis ye? tgk kpd kes adik ler ye.. ICU ke, pesakit luar ke.. ok.. sabooo je dik, jnji smakin sihat & jelitasss gitu..

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 Author| Post time 9-4-2011 08:09 PM | Show all posts
VITAMIN E - Pencerah kulit semulajadiii... yippiii... kalau tak caya, just search type je Vitamin E mencerahkan kulit.. mesti jumpa banyaak produk or jenis2 makanan yg mengandungi Vitamin E bagus utk kulit. Daaan.. TOCOTRIENOL dri sumber pati minyak kelapa sawit adalah VITAMIN E GRED A yang terrrrbaek!!

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2011 09:30 PM | Show all posts
kalau ada area2 yg gulap, bole sapu AGELESS ni, mcm kt muka ke, jeragat2.. kat area ehem2.. jgn la g perabih lak AGELESS sapu kt area yg tk penting k.

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Post time 14-4-2011 07:45 PM | Show all posts
hai putri sori lambat lak nak bg feedback....heheh..
nakal citer dari awal la ek
nakal start ambik ...
nakal14022004 Post at 4-4-2011 11:49

Thanks nakal....dapat gak baca testi nakal
Mmg berbaloi2 gitu guna ageless ek...tak sabar gak ni nak menerai...
nakal makan brp bijik seari? Sjaer nak tau sbgaia panduan gitu

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Post time 14-4-2011 10:38 PM | Show all posts
salam kak sheila.

leh tak pm detail + harga kt saya...nk cuba la.Tq.

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