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Author: Ley


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Post time 30-11-2007 08:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4578 Ley's post

cute betol

sebab hyde kuat nangis la ayah dia hantar belajo kung fu.. tak moh dia jadi lembik cam pompuan.. kan mak dia buat dia cam pompuan

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Post time 30-11-2007 08:52 AM | Show all posts

Cartoon KATTUN translation

credits to eleonora from Ark BBS

★Your strong points?
Hyde:Writing lyrics, writing music, design creation
Ken:I'm fast at eating

★Special talent?
Hyde:Doraemon imitation

★Your hobby?
Hyde: Reading

★Your favourite food?
Hyde:Japanese food

★A person of the showbusiness or a famous person you like?
Hyde: Ooyama Nobuyo* (seiyuu Doraemon)

★Your best 3 favourite slopes?
Hyde: Hakodate, Nagasaki, Onomichi

★Your dream for the future?
Hyde:To live in the country
Ken: Live slowly

★A memory of your school time?
Hyde: Just camping

★Something you always do before a live?
Hyde: Think about MC

★The thing you desire the most now?
Hyde: Winter clothes
Ken: Landgraff Overdrive

★Of recent, I cried for this
Hyde: While I was singing some new songs live
Ken: Watching a movie

★Something you are into of recent?
Hyde: Shopping
Ken: Toothpaste

★Now you can say "Gomen nasai - I'm sorry"
Hyde: I can't say it yet

★Now, this pisses me off!
Hyde: Recycle rate at 6%

★This is my defect?
Hyde: My nose

★If you hadn't been a musician, you would have been?
Ken:A salary man

★Your method to let out the stress?
Ken:A walk

★ Part time job you did?
Ken: Give lesson to student, working in an accesory shop, etc

★The type of girl you like?
Ken: Somebody who is good at listening

★The opposite sex gesture that makes your heart beat?
Ken: A beautiful walk

★The hardest task you have to do till now?
Ken:Shooting a PV with my leg broken

★Your treasure?
Ken:My hands

[ Last edited by  sads at 30-11-2007 08:53 AM ]

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Post time 30-11-2007 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Ohayou minna-san

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Post time 30-11-2007 08:57 AM | Show all posts
dah tengok cartoon KT tu...lawak tak hinggat le hyde
nak tergelak mase hyde kena buat tu...pelik je muke dia bila tengok gambor yg dilukis kame tu...
lepas tu mase hyde lukis tu ...entah ape benda tah...sampai ken pun pelik.

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Post time 30-11-2007 09:32 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4584 ayie77's post

hehehe.. sads tak paham camne rules game tu.. tapi rasanya kalu ikut abjad betul la si kame tu lukis.. oren  .. pastu hyde lukis tempat tido .. mcm buat kesilapan sama yang kame wat..

yang tak tahan tu bole hyde gi nyorok kat palang tu..hehe

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Post time 30-11-2007 09:36 AM | Show all posts

Cartoon KATTUN translation

credits to the wildstar from multiply quoted

"Okay...I'm sorry I can't translate word per word...the clip is too long and I have too many translating jobs... I'm sure someone else will come up with a word-per-word translation soon. Anyway, I made it as specific as I can. I skipped the formalities at the start though.

I included the time in the video so you can follow.

Here's a (long) summary XD"

Okay,game #1: A bunch of questions with answers from L'Arc flash on the screen. If someone from Kat-Tun finds one question particularly interesting, he stops the marquee, then they discuss it further. Here are the questions that came out of the marquee:

Q:What triggered you to start music?
Hyde: Listening to hard rock songs.

Q: What job would you have if you weren't a musician?
Hyde: Liquor seller

Q: Favorite manga?
Hyde: Devilman, Doraemon

Q: What are you the most proud of in your whole life?
Hyde: Having Oyama Nobuyo-san (the one who does Doraemon's voice) sit in front of me in the Shinkansen (bullet train)
SoKat-Tun (sorry, I don't know their names) finds that interesting and stops the marquee there. So Hyde talks about it. He said he was sitting beside his manager in the Shinkansen, notices that Nobuyo-san was sitting in front of him, and he said "Whoa, it's DORAEMON!", he was starstruck cause he really loves Doraemon. So then Hyde says the girl with the food cart (you know, like in they serve food) comes in and asked Nobuyo-san what she would like to have. Then Hyde imitates Nobuyo-san's voice as he heard it: "coffee!" then Hyde says"Whoa, so she drinks coffee!". Then kat-tun asks if Hyde is good at imitating people's voices (like the way he imitated Nobuyo-san). So they ask Hyde to imitate Doraemon's voice. Then Hyde says (in doraemon's voice) "Shizuka-chan, gufufufufu" *hearts*. Everyone laughs and says that's a perverted Doraemon! Someone from kat tun says "that would be doraemon's voice if he's taking a shower in the dokodemo door!" (the dokodemo door is from the anime, just watch it. )

Then, at 3:27, the teaser comes up "Up next, HYDE'S TRAGEDY!" (how dramatic...hahaha)

At 3:30, the marquee starts again with the question:
Q: What do you want to do with Kat-tun?
Ken: I want to be friends with them

They stop the marquee, then Ken elaborates. They always meet Kat Tun in music shows, but that's the extent of their relationship. They never really talk, and no matter how much they see each other in music shows,they never get introduced. So everytime they meet, Ken would say "it's them from the last time!"

So, time for the second game (4:20)

They were playing a drawing version of "shiritori". In the original version,you have to say a word that begins with the last kana (japaense character) of the previous word. So for example, I say the word "hito". It ends with the kana "to". So the next person should say a word that starts with "to". He could say "tobira". Then the next person would have to say a word starting with "ra", and so on.
In the version they are playing, they have to DRAW the word instead of just saying it. Okay...does my explanation make sense? XD I'm really bad at explaining things...

Okay, so the first kana (Japanese character) is "NE". The first member of kat tun draws a mouse, which in Japanese is NEzumi. Then the next member draws an ear, which in Japanese is MImi. The next member gets mental block, then draws an orange, BUT, in Japanese, an orange is called MIkan.This is against the rules. You cannot say a word that ends with the kana "n" (ん), because there is virutally no word that starts with it (okay, I know that sounds weird, but if you can at least read basic Japanese, you'll know what I mean). So the game ends. Everyone was laughing at Hyde's expression because he did a really funny double take when he saw the drawing of an orange. They even replayed the footage.XD Someone from kat tun says "you rarely see Hyde-san doing a doubletake!"

They start the game one again. The first letter is "ko". The first guy draws a kid, which in Japanese is KOdomo. The next one draws an apple, or a RIngo.He's actually supposed to lose, but they continue the game anyway. The next one started drawing rice, which is "gohan". He erases it becauseit ends with the hiragana character "n", which as we know, will make him lose again. So he instead draws golf, in japanese, GOrufu. It's Hyde's turn now, and he draws. They praise him because he draws so fast, but then he draws......a FUton!!And ends with the Japanese character "n"!! So he loses terribly! So Ken can't draw anything now (again, there is no japanese word that starts with that character).
So he lies up the stairs in shame. When he gets up, he says "Let's go home already!" Someone from kat tun says "It's the first time I've seen anyone run back up those stairs!" (cause as you can see, there's nothing behind it XD it's just a prop)

They start the marquee again.

Q: What job would you have done if you aren't a musician?
Ken: office worker

Q: What other jobs have you done?
Hyde: Ramen place, donut store, billiard hall, designing belts
Ken: tanning salon, personal tutor, accessory store

They stop the marquee there. Ken talks about his experience at the tanning salon. he says he expected "gyaru" girls to come (you know, those young, cute, overly fashion-conscious girls. There are lots of differents kinds of "gyaru" though.), but the people that came were only people who really like hawaii, and those macho body builders. So working in a tanning salon didn't live up to the fairy tale. Then Hyde says the donut chain he worked in was pretty popular, and he worked there from 11 at night until 5 in the morning. This donuts chain has this image of being appealing to young people, but when it comes tolate night, most people that came to the store were old gradmas and grandpas. XD

Anyway, the video got cut after that. ^^;; I'm not sure if that was the real end.

[ Last edited by  sads at 30-11-2007 09:42 AM ]

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Post time 30-11-2007 09:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sads at 30-11-2007 09:32 AM
hehehe.. sads tak paham camne rules game tu.. tapi rasanya kalu ikut abjad betul la si kame tu lukis.. oren  .. pastu hyde lukis tempat tido .. mcm buat kesilapan sama yang kame wat..

yang tak ...

dia tak dpt tangkap le kame lukis tu....dah tu malu nyorok kat palang sambil baring lak tu.

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Post time 30-11-2007 09:43 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4587 ayie77's post

kalu ikut tras tu, betul la jangkaan sads. Dia buat kesilapan yang sama macam kame wat.. tak bole end benda dengan bunyi "n" sebab takde japanese words stat ngan n

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Post time 30-11-2007 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Then Hydesays the donut chain he worked in was pretty popular, and he workedthere from 11 at night until 5 in the morning. This donuts chain hasthis image of being appealing to young people, but when it comes tolate night, most people that came to the store were old gradmas andgrandpas. XD
amboi hyde... tapi sekejap sangat le...lepas tu nyanyii...

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Post time 30-11-2007 09:58 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4589 ayie77's post


dia minat nyanyi nak wat camne.. blom lagi dia kata tetsu mcm stalker.. asyik ajak dia masuk band (hyde sendiri citer kat Music Fighter Hurry XMas)

sebelum ni banyak lagi keje dia wat.. dia pernah jadi cikgu ajar main drum.. garang gile  

[ Last edited by  sads at 2-12-2007 08:36 AM ]

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Post time 30-11-2007 09:59 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4586 sads's post

x lama lg ade la sub tu. fan KAT-TUN selalu buat sub cartoon KAT-TUN.

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 Author| Post time 30-11-2007 10:01 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4580 ayie77's post

a'ha yg sub punyer..ok aku leh uploadkn..tapi lambat ckit yek..gomen  arini keje byk arr..aku belom nengok lagi KT tu

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Post time 30-11-2007 10:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4591 fantomette's post

hehehe... tu la pasal.. mesti ada sub punya..

kalu bukan fans kattun .. fans laruku mesti wat

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Post time 30-11-2007 10:03 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4592 Ley's post

uikk.. smalam tak sempat tengok ke?.. takpe ley, baca trans je la dulu.. at least tengok nanti paham sket

terspoiler plak untuk ley arini

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 Author| Post time 30-11-2007 10:23 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4594 sads's post

smlm kiter dok menunggu compelete tertido plak
nk nengok sebelum gi kerja tadi sempat..tkper2 mlm nnt nk nengok...kowang bercerita tk tinggal utk aku ner aku nk menyampuk ..dh sume kowang citer yer:@


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Post time 30-11-2007 10:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sads at 30-11-2007 09:58 AM

dia minat nyanyi nak wat camne.. blom lagi dia kata tetsu mcm stalker.. asyik ajak dia masuk band (hyde sendiri citer kat Music Japan Pretty girl)

sebelum ni banyak lagi keje dia ...

tete mcm stalker.. agak ye mane tete jumpa dorang nie yek..
tau tak mcm mane kisah dorang tubuhkan group laruku nie.

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Post time 30-11-2007 10:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Ley at 30-11-2007 10:23 AM
smlm kiter dok menunggu compelete tertido plak
nk nengok sebelum gi kerja tadi sempat..tkper2 mlm nnt nk nengok...kowang bercerita tk tinggal utk aku ner aku nk menyampuk  ...

lawak giler ley...tapi sekejap sangat le.tak puas hati tui...:@

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Post time 30-11-2007 10:35 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4596 ayie77's post

dulu sebelum hyde masuk group tetsu, dia ngan group lain.. amende tah nama group dia. Hyde tak nyanyi tapi main gitar.. masa tu diorang main kat club.. ala biasa la kan, group2 baru main music. Masa tu tetsu mcm dah tersuka kat hyde.. dia try rekrut tapi suruh jadi penyanyi.. rasanya masa mula2 ternampak hyde tu tetsu ingat dia pompuan kot.. dengor suara baru tau.. tu yang lepas hyde abis main je mesti tetsu jumpa hyde pastu tanya.. "how do you feel?".. tu yang hyde kata dia stalker..

kat music fighter tu tetsu cakap hyde two-timing dia sebab hyde main music ngan group lain hehehe

sads tak ingat kat program apa yang diorang citer2 pasal benda2 lama ni.. tapi kebanyakkan fan website ada letak citer tetsu mula2 rekrut hyde...

[ Last edited by  sads at 2-12-2007 08:37 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 30-11-2007 10:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4598 sads's post

byk owang pandang hyde nie pompuan
ingat plak ntah mane aku baca..hyde ckp kalo die pompuan..die jadi wanita seksi dn baek ati ..konpem tetsu ngorat..tkpon Gackt

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Post time 30-11-2007 10:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4599 Ley's post

hehehe.. dia kan cantik.. ingat lagi masa sads bukak PV As she said.. kawan sads tengok kata cantik.. sads suruh teka, of course dia kata pompuan bila kata dia lelaki, hangin kawan sads..   dia kata apasal lelaki tu lagi cantik dari pompuan

sads pun mula2 tengok (blurry eyes PV) ngan adik pun ingat pompuan.. pastu dengo suara.. senyap kejap kitorang

gackt kan cakap kalu hyde pompuan mesti dia ngorat(?) masa interview moonchild dulu

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