sebenarnya ckucin tak berapa suka tgk hyun bin berlakon citer sedey nie pasal klu dia sedey aku pun sedey sama..klu dia nangis aku pun nangis sama.. uwaaaaaa.....................
Gun Woo mentioned something about BASAL SKULL FRACTURE ....
Basically meant "basilar skull fracture " -
is a linear fracture involving the base of the skull. They are rare, occurring as the only fracture in only 4% of severe head injury patients.
Basal skull fractures involve the floor of the skull. These include fractures of the cribiform plate, frontal bones, sphenoid bones, temporal bone and occipital bones. The clinical signs of a basal skull fracture may include the following:
CSF leakage through the ear or nose (otorrhea or rhinorrhea) * cerebrospinal fluid leak
Hemotympanum (blood behind the eardrum)
Bruising behind the ears (postauricular ecchymoses)
Bruising around the eyes (periorbital ecchymoses)
Injury to cranial nerves:
VII nerve - weakness of the face
VIII nerve - loss of hearing
Olfactory nerve - loss of smell
Optic nerve - vision loss
VI nerve - double vision
Most basal skull fractures do not require treatment.
These fractures tend to heal themselves. Persistent CSF leakage may warrant operative repair of the leakage, particularly CSF leaks related to frontal bone and cribiform plate fractures.
ok tq's ... i know bout youtube but beselah..server ofis ni lembap...mmg takleh tgk ekeke... apa2 pun tq's memeriahkan umah hana ni ekeke..n to hhhhh too..