aku rasa management diaorg susah aaa nk tolerate n takleh bawak bincang langsung gamaknye ... kerek sungguh... ngan negara diaorg sendiri pun abis.. aku baca kat soompi, sapa2 yg pergi smlm dpt gaks ler bermesra dengan diaorg walopon rushing........... adess harap2 kpop star lain tak ralat nk datang mesia agi.. n hope budak2 ni dtg balik wat konsert next time...
I thought we wern抰 like that, that we were different
Even knowing our separation, I was awaiting a forever love
Awaiting for the day of separation, like a novel
Not ready for separation, you made me cry like a shower
Until you return I will wait
Until you return I will cry for only a while If rain comes no one will know whether it is tears or raindrops
How long must I wait for you
How long must I be hurting
Even if it hurts to death or even more I will still wait for you
Until you return
I thought it wasn抰 the end, that it wasn抰 like that
Not ready for separation, you made me cry like a shower
Until you return I will wait
Until you return I will cry for only a while
If rain comes no one will know whether it is tears or raindrops
How long must I wait for you
How long must I be hurting
Even if it hurts to death or even more I will still wait for you
Everything is still there, The love is also still there, But the the one I love is not there
* Rap
You told me that you only loved me
We promised to be together forever
You promised me you would love me to death
Don抰 goodbye Say goodbye Don抰 goodbye
My love can just be you/one
My tears can just be you/one
If a year passes, even if ten years pass I will still wait for you
How long must I wait for you
How long must I be hurting
Even if it hurts to death or even more I will still wait for you
Until you return
Monday March 31, 2008
FT Island抯 show called off
PETALING JAYA: Fans of South Korean boyband FT Island were left disappointed when the group's concert was cancelled Sunday.
The concert was scheduled for 7.30pm yesterday at the Sunway Lagoon amphitheatre. At 3pm, the organisers put up a signboard at the venue entrance stating that the concert had been cancelled. No reasons were given.
An official of event organiser C.I. Entertainment, Nurul Eeza Zainal Abidin, told reporters later that the concert was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Asked if refunds would be given, she said 搈ore information will be released in the next few days
penuh terperinci bel nyer experienced smlm... anyway, bwk bersabo jer la kak bel. nk buat mcmaner kan... mintak2 la lps ni, kalo korean artis buat konsert kat sini, x jd mcm nih....
hope so... adess degil giler mgnt korea tu... CI pun dah takleh wat apa2.... just tanggung kerugian aje aaa.......... ... adess wugi aku tak ikut erenah smlm.. dpt gaks gi tgk dak2 tu..
tu ler.... smlm hana n KUanne lepak kat mc;d gombak, sambil meluahkan perasaan n isi perut yg lapor giler gaban n sakit ati n frust sume ado.... ... .... tp mmg harap sangat diaorg akan dtg lagi walopun bkn dlm masa terdekat... huhu.......... cam ade fans negara luar mmg ske kita kena mcm ni..
mmg ... smlm marah ler juga tp tak ler explode .. yg tinggal sedih aje skang ni... .... bnyk sgt romours... tp hana rasa dua2 belah pihak pun ada kesilapan memasing cume yg sebelah sana coz mmg dah terbiasa wat camtu yg jadi mangsa mgnt mesia, artis dia n fans ler... apa salahnye tolerate.. kalo betul2 bengang at least kesian aaa kat fans tu
bagi bel....bel cuba x nak rasa sakit hati sgt..
mcm bel ckp biarpun nak hampir sampai tahap kritikal still try to think positively..sedih...mmg sedih sgt2 terutama bila kita dah happy dan lagi dpt kawan baru dari luar negara..share same interest...pastu terasa...omg..this is my beloved country..napa jadi mcm ni kat diorg semua...actually ni ler pertama..pertama..sekali bel menangis psl concert...nangis masa Birthday Party..nangis juga masa tau masa cancell concert..hampir menangis dlm train balik umah sbb bila gitau hubby begitu understanding gan apa yg kita org semua lalui ...dan nangis gi sekali bila kwn kat airport gitau budak2 tu berlari2 msk train sbb dah terlambat dan nasib baik MAS tunggu diorg gak...dan actually masa tulis posting ni pun bel sdg menangis gak...
skrg ni bel nak lupakan diri ni adalah MOD buat seketika...dah x peduli dah apa org nak kata...dan dah x peduli dah klu tiba2 salah seorg MOD kat sini buat report kat Super MOD or Admin suruh warning kat bel...buat ler suka hati...sbb selama ni bel rasa bel dah bertolak ansur gan diorg semua...x kisah gan layanan buruk diorg kat kita...still that time pun ckp kat diri sendiri...xpe..xpe...diorg cuma jalankan tugas aje....kita semua x kisah tunggu berjam2 or tunggu 24 jam ke x kisah asal diorg muncul biarpun cuma 5 minit pun mesti kita semua org akan happy dan lupakan semua perkara lepas..tapi yg satu CANCEL ni mmg x leh terima...dan rasanya selama2nya diorg x akan pijak Malaysia gi dan the worst thing lagi adalah x kan ada gi Korean artis akan dtg ke Malaysia gi...so Super Junior fan ko org bersiap sedia dari segi mental dan perasaan aje ler klu concert diorg ada masalah nanti...tapi berharap SM Entertainment akan still akan go on plan diorg biarpun semua ni terjadik..sudah semastinya time ni dah jadik headline kat semua newspaper dan tv Korea psl F&C Entertainment cancel concert ni last minute...dimasa yg sama hopefully concert diorg kat Thailand next 2 weeks..x jadik mcm apa yg jadik kat Malaysia...
betul gak tu...sepatutntya...mrk belajar dr kesilapan concerts korea...jgn diulang jadi 2 kali...tp kita tak tahu sebenarnya apa yg berlaku...tapi bg aku la aku tetap salahkan management...cam ko ckp...mrk sepatutnya dah prepare awal2...dan yg aku dengar plak facilities yg disediakan amat teruk...no aircond...dan sound speaker pun teruk...seolah2 tak prepare apa2 pun...
yolah... tp tolong aaaa kasi muke kat fans yg dtg dari jauh... ni langsung diaorg halang budak2 tu nk wat performance.. adess jgn ler pasni artis lain pun tak sudi dtg mesia... ...
mintak2 jgn la smpi konsert super junior tu nnt x jd.... kalo x, mmg meraung x berlagu la nmpk nyer.... dh la mmg berkobar2 giler nk attend 1st konsert in my life >.<.... aper2 pun, mintak2 psl konsert yg cancelled smlm akan ada explanation yg boleh diterima pakai oleh sumer org..... kalo sbb musabab yg tahapahapatah, xtau la nk ckp mcmaner lg dh....
[ Last edited by rukiaichigo at 31-3-2008 11:26 AM ]