ooh...thanks, terharu nya sebab sokong
bacalah fics sy dekat forums
tak lah best pun
ini kira side project sya, nak jadi writer, saya nak belaja+practice
jadi grammar, language sme tunggang langgang sikit
mula2 cerita dia penin sikit
masuk la forum2 ni and komen!
hehe i need your crits to improve!
T concert will be aired in June at TBS Channel! =)
At the same time
[1st LIVE TOUR 2006 ~Heart,Mind and Soul~』 『1 st LIVE TOUR 2006 ~ Heart, Mind and Soul ~』
[2nd LIVE TOUR 2007~Five in the Black~』 『2 nd LIVE TOUR 2007 ~ Five in the Black ~』
aik..baru taw ke..dh lama..tk kan tk taw
w/pon JJ nk pakse kita nk jadi mak we die..tapi den tk rela..baek jadikn adek cukup arrr..kang marah pulak kt abe hyde ku iteww