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Author: yellow belmont

:: - 2003: KOREAN DRAMA @ NTV7 - ::

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2003 03:51 AM | Show all posts
Salam..JAPAN and Koreas ..the rift / conflicts that they had it because of the differences / ketaksamaan dr segi ideology because i am bit confuse South or North ..yg sikalang japan ade problem nie dgn  north korea kan.. 'coz one is the eastern iron curtain ( komunis ) ?? yg south korea tu political conflict yg macm mane lak?

aku sendiri bukanlah arif..cuma..setau aku..dulu habis 1 Korea [north & south] kena takluk oleh Jepun..jadi paham2 jerlah peel askar Jepun time tuh..jadi itulah sbb utamanya..tak kira Korea Utara atau Korea Selatan..dua-dua pun anti-Jepun..

~sebarang kesilapan fakta..tolong betulkan yer~

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2003 03:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-6-3 02:48 AM:
hmm salam

you pro the " utterly gorgeous"?

what so funny?

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2003 04:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2003-6-3 02:55 AM:
Watashi pun pro-Lee Dong. Fave character remains si Ru Ru. Heh.

female character kegemaran aku dulu pun mmg si Ru Ru...but since sejak episod 17 dia tak muncul2 lagi [sayangnyaaa]...rasanya Siao Ke dah menjuarai carta sekarang..hehe

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2003 04:05 AM | Show all posts
tak sangka korang ber3 ada it was meant to be :re:

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Post time 3-6-2003 11:26 AM | Show all posts


salam.. hmm connection..
? French connection you mean, monsieur?'snice semalam ade sikit jejak ..ape tu ..yeah jejak tu god i could not even said it.....

di samping monyet dorm kita org kena ambush dengan wild boar lagi tau...:cf:

about geopoliticss tu ke..pernah jajah dgn jepaun is it same = manchuria dijajah japan ...saya tak ambik advance sejarah lahh..tak tahu sangat..

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 3-6-2003 at 11:30 AM ]

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Post time 3-6-2003 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 2003-6-3 04:00:
female character kegemaran aku dulu pun mmg si Ru Ru...but since sejak episod 17 dia tak muncul2 lagi [sayangnyaaa]...rasanya Siao Ke dah menjuarai carta sekarang..hehe

salam..euwwwww yikes..get a life pleaseeee..

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Post time 3-6-2003 11:32 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 2003-6-3 03:54:
what so funny?

nothing really..

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Post time 4-6-2003 12:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2003-6-3 02:55 AM:
Watashi pun pro-Lee Dong. Fave character remains si Ru Ru. Heh.

female character kegemaran aku dulu pun mmg si Ru Ru...but since sejak episod 17 dia tak muncul2 lagi [sayangnyaaa]...rasanya Siao Ke dah menjuarai carta sekarang..hehe

Aisey....3 lawan 1 ni :sp:. Tapi tak apa, tak apa....since the 3 of you semuanya pro-Lee Dong, I'll be the one yang pro-Jiang Min. Susah juga nak buat pilihan sebab there's no one to hate or blame dalam cerita ni. Masa mula dulu suka Lee Dong juga tapi kebelakangan ni pandangan mata tertarik bila tengok Jiang Min.

Cikgu Kim tu pun not bad, not bad at all. Patutlah si Siao Ke ter'gila-gila'kan cikgu yang sorang ni. Ingat tak episod Jumaat lepas, yang highlight kan hubungan Cikgu Kim & Cikgu Wu (hopefully not too confusing for Takki) tu. Ada scene di pejabat Cikgu Wu, Cikgu Kim nak merokok dalam pejabat tapi Cikgu Wu kata tak boleh sambil tunjuk notis NO SMOKING yang tergantung di dinding. Cikgu Kim tengok tu dan dia senyum sinis sambil ambil marker pen dan tambah pada notis tadi jadi NOW SMOKING dan terus lit up his cigarette. Cute betul masa tu, selamba je. He really knows how to deal dengan Cikgu Wu yang kadang-kadang terlalu strict. Really.....opposites attract!

At the end of the episode, Siao Ke yang dah bersusah payah mengumpul duit akhirnya dapat beli scarf untuk Cikgu Kim tapi tak sempat nak bagi sebab makcik dia pun belikan scarf juga untuk Cikgu Kim. Anak & mak sedara ni sama taste nampaknya.  Jadi, Siao Ke pun offer nak beri scarf tu pada Yu Zhai. Yang kelakarnya, sebelum tu dia tanya Yu Zhai ~ dah ada scarf ke belum? Yu Zhai pun dengan betulnya jawab, dah ada. Langsung Siao Ke terus beri scarf tu pada Da Chu. Masa tu, muka Yu Zhai was like ~ ALAMAK, kenapalah tak bagi aku?!? Priceless! :bg:

Sama dengan yellow belmont, suka dengan Siao Ke juga. The ever so cute & bubbly Siao Ke. Like what mbhcsf said, she's dressed to kill. So true, suka style dia especially bila pakai matching coat & hat warna merah. Ohh....dari jauh dah nampak :bg:.

Siao Ke yang menjadi pujaan hati Da Chu, Chi Hung & Yu Zhai. Assuming mereka semua sebaya, Siao Ke is like the baby of the group. Semuanya ambil berat pasal dia. Of all, rasanya dia paling rapat dengan Da Chu sebab bila Siao Ke marah or sedih, Da Chulah yang pandai buat dia ketawa kembali.

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 4-6-2003 01:26 AM | Show all posts
katt ni macam sama aje pendpt ngan saye. You're not reading my mind, are you? Hehe. ;) Saye pun terfikir gaks tadi yg Siao Ke is the baby of the group. Sbb everyone else seems to always try to 'protect' her. Tadi masa dia kena tipu dgn Modelling Agency tu n masa diaorg teman dia mintak maaf dgn Cikgu Kim, mmg ketara sangatlah!

Pasal her fashion sense, mmg betul la tu. Dia yg paling stylo rasanya... teringat kat scene lepas Siao Ke di'make-over, Yu Zhai ckp, "Dulu lagi comel." Keke. Mmg poo-jaan hati diaorg sume. Rambut Chi Hung klakar la hari ni! Lain sgt... prefer yg lama nyer style. Suits him best.

Cikgu Kim... btul, btul. He's not bad at all. Dia ni ade jadik leading man utk satu drama serial. So rasanya dia punya populariti kat Korea pun not bad la kan. Dia ngan Cikgu Wu completes each other la. Hehe. (katt, x confusing pun... at least dpt gak bygkan ape jadik dlm episod tu )

Satu je yg kita lain yek... pasal love-triangle. Saye pro-Lee Dong. Hehe. Jiang Min okay sebenarnya. Tapi saye lebih ke Ah Dong. Hehe.

yellow, tah

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 4-6-2003 01:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yellow belmont at 2003-6-3 04:00 AM:
female character kegemaran aku dulu pun mmg si Ru Ru...but since sejak episod 17 dia tak muncul2 lagi [sayangnyaaa]...rasanya Siao Ke dah menjuarai carta sekarang..hehe

Hmm... :re: setelah difikir

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Post time 4-6-2003 01:42 AM | Show all posts
tak sangka korang ber3 ada it was meant to be

Like it was meant to be.....perhaps, perhaps, perhaps :bg:.

yellow, tah

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 4-6-2003 01:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-6-3 11:31 AM:
salam..euwwwww yikes..get a life pleaseeee..

:re: Apsal sebenarnya? What's wrong with Siao Ke? Or is it Ru Ru? Ape salahnya dia (either one of them) jadik fave character kitaorg? (me tgh blank)

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Post time 4-6-2003 01:51 AM | Show all posts
Cikgu Kim... btul, btul. He's not bad at all.  Dia ni ade jadik leading man utk satu drama serial. So rasanya dia punya populariti kat Korea pun not bad la kan. Dia ngan Cikgu Wu completes each other la. Hehe. (katt, x confusing pun... at least dpt gak bygkan ape jadik dlm episod tu)

Betul tu....Cho Min Ki is one of the well-known actors juga. His latest drama serial is Yellow Handkerchief aka Yellow Ribbon. Drpd. reviews, not a bad drama too :2cool:.

Glad to know yang you're not confused, yet! Bukannya apa, tiba-tiba teringat scene tu. My memory of Ad Madness is coming back to me in bits and pieces, apa nak buat......dah tua .

[ Last edited by katt on 4-6-2003 at 02:44 AM ]

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Post time 4-6-2003 02:07 AM | Show all posts

don't worry dear TAkki

Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2003-6-4 01:47:
:re: Apsal sebenarnya? What's wrong with Siao Ke? Or is it Ru Ru? Ape salahnya dia (either one of them) jadik fave character kitaorg? (me tgh blank)

salam..just ignore this post yer..Ru Ru laa
hmm by the by would you kindly clarify the...he... sape kitaorg tu..he,,

but then again just ignore..that was not menat for you my dear sweetie..
it's the wicked side of mee..or perhaps the miss hyde's side of me... hmmm

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Post time 4-6-2003 02:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 2003-6-4 01:42:
Like it was meant to be.....perhaps, perhaps, perhaps :bg:.

Yelah.....a hidden connection :re: ke ?

him? monsieur/ connection ..please no...

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Post time 4-6-2003 02:11 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 2003-6-4 01:35:
Hmm... :re: setelah difikir

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Post time 4-6-2003 02:22 AM | Show all posts


hi guys....
i manged to watch the whole 60 minutes of this drama..(pardon? yeah i did not attend my usual aerobic class today)
after watching it, well there 2 things that caught my attention really. Firstly, when c xuan was emptying her locker then dia stared gambar photo the gang mase memula episode dulu with the YKW as the photog'her and ah dong  yg seemed to be tunduk bawah ( looked down) ..hmm may be the hints were there all along..that one's must bowing out from the " game"?ntahlah...

secondly, mase yu zhai seemed to be very apprehensive /bimbang kan siaoke..
rasenye dah lame jugak i agak sikit -sikit terperasan tentang the importance of siao ke's character inthis drama..i think her role is essentially important in giving some sense of ' lepak -lepak issue0 dlm drama yh trying to weave in all the lements / unsur -unsur  cita -cia / ambition , love, and matlamat / f'ship and so on..she acts as buffers actually and also has saved the show from becoming too dull / serious sangat.. ye lah the YKW tui ..kodak monets ..hmm tak tau ;ah..tapi as always pendapat KAAT dearie about siae ke..tu memang betul...yeah ..cantik baju  litlle red riding hood..

lagi satu..
kenapa nama watk? citer cho x X tu semua starts dgn YELLOw X .yellow this....  aaa yellow lagi sorang tu tak dak ka??

ok guys to go now..

[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 4-6-2003 at 02:24 AM ]

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
Post time 4-6-2003 02:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf:
salam..just ignore this post yer..Ru Ru laa
hmm by the by would you kindly clarify the...he... sape kitaorg tu..he,,

kitaorg = saye n yellow ler... ;)

Originally posted by mbhcsf:
laa i... thought bitter like coffee or perhaps ...mocha frapuccino..starbucks....

Apsal nak bitter lak? Siao Ke x penah bitter maa... Dia always ceria n bubbly cam baby sister.

Pasal 'hidden connection', ape salah nyer... bagus per ade connections byk

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 Author| Post time 4-6-2003 04:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-6-3 11:26 AM:
salam.. hmm connection..
? French connection you mean, monsieur?'snice semalam ade sikit jejak ..ape tu ..yeah jejak tu god i could not even said it.....

di samping monyet dorm kita org kena ambush dengan wild boar lagi tau...

about geopoliticss tu ke..pernah jajah dgn jepaun is it same = manchuria dijajah japan ...saya tak ambik advance sejarah lahh..tak tahu sangat..

french connection?..ntah lah madame..
jejak? jejak kasih ker?..
wild boar!..isk isk isk..
manchuria?..nie nama lama China ker?..
aku pun bukannya tau sgt hal sejarah nie..

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 Author| Post time 4-6-2003 04:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2003-6-3 11:31 AM:
salam..euwwwww yikes..get a life pleaseeee..


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