penangan Rela, baju CT pon ala2 kostum badan beruniform giteww.. i like
suka tgk siti jln amik award hr tu, xde lemah gemalai dah, confident n ala2 kawad
i like lagi
sound apm ni mcm hampeh sikit.. lagi gempak kat uitm tu siti nak berjoget pun ala2 slow je kat ap ...
eddysheddy Post at 16-7-2011 17:26
agreed dgn eddysheddy..lagu Fallong In love - CT perform kat UITM is wayyyyyyyyyyy better..sebab music very fast and catchy .. kat APM dia macm slow sikit ....kan? sayang ...kalau fast pace lagi menyengat .. way to go CT... we pray for your
success for ur English album.
tiga dara tetibe ngamok kat utube...
meletss dia defend ct .. bangge mekss ....
hers is kinda the same opinion as mine
fadle said :
adoi siti.. haha tolong lah jgn nyanyi lagu english.. pelat melayu tu terangg sgt..
tigadara balas :
Kenapa ye orang Malaysia ni macam MALUUU sangat kalau pelat cakap Inggeris atau nyanyi ? Selalunya ini adalah orang yang sama yang cakap "oh musik itu universal" ... retorik ? Akon nyanyi pelat. J-LO nyanyi ada pelat. Shakira lagi jelas pelat nya ... and dhuhh nobody cared. I know you said that because English isnt your first language, so its understandable ure hell bent with faking an accent so hard. Duuuuuude ... Oh and by the way, English (Georgia US) is my first language. Second is Spanish. So dont be talking crap bout ppl singing in English with an accent cos you betchoass yaint speakin it at yo first spit.
fadle :
kenape? because it actually sounds good for music.. be it jamaican, spanish or any other native that were mixed with english.. but who the frapp says that malay accent + english actually sounds pleasant?? or chinese accent + english actually sells? people won't listen to this crapp and you for some reason might be related to her or only has a very sucky music taste.. besides, sure you can be proud of your accent tigadara3.. that still doesn't prove anything.
tigadara :
See .. youre the one who decides this and this rite ? Now who the "frapp" are YOU to say that Malay accent doesnt sound good for music ? Statistics ? Dhuhh. Ure just showing how silly slash stupid you are by displaying your own inferiorities when you implied Malay accent doesnt sell or does not sound as good as Jamaican or "any other native". Do you have any idea how LOW you look and sound now by looking up to "any other native" BUT Melayu ? Bet u fake ur accent dont u? Poor you.
fadle :
btw honey.. you dont really sing your fav britney spears songs with a malay accent dont ya? aww you poor girl.. malay accent doesnt mix well with other languages.. because it doesnt sounds nice at all.. not mocking or anything but thats the fact! got it?
tigadara :
But sweetie, its her own SONG .... are you BLIND to see that youre commenting a video of her singing her OWN song and not britney's ? Seriously are you thaaat stupid ?
fadle :
besides.. she looks soo awkward on stage.. you can read from her expression.. pretty much like a barbie doll with a fake expression.. is this what you called entertainment? i want my money back for god sake!
tigadara :
Ohh my mistake. I thought u genuinely cared for her accent, tho u might have an opinion i may not agree with. But i can see now youre just a hater with poor taste and no self-respect (jika anda Melayu lah) ... Goshh i wish i saw that earlier. What a waste. Thanks for commenting tho.
tiga dara tetibe ngamok kat utube...
meletss dia defend ct .. bangge mekss ....
hers is kinda the ...
jojiekejung Post at 18-7-2011 13:34
And the last time I checked, his grammar was atrocious. No big deal.
There are dozens of supermodels(I emphasize once again : SUPERMODELS) from different part of the world with non-speaking English background with heaps of beautiful accents when conversing in English and not a single professional person makes a fuss about it.
And this unknown loser whiner i.e fadle who I assume a Malay with the urban halo surrounding his head(read:delusional) thinks how "English" he can be with the proper accent i.e British accent. Nak tergelak org British baca.
There are many westerners who are not English(even English people) do not complain about the lack of proper British accent.They know that the person is not English by birth and can never be English by talking like one.