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Author: mariam_atikah

[GENG] RumahKakiRoyan Part 148

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Post time 17-12-2014 11:41 PM | Show all posts
Maldives,[10] officially the Republic of the Maldives,[nb 1] is an island nation in the Indian Ocean–Arabian Sea area, consisting of a double chain of twenty-six atolls, oriented north-south, that lie between Minicoy Island (the southernmost part of Lakshadweep, India) and the Chagos Archipelago. The chains stand in the Laccadive Sea, and the capital, Malé is about 600 kilometres (370 mi) south-west of India and 750 kilometres (470 mi) south-west of Sri Lanka.

Maldives has been an independent polity for the majority of its history, except for three periods in which it was ruled by outside forces. In the mid-16th century, for fifteen years, the Maldives was dominated by the Portuguese Empire. In the mid-17th century, the Dutch Empire (Malabar) dominated Maldives for four months. Finally, in the late 19th century, on the brink of war, the Maldives became a British protectorate from 1887 until 1965. The Dutch referred to the islands as the "Maldivische Eilanden" (pronounced [mɑlˈdivisə ˈɛi̯lɑndə(n)]), while the British anglicised the local name for the islands first to the "Maldive Islands" and later to the "Maldives". The islands gained independence from the British Empire in 1965, and in 1968 became a republic ruled by a president and an authoritarian government.

The Maldives archipelago is located on top of the Chagos-Maldives-Laccadive Ridge, a vast submarine mountain range in the Indian Ocean. Maldives also form a terrestrial ecoregion together with the Chagos and the Lakshadweep.[11] The Maldives atolls encompass a territory spread over roughly 90,000 square kilometres (35,000 sq mi), making the country one of the world's most geographically dispersed. Its population of 328,536 (2012) inhabits 192 of its 1,192 islands.[12] In 2006, Maldives' capital and largest city Malé, located at the southern edge of North Malé Atoll, had a population of 103,693.[13][14] Malé is one of the Maldives' administrative divisions and, traditionally, it was the "King's Island" where the ancient Maldives royal dynasties were enthroned.

The Maldives is the smallest Asian country in both population and land area. With an average ground level elevation of 1.5 metres (4 ft 11 in) above sea level, it is the planet's lowest country.[15] It is also the country with the lowest natural highest point in the world, at 2.4 metres (7 ft 10 in).[15] Forecasts predicting future inundation of the Maldives due to rising sea levels are of great concern to its people.

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Post time 17-12-2014 11:43 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-12-2014 11:44 PM | Show all posts
lg 7 minik

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Post time 17-12-2014 11:44 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-12-2014 11:46 PM | Show all posts
Scar - Cloud Control

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Post time 17-12-2014 11:47 PM | Show all posts
3 minik lg

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Post time 18-12-2014 08:08 AM | Show all posts
As Salam semua...

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Post time 18-12-2014 08:11 AM | Show all posts
cik_kiah posted on 17-12-2014 11:43 PM

Hi Kiahhh....tak yah la g maldives...kat mesia pun ada rumah atas air....kat PD jek...

dalam bilik ada kolam renang lg...


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Post time 18-12-2014 08:15 AM | Show all posts
grand lexis....ada private pool lg...


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Post time 18-12-2014 08:18 AM | Show all posts
miss_pooh posted on 17-12-2014 11:26 PM
Sabau naaa..tasampai sbuln lg

Hi Pooh...dah kol 8 pagi nie...jom krohhhh..

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Post time 18-12-2014 08:21 AM | Show all posts
cik_kiah posted on 17-12-2014 11:02 PM

apsal tak suka dia...dia cantas ko utk jd model tudung ker..???

mcm nipis jek tudung yg dia pakai nie..


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Post time 18-12-2014 02:24 PM | Show all posts
mahalnyer nak g maldives...

cilok dari Sini

hai...sementara tengah free & memori ni kuat lagi, baik i share brp bajet & sedikit tips utk ke maldives...

macam i pernah cerita sebelum ni, utk kalendar 2014 takde satu pon plan kitorang untuk melancong ke luar negara sbb nak saving sikit utk rumah kami yg ke-3 (insyaAllah)...konon2 nak simpan la utk buat wiring ke apa sebelum sewakan kat org (KONONNYA!)...takpe, yakin je rezeki Allah ada kat mana2...kot2 ada pulak rezeki adik baby ni kan? hehe

tapi bila tahu i pregnant, ligat je kepala otak ni cakap "mesti jugak bercuti sebelum beranak, mesti!! dah anak 2 confirm agak susah sikit apatah lagi mungkin makan masa bertahun nak tunggu anak ke dua tu umur setahun/sesuai utk travel jauh"

jujur cakap, hubby bukan kaki travel...selama ni kalau uols tengok i pegi holiday jauh2 tu sebenarnya hasil pujuk rayu...kehkehkeh...sbb tu i cukup berterima kasih kalau hasil pujuk rayu i tu berjaya :p

byk tempat i cadangkan kat hubby contohnya hongkong, china & semestinya i pilih tempat yg tak perlukan visa sbb i ada masa lebih kurang sebulan je lagi utk rancang percutian ni memandangkan dah nak masuk bulan ramadhan...bak kata hubby, hongkong & china tu sah2 la bukan tempat utk berehat & confirm akan byk berjalan tak sesuai utk i yg pregnant kononnya nak bercuti utk rehatkan minda...

*TING* tiba2 i terfikir maldives sbb dah lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sangat i nak pegi situ...nak ke sana tak perlu apply visa...i sangat suka pantai/pulau yg cantik...tengok alam ciptaan Allah mesti rasa tenang je kan? mula2 hubby reject sbb dia cakap boringnya duk pulau tak boleh buat apa (tapi meleset, padahal byk benda boleh buat & dia sendiri enjoy giler kat sana)...

weh panjang giler intro! hahaha...ok2 meh masuk bab BUDGET (ini bajet kitorang utk 2 adults, 1 kid- 2 years old...dan utk 5 hari)

1. Flight Tix: air asia dah xde penerbangan ke male, jadi kitorang pilih utk naik MAS...kalau uols tengok, harga ke male ni jarang berubah maksudnya asyik maintain je...sekian lama i tengok harga total RM 5,600 utk kitorang 3 org sampai i takde la terhegeh2 sgt nak fact kalau uols cek sekarang pon, harga tix lebih kurang RM 1,800/person/return...nak jadikan cerita, satu petang tu i cek lagi harga tiket ke maldives, tuptup tengok harga lebih kurang RM4,000 utk kitorang bertiga...murahhh! i cepat2 wassup hubby suruh dtg office i...bila dia tengok, dan2 dia cakap "ok abg book sekarang la"...yahooooooooooooo rasa nk meloncat masa tu!!! selesai hubby buat semua, maksudnya kitorang ada masa 3 minggu lagi utk fly...nasib baik passport kitorang masih valid...
*TOTAL: RM 4,000

2. Penginapan/Hotel: harga hotel adalah lebih mahal drp harga flight tix! sebab flight malam & sampai airport male pon dah malam, so kitorg decide utk stay kat hotel area hulhumale (area airport tu je)...hotel kat hulhumale ni murah2 sbb dia bukan private island...satu malam kitorang menginap kat transit beach view hotel ni RM200...keesokannya pukul 9am kitorang dah dihantar ke airport semula utk naik speedboat ke private island...kitorang pilih utk stay di private island sbb hulhumale tak lawa...kehkeh...utk private island, kitorang pilih BANDOS ISLAND RESORT...sangat byk sebab knp i pilih bandos, nnti i cerita dalam entry lain...bilik kitorang kat sini satu malam termasuk tax lebih kurang RM 1,500...korang darab sendiri la kalau 3 malam...sbb tu i cakap hotel lagi mahal drp tiket kapal terbang...kalau harga kat agoda tu kan, let say dia tulis 1.1k, silalah korang tambah lagi rm400-500 sbb itu harga tak termasuk tax...kat sana byk tax! sampai bed tax pon ada utk satu malam per person...
*TOTAL: RM 4,700

3. Makan: bagi i makanan kat sini adalah sangat mahal!! bayangkan kitorang dinner makan nasi + lauk lebih kurang macam kari + roti nan + 2 gelas air buah dah habis RM120...itu baru dinner ok! utk candle light dinner, lebih kurang RM300...i bawak rice cooker, beras & makanan dalam tin...utk lunch, i masak je kat villa least jimat sikit sbb hubby i ni jenis makan byk & kerap...air mineral pon diorang jual USD4...sebab tu kalau nak ke mana-mana private island, silalah beli air mineral awal2 dia hulhumale sebelum uols naik speedboat/seaplane utk ke private island pilihan masing2...sbb kitorang stay kat private island, maka segala makan & aktiviti memang bergantung kat situ je la...unless kalau uols nak stay kat hulhumale, maybe boleh dpt makanan yg murah kot?
*TOTAL: RM 1,000

4. Transfer/Transport: dari airport ke transit beach view hotel, kitorg dikenakan USD 8/person/ utk 2 org lebih kurang RM60 la termasuk tax...ayish nasib baik diorang bg free...dari airport ke Bandos island pulak, kitorang naik speedboat...utk dewasa USD 86/person/return...utk budak 2 tahun ke atas macam ayish USD 43/person/return...maknanya utk transport ke bandos sahaja kitorang habis dalam RM 800++ bila termasuk tax...kalau korang pilih utk stay kat private island, masa pilih hotel tu silalah tengok dulu harga transfer berapa...sbb kadang2 transfer ni lagi mahal dari harga hotel...kalau private island yg jauh, uols wajib naik seaplane & kalau nak naik seaplane tu harga dia RM1,200/person/return *PENGSAN*...naik pulak setakat 15-20min je...sbb tu i pilih pulau yg dekat & boleh naik speedboat je...tapi kalau kaya, apa salahnya nak merasa naik seaplane tu kan?
*TOTAL: RM 900

5. Aktiviti: i takde la banyak sgt buat aktiviti kat sana memandangkan tengah hubby banyak la jugak buat! hehe...i teringin nk naik jet ski tapi apakan dayaaa...huhu...selain snorkeling, i buat aktiviti kayak & island hopping je...parasailing i nak buat tp tak dapat...huwaaaaaaaaaaaa...
*TOTAL: RM 600

6. Lain-Lain: masa buat aktiviti kayak, kitorang ada tinggalkan ayish kat baby care selama sejam...utk sejam diorang charge lebih kurang RM60...utk belanja lain macam souvenir, i banyak beli fridge magnet, key chain & t-shirt je...belanja tu semua habis dalam RM700..tshirt kat sana bagi i adalah mahal! huhu...pulak tu adik beradik i ramai memang banyak la nk kena beli...
*TOTAL: RM 760 (ini utk yg nampak, yg tak nampak/tak sedar tu xtau la brp habis)

**GRAND TOTAL uols calculate la sendiri yer!

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Post time 18-12-2014 02:26 PM | Show all posts
belas2 ribu...utk bercuti cuma 5 hari 4 malam....nak kumpul jumlah tuhhhh........

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Post time 18-12-2014 04:50 PM | Show all posts
tak de org lak ari nie...

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Post time 18-12-2014 05:38 PM | Show all posts
amoi yg comel...

dan kokesen yg cun...


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Post time 18-12-2014 05:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kwn brjaya pujuk

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Post time 18-12-2014 05:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mlm ni tgok hobbit
Mlm tadi teda firedrill so deyol speku mlm ni komfem ade..tu yg beriye pjok kite join gak
Aii ni pulk klu org da beriye pujuk tasampai hati nk kate x..lgpon she sorg ja pompuan..

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Post time 18-12-2014 06:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ellehh..klu de firedrill pon aii okeh ja..nyorok mcm biasa
Deyol dok kalut sgt sbb blok deyol memng macit guard spotchck btol sape yg taturon blok kite teda strict camtu

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Post time 18-12-2014 06:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lawak ingt cite deyol nyorok time pes year..snggop berpanas dlm locker dok bwh ktil dari pi tron

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Post time 18-12-2014 06:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Gedik aihhh da tau sorg pompuan buek gapo nak pi jugak

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