MATco polo...travel corner.......anything pasal travel
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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by ai_ai_ai at 4-8-2006 08:22 AM
ni kedai makan kat ner abang matz???
ni across the road is somewhere near the pasar philipine... |
Originally posted by SQ154 at 4-8-2006 09:55 PM
How's was Your Trip To Jakarta Chic?
It was very good. I loved it.... |

-shenzen, china- |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by alexandria_iz at 9-8-2006 08:33 AM

-shenzen, china-
report please.many thanks |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted

thick fog/clouds....gunung tak nampak |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted

asap tebal came out of the trees |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 9-8-2006 06:04 PM
report please.many thanks
nk report katne? kat bawah gmbr tu ke? |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 10-8-2006 11:07 AM

thick fog/clouds....gunung tak nampak
kat mana nie abg matz? |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by alexandria_iz at 10-8-2006 11:19 AM
nk report katne? kat bawah gmbr tu ke?
ceritakan yang macam chic tulis pun boleh.
or paste photo and describe sikit.
many thanks......how was india ? |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by alexandria_iz at 10-8-2006 11:25 AM
kat mana nie abg matz?
i was at kota kinabalu,sabah last month. |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted

photo taken after the rain,this is one of the check point/station on the way up to mount kinabalu.
i think on a clear day you can see the top of mount kinabalu from this plat form |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted

along the winding road at mount kinbalu,the fog can be very thick.
i don't reccomend you to drive unless you are very familiar with the roads |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted

ni dalam nya ....tapai beras..... |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 10-8-2006 11:26 AM
ceritakan yang macam chic tulis pun boleh.
or paste photo and describe sikit.
many thanks......how was india ?
oooo... camtu yek...
mmmm... nnti alex citer.... insya-allah....
india? jgn laa pergi time bulan apr-jul..... panasnyer.... rasa nk terbakar.... kalo nk pergi jugak, pegi hill station.... this time, alex x kemana.... alex duduk kat umah MIL je, since pegi sana pun sekadar melawat MIL yg x sihat.... 5 hari je di sana.... like i said - it was very hot.... tu pun, alex pergi dah nk akhir2 julai... kalo pegi time apr-may.... mau duduk dalam bilik & pasang air-cond 24 jam... hehehehe
di jalan raya
di madras - masih bole nampak lembu2 melintas di jalan raya.... banyak lak tu... org2 miskin jalan kat tengah panas - x pakai selipar.... sampai kaki kulit tu dah berkematu... so sad.... kita?? alangkan pakai kasut pun, bole mengeluh panas..... mmmmmm....
kalo 1st time pegi madras, the 1st thing that u wud notice.... bising!! kalo kat jalan raya tu, hon tu x penah stop berbunyi.... dah jadi budaya kot... kalo bawak kenderaan, otomatik tangan tu kat hon.... xde sebab musabab pun, hon jugak..... pening gak laaa masa mula2 datang india.... hehehehe
motorcyclist... majority x pakai helmet.... selambe je.... yg naik mtor 3 orang pun berlambak.... hahahaha.... sebijik cam dalam filem hindi / tamil...
nak beli barang esp segala jenis kain - kat sini memang murah.... tailoring pun murah.... alex bagi contoh - sepasang baju punjabi, harga upah jahit hanya 200 rupee (with lining) which is not even S$ 10.... hehehehehe... seriously, memang murah.... kalo baju2 penuh ngan beading / labuci2... pun sama gak harga upah jahit dia.... kalo kat msia / spore.... alamatnyer kena ntar boutique2 laaa... kalo x, jahanam kain....
kedai jual saree & kedai emas memang bersepah.... kalo nk beli emas kat sini, memang murah.... sbb unlike msia & spore, kedai emas dia berderet2... so they cant afford to mark-up the price so much... tapi.... kena pandai pilih laaa.... taste org india & taste org melayu nie bebeza.... hehehehehe.... diorang kar sana, pakai yg gedabak2.... pattern pun, pattern orang diorang laa.... hahahahaha....
dekat india, kalo kita nk beli kain - dia akan longgokkan segala material yg kita berkenan kat depan kita.... lepas dia longgok, kita pilih laaa.... & kalo dalam banyak2 kain tu - kita x berkenan kat satu pun... still xpe... diorang x marah.... memang culture dia camtu (dalam hati - mesti menyumpah gak laaa... hahaha)...
peminta sedekah
elakkan bagi sedekah kat budak2 yg mengemis.... bukan apa, pengemis kat sana - memang bersepah.... siap bergeng2.... bagi kat sorang, alamat lepas tu.... berderet laa yg datang.... kalo kita bagi 5 rupee kat 1 person & the next person kita bagi 2 rupee - dia bole demand nk 5 rupee gak.... hahahahaha... silap2 bole bertekak ngan budak2 tu..... hahahaha
makan & minum
air paip dia x bole minum terus.... masin & x bersih!! kalo mandi, selagi bole elak dari basah kan rambut - memang alex cuba utk x basahkan rambut.... sebab?? nnti rambut jadi keras macam dawai!!.... kalo pegi restaurant... mintak air mineral.... selalunyer diorang memang akan sediakn air minum (air masak putih)... tapi bagi kita2 yg x biasa.... jgn minum air tu.... x tertelan.... hehehehe
pasal makan - x payah risau... berlambak vegetarian restaurant kat india nih... muslim food pun bersepah....
the easiest way to roam around - auto.... 1st time naik, terasa jakun gak.... hehehehe... takut pun ada.... auto driver nie - dia main bedal je.... masuk lane orang, jalan kat tengah2 manusia..... risau je.... hehehehe
kalo nk pergi 3/4 tempat, cakap ngan auto driver tu awal & negotiate the fares.... dia akan bawak ke semua tempat2 tu & he'll wait for us..... senang laaa...
mmmmmm...... alex rasa tu je laa yg alex bole kongsi pasal bandar madras... gambar.... xde laaa... nnti bulan 12, alex pergi lagi... insya-allah, i'll paste.... |
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Originally posted by matz_rockz at 10-8-2006 11:42 AM

along the winding road at mount kinbalu,the fog can be very thick.
i don't reccomend you to drive unless you are very familiar with t ...
abih tu? abg mat drive ke? pegi KK buat apa? saja jenjalan ke? |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by alexandria_iz at 11-8-2006 03:00 PM
abih tu? abg mat drive ke? pegi KK buat apa? saja jenjalan ke?
i charter taxi from KK to kota belud,on weekends ada pasar tamu...
like to see those kampung kampung and native stuffs.
alex...the road is long and winding...i took the travel pill pun termuntah,beh ta han
kalo you are not familiar with the roads,better not to drive,sabelah tu gaung dalam. |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by alexandria_iz at 11-8-2006 02:55 PM
oooo... camtu yek...
mmmm... nnti alex citer.... insya-allah....
india? jgn laa pergi time bulan apr-jul..... panasnyer.... rasa nk terbakar.... kalo nk pergi jugak, pegi hill station.. ...
many thanks for the report. |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 11-8-2006 03:11 PM
i charter taxi from KK to kota belud,on weekends ada pasar tamu...
like to see those kampung kampung and native stuffs.
alex...the road is long and winding...i took the travel pill pun ...
isk... xde laa niat nk drive.... tempat kalo x biasa pegi, memang alex x berani drive....
how many days u were there? best x? all-in-all, how much do u spent (including transport from spore & accomodation there)? kalo best, ingat nk ajak hubby pegi laa... |
Originally posted by matz_rockz at 11-8-2006 03:15 PM
many thanks for the report.
no problem... |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
Originally posted by alexandria_iz at 11-8-2006 03:20 PM
isk... xde laa niat nk drive.... tempat kalo x biasa pegi, memang alex x berani drive....
how many days u were there? best x? all-in-all, how much do u spent (including transpo ...
i spend RM1000.00
includes 2 night hotel,transport mahal sikit about RM 300.00
the rest is makan and shopping .
btw,i didn't buy much things....just look look n see see aje. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara