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novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:11 PM nov rs ade tepek dah sblm ni
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:12 PM dah tgk ke blm?
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:13 PM hr ni kuar memo klg shut down 12 hr tp tong2 leave
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:37 PM garam tu kn garam bukit eh air suhu bilik atau air suam?
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:37 PM itu la bahasa melayunya sakit urat
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:38 PM alhamdulillah ape perkembangan terkini dkt rmh?
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:39 PM btl nk buat keputusan x bole ikutkan hati dan perasaan
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:40 PM asben akak ade outstation ke?nov stay tanah besar
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:40 PM a'aa tepat sekali klu nk dtg roger tau
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:42 PM mcm skrg mcm selang 3hr akak on9
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:43 PM mcm hr ni beratus2 noti akak
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:44 PM nov br lps dinner lps minum air ngap kacang potong pulak
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:44 PM ms anak2 kecik dulu sp kemas rmh?
novelloverzz replied at 3-12-2024 07:45 PM bila dah kawin ni kn la tolak ansur br aman bahagia
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