Reply #519 virgomal's post
wokey.... |
chad pun okies aje  |
saya saya... sambil angkat botol air.. hehe |
wokey... so far dah 4 org...sape lagikk?? |
saya..saya......  |
ai hom..inda tah ku ampit esok tu |
Reply #526 chichi's post
Adoiii chi still bz kah? kalo ptg hom nada dpt jua.. pasal hom ada mtg the whole p.m. |
Hope the server will not be a problem tomorrow... |
hope masa ada quiz V tak bz....  |
bah hommy, aku kan join ni.. jadi?? |
Reply #530 kecubung's post
Assalamualaikum cubby...
awu eh jadi insyaallah... mudahan jua seber nda problem lah... |
korang sudah bekpes?
sila minum dulu :tea: |
Reply #529 virgomal's post
V...unbzkan diri le...  |
Reply #532 holmes's post
waalaikumsalam...udah bekpas lam keta tadi..
[ Last edited by kecubung at 19-7-2007 09:33 AM ] |
Reply #535 kecubung's post
green tea hom masih panas lah... adoiii...  |
wokey...hom kasi another 3 minit...pastu hom post terus soklan... |
penal -T, each answer dpt 50 pinat...  |
Reply #538 kecubung's post
manade dlm perjanjian ...wokey get ready... |
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Category: Negeri & Negara