AisPrince posted on 21-10-2013 11:08 AM
that's so lame.......
juz kidding
Good mornng Ais......
there will be minimal blood loss..........................
the ortho so focused on his specialty.....sampai can;t see a bigger picture...basic medical thing..
i guess thats the thingwith people doing specialty in something....
AisPrince posted on 21-10-2013 11:11 AM
Guilty Pleasure of mine....
you can;t handle it------->show pail...................
but the first video tu reminds me of poetry.....a way of being expressive..........
that video seem like a good way to teach children idiom..i think....sbb when you relate something poetic to normal basic everyday stuff...they can remember better.....erm...
Post time 22-10-2013 12:05 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Elle_mujigae posted on 15-10-2013 11:18 AM
Raya haji ni meriah kat negeri Pantai Timur je kan......kat sini macam hari biasa je...
Selamat Ha ...
Hi.....selamat hari raya....huhu...susah la on9 ngan fon ni...fb aje boleh...ader sape2 nk sponsor notebook or netbook x?? rindu nk on9 porem cam dulu ((
Tottot89 posted on 22-10-2013 12:05 PM
Hi.....selamat hari raya....huhu...susah la on9 ngan fon ni...fb aje boleh...ader sape2 nk sponsor ...
Good afternoon tottottttt..............
awat yang susah sangat online pakai fon tu.......fb boleh pula ye..................
mcm mana la you boleh bertahan lama takde laptop.........huhu tak boleh dibayangkan....
tunggu duit bonus la tottot.......beli macbook air teruih...........