gitu, vios aritu tak tau doktor cakap kat perut jadi cucuk je la kat situ |
zira carik body part yang paling mantap..disitulah jarum itu akan dibenamkan..he..he..kurang sakit..tak rase pun smalam..pagi ni jer bangun tidon rase sengal2...vios...awak dah wat IUI ker? |
hari ni one of my bestfriend bersalin..first baby..happy bile kawan2 dah jadi ibu...aku jer blum lagi...sob.sob..sob..
macam nak kuar jap...g kedai baby..nak carik hadiah untuk baby dia laa...(sorry off topic..takdak kawan nak menyembang..dari tadi mati kutu dok rumah sorang2...)bosannyer...aku dah bosan..aku dah..bosan...nak g carik novel baru tapi macam takda mood nak drive jauh2....melalut...sowry ek kawan2...ginilah gaye seorang yang takda kawan... |
538# mazz2009
Mazz ,
saya buat kat KL Fertility kat Damansara Height dgn Doktor Prakash. For next round, Hubby suruh kat tempat lain tapi memandangkan semua rekod perubatan ada kat ...
asleyza Post at 29-10-2009 14:00
salam semua,
hi asleyza, saya terpanggil nak komen pasal fertility clinic ni, btw alhamdulillah skrg saya dah conceive via IVF buat kat TMC fertility center ngan Dr Surinder,byk pakar sakit pn kat situ tapi semua lelaki lah..antara yg saya pernah wat treatment Dr. Dev Kumar Menon, Dato Dr Collin dll..dulu klinic ni dikenali ngan nama Damansara Fertility center kat uptown tu rasanya bukan klinic yg you pernah buat tu kot..skrg derang dah move ke tropicana med center..
sabar byk2, insyaAllah kalo you rasa nak try next treatment bole cuba hospital ni sebab saya dah berjaya mengandung melalui kaedah IVF skrg ni dah 13weeks..tapi kena get ready je la duit sbb kuarnya mcm air...
dan saya doakan semua mommy to be dlm ni akan berjaya mengandung hendaknye tak kira la apa usaha kita..amin (doa ibu mengandung selalunya mustajap)hehehe... |
zira carik body part yang paling mantap..disitulah jarum itu akan dibenamkan..he..he..kurang sakit..tak rase pun smalam..pagi ni jer bangun tidon rase sengal2...vios...awak dah wat IUI ker?
ZiraHashim Post at 3-11-2009 11:33
Dah penah buat skali tapi tak jadi. Rasa nak buat lagi tapi banyak sangat masalah jadi stop dulu......... |
salam semua,
hi asleyza, saya terpanggil nak komen pasal fertility clinic ni, btw alhamdulillah skrg saya dah conceive via IVF buat kat TMC fertility center ngan Dr Surinder,byk pakar sakit pn ...
vandetta Post at 3-11-2009 11:55
Rasa2 stat dari mula nak buat ivf tu sampai sudah berapa agaknya duit yang abis. Vios saja je tanya kut2 nak buat jadi nak prepare dulu apa2 yang patut |
zira ....
ckpla nak cucuk kat maner pun ....semua nyer zalida takut....hmy3::cf: |
zira hope semua nyer berjaln ngan lancar k..... |
phone jer lppkn tue...dorang semua ok .....
x yah nak malu2....
kat saner, semua nyer senasib ngan kiter..... |
slm semua,
saya paham masalah puan2 semua, jd sy nk suggest puan2 semua utk cuba produk Elken, LD-VENUS. Ramai yg dh try produk ni ALhamdulillah dlm masa 2 bln dah ada resultnya. Produk ni ada mcm2 fungsi yg baik utk wanita. Dgn cost rm3++, peluang anda mungkin cerah. InsyaAllah
Below the product's review:
LD-Esteem & Ld-Venus : A Holistic Solution to Improve Root Cause of Female Physiological Symptoms
Have you ever encountered problems like...
Dull complexion
Poor memory
Easily agitated and hot tempered
Gaining weight despite eating less
Dissatisfied with own body shape
loss of self-confidence
All these issue maybe related to
Female Physiological Symptoms!
Women of different ages experience different physiological symptoms. Generally, women
undergo 3 stages of physiological symptoms during their lifetime.
At this stage, hormone secretion reaches its peak level. Females start to develop breast
and experience menstruation.
At this level, hormone secretion begins to decrease resulting in menstrual
pain and irregular menstruation. Women may also experience prolapsed
uterus, vaginal dryness, enlarged / loose vagina and less interest
in sexual activities etc.
Hormone secretion begins to diminish or
even cease altogether.
Pre-menopause stage :
Hot flushes, night sweat, emotional instability, hot temper, depression, insomnia, forgetfulness, etc
Mid term stage :
Dry skin, wrinkles, vaginal dryness, thinning of vaginal membrane due to shrinkage, vaginitis
(inflammation of the vagina), etc
Advanced stage :
High cholesterol, osteoporosis, thinning of the skin, incontinence and other ageing symptoms.
Conditions which contribute to female
physiological symptoms are:-
Environmental pollution
Overwork and no rest
Improper dietary habits
Tension and stress
Lack of healthcare knowledge
Introducing a holistic Solution to improve root cause of female physiological symptoms...
Main Ingredients of LD-ESTEEM
Fructus Ligustri Lucidi ( nu zhen zi )
Nourishes 'yin', enhances and invigorates kidney and liver
Semen Vaccariae Segetalis ( wang bu liu xing )
Invigorates blood, promotes menstruation, enhances lactation ( the secretion of milk),
relieves pain and reduces swelling
Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari ( huang qi )
The most efficacious among all herbs in replenashing inner energy (qi). It is helpful in treating
prolapsed organs
Radix Glycyrrhizae Glabra ( gan cao)
Detoxifies body, reduces heatiness & help treat inflammation of mammary glands
Generally used to relieve constipation and smoothen bowel movement
Main Functions of LD-ESTEEM
LD-ESTEEm focuses on improving the hormonal system. Some benefits of an improved hormonal system are:-
Nourishing liver and kidney and strengthening their functions
Stimulating the ovaries and mammary glands
Increasing blood circulation in the breast
Providing nutrients to breast
Speeding up regeneration of fibrous tissues in the breast
Enhancing breast development
Improving pigmentation problems thus making skin fairer and its tone more even
Main Ingredients of LD-VENUS
Radix Angelicae Sinensis ( dang gui )
Enriches blood and promotes blood flow, regulates menstruation, reduce menstrual pain, assists uterus to contract
Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae ( dang shen )
- Restores 'qi' ( inner energy ) deficiency in the spleen & stomach to improve absorption & digestion
- Increases production of red blood cells & haemoglobin
Radix Galviae Miltiorrhizae ( dan shen )
Helps relieve blood stasis & menstrual pain
Herba Patriniae ( bai jiang cao )
Detoxifies body, reduces heatiness, reduces inflammation, invigorates blood and reduces blood stasis
Herba Leonuri ( yi mu cao )
Promotes blood flow, regulates menstruation, reduces menstrual pain, enriches blood and assists uterus to contract
Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari ( huang qi )
The most efficacious among all herbs in replenishing 'qi'. It is helpful in treating prolapsed organs
Main Functions of LD-VENUS
Improves skin texture, pigmentation and eye circle
Relieves menstrual pain
Reduces pregnancy stretch marks
Assists to regulate & nourish women recovering from chilbirth
Helps reduce menopausal symptoms
No known side effects
No hormone added
No chemicals
No artificial ingredients
No boiling required
Recommended consumption
LD-ESTEEM & LD-VENUS should be consumed together in order to enjoy their synergistic efficacy :-
Before breakfast - 1 bottle LD-ESTEEM
Before lunch - 1 bottle LD-VENUS
Before Dinner - 1 bottle LD-ESTEEM |
zalida..thank you..so zalida dah penah wat iui ker?
vios..nak tanyer..knape tak jadi yer?ape masalah vios...zira ni badan tak cukup hormon jadi proses ovulasi tak berlaku..makan clomid for 150mg baru hormon progesterone naik.. |
571# ZiraHashim
try la LD-Venus ni, bgs utk peningkatan hormon wanita n xde side effects |
to zairi..
insyaallah kalu rawatan IUI ni tak berjaya..saya akan pikir2kan...tq for the good info. |
zalida..thank you..so zalida dah penah wat iui ker?
vios..nak tanyer..knape tak jadi yer?ape masalah vios...zira ni badan tak cukup hormon jadi proses ovulasi tak berlaku..makan clomid for 150mg baru ...
ZiraHashim Post at 3-11-2009 16:33
ntah la takde rezeki kut.................... |
571# ZiraHashim
try la LD-Venus ni, bgs utk peningkatan hormon wanita n xde side effects
zairi Post at 3-11-2009 17:02
Dah penah cuba LD Venus tapi tak menjadi juga, tapi ada kawan ofis vios amik 2 bulan terus pregnant. Mungkin takde rezeki vios lagi kut.......... |
575# vios04
tu la, LD ni, ada orang yg cepat concieve lps 1-2bln consume n ada yg lambat. Tp mostly ada hasil it just a matter of time n depend on ur internal la sama. So u consume brapa lama time tu? |
575# vios04
tu la, LD ni, ada orang yg cepat concieve lps 1-2bln consume n ada yg lambat. Tp mostly ada hasil it just a matter of time n depend on ur internal la sama. So u consume brapa lama tim ...
zairi Post at 4-11-2009 11:40
saya amik dalam 3 kotak |
Post Last Edit by anasaze at 4-11-2009 14:53
dah lame sgt tak jenguk sini. agak sibuk lately nie.
anyway..saje nak share dgn korang..
dulu penah posting gambo 3d baby kat rumah no 2 r ...
anasaze Post at 4-11-2009 14:51
Alhamdulillah dah selamat bersalin rupanya. Comel baby...... |
571# ZiraHashim zira..... zalida blum penah buat lagikkkk....hari tue doc. ade suggest nak buat...tapi x bley buat lg, sbb sperm x cukup lagikk....ida punyer masalah samer ngan zira, hoemon problem....dr.ade kater nak buat cucuk2 mcm zira tue, tapi kener tunggu hubby punyer prob settle dulu.... |
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