Imprisoned, the mighty Thor finds himself in a lethal gladiatorial contest against the Hulk, his former ally. Thor must fight for survival and race against time to prevent the all-powerful Hela from destroying his home and the Asgardian civilization.
Post time 10-9-2017 09:15 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 26-7-2017 11:51 AM
cate blanchet pun dah join marvel ke?
uhuhuhuh...aku suka lakonan cate..tapi tak sangka dia join ...
Cate join marvel cos of her kids.. dlm interview dia bgtau anak2 dia big fans marvel.. since last year dia confirmed byk projects other than Ocean's 8.. Where'd you go bernadette (now shooting), Lucille Ball's biography n maybe horror movie with Jack Black..hopefully 2019 blh tgk cate nominated for oscar n others..
Mark Ruffalo accidentally streamed the audio of a portion of 'Thor: Ragnarok' from the Los Angeles world premiere Tuesday night when he forgot to turn off his Instagram live.
Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo tweeted out an apology to Marvel for accidentally live-streaming part of the world premiere for Thor: Ragnarok with his phone.Directed by Taika Waititi, Thor: Ragnarok is Marvel Studios’ third film to release this year, and the final installment in a trilogy for Chris Hemsworth’s Thor. Described by many involved in the project as one of Marvel’s most important films to date, Thor: Ragnarok pits the God of Thunder against the Goddess of Death. After Hela destroys Thor’s hammer, Thor is sent to an alien planet to fight in a gladiator pit against the Hulk. Later, Thor and Hulk will team up with Valkyrie and Loki to return to Asgard and defeat Hela.In a report from THR, it was revealed that on Tuesday night, Mark Ruffalo accidentally streamed audio from Thor: Ragnarok during the world premiere at the El Capitan Theatre, unknowingly allowing 2,500 fans to listen in on the stream.Last night, Mark Ruffalo sent out a series of tweets to address the mistake. To one fan who asked Ruffalo if he still had a job, the actor jokingly replied, “I’m working on it.” After making another joke about the incident, Ruffalo tweeted an apology to Marvel before asking if he could have his phone back.
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Cerita kali ni lebih santai dan banyak elemen lawak dari segi script dan lakonan.. kali ni thor dan loki berganding dengan hulk dan juga valkrie
Hela ni dulu dia dengan odin memang tag team utk merperluaskan kuasa jajahan asgard tapi dengan cara yang drastik sampailah tiba ke 9th realm pastu si odin ni jadi baik dan malas nak teruskan dan si Hela ni pulak dia ni queen of death ke tak silap so diri nia penuh dengan kejahatannya dahagakan kekuasaan dah hampir nak overshadow si Odin so dia dikurung utk menghalang dia dari membuat lebih banyak lagi kejahatan yg mahadashat.. pergh ayat aku tak menahan..
Hela ni source of power dia adalah dari asgard so nanti korang tgk la camner dia boleh lepas dan camner dia boleh sampai ke Asgard kang menyirap pulak aku citer semua
Agak terkesima apabila dalam filem ni ada cameo Mat Damon disamping Nat aka Black widow dan juga doktor pelik aka strange.
Si hela ni ada bau2 bacang dengan Thor.. bukan dengan loki...
Memang menghiburkan cuma wow factor from 10 aku bagi 5.5 kerana plotnya agak standard
Watak Valkrie tu pun pada aku pelakonya takde stage presence yang kuat.. sbab masa dia kluar tu tak gah sangat..
Beware of spoilers! Don’t Read! Just go ahead & watch!
My personal review:
I don’t quite like, a mixture of GOG, Tron all planet movie stuff, lots of CGI if u don’t mind.
Soundtrack acceptable ok!
Too much or can say unnecessary humour lines. And character semua cam pak lawak pulak.
Plot / storyline is rushing!
Fight scene best, ok!
Rating: 6.0 /10
Cate Blanchett is success in potraying as a female villian!
So don’t doubt, just go and watch, cause its THOR time!
Post time 26-10-2017 11:48 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
belum tgok... tp aku agak kali ni agak goofy? dan lawak menjadi jadi? aku tak suka arah film marvel jd camni... dc pulak terlalu dark dan serius? kalau marvel bleh balik pd thor 1 kan ok...