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Author: wanitabesi


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Post time 6-9-2018 10:31 AM | Show all posts
dah tgk smalam..
mcm ade yang kurang kat movie nih..tapi tatau part yang mana...hahaha
iols bg 3.5 over 5...
sebab ade part yang iols rasa mengantuk sgt..
scene terkejut tak banyak...scene seram erm..takde la seram mana pun..
cite dia sgt direct tayah pikir nape jadi macam tu jd macam nih...



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Post time 6-9-2018 10:45 AM | Show all posts
lil_honey replied at 6-9-2018 10:31 AM
dah tgk smalam..
mcm ade yang kurang kat movie nih..tapi tatau part yang mana...hahaha
iols bg 3.5 ...

tak thrill sangat mcm conjuring & anabelle? oooookayyy thanks!

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Post time 6-9-2018 05:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lil_honey replied at 6-9-2018 10:31 AM
dah tgk smalam..
mcm ade yang kurang kat movie nih..tapi tatau part yang mana...hahaha
iols bg 3.5 ...

Nape jd x seram sbb peminat yg ikuti cite conjuring universe ni dah kenal sape valak cuma x tau origin die je. Aku pun dah tgk cite ni mmg sama mcm ko rasa n bagi sama bintang. Cite yg tunjukkan origin story hantu mmg dah x seram mana dah mcm anabelle la. Klau hantu baru n original keseraman tu masih tinggi sbb x tau apa yg akan muncul.
Btw aku suka pelakon yg jadi watak irenne rahib muda tu x sangka dia adik vera farmiga, patut la muka sama benor. Igtkan watak vera dlm conjuring 1 n 2 masa muda dlm cite nun ni tapi bukan.

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Post time 6-9-2018 05:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FullReview The Nun by me:

4 stars. I love the setting, which is in Romania somewhere in 1950s. Movie starting with a nun who suicide sebab tak tahan kena kaco dengan Valak. Set filem around dark, haunted castle reminds me of good old horror film waktu kecik2 dulu. Father Burke and Sis Irene kena siasat samada tempat istana (church) tu suci lagi or not, and need to investigate the whole suicide thing. Franchie as an add on gives more spices to the storyline, which his character is cute and funny. Adegan horror, walaupun byk jumpscare but it was made in a good way which is not predictable. Ending is quite miserable, it's like they're lacking of ideas. But based on the last scene, it kinda suggest yang filem The Nun ni akan dapat sequel just like The Conjuring. Btw, where the hell on earth diorang  boleh dapat darah segar Jesus around waktu 1950an?

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Post time 7-9-2018 01:43 PM | Show all posts
Ferr_Remy replied at 6-9-2018 05:09 PM
FullReview The Nun by me:

4 stars. I love the setting, which is in Romania somewhere in 1950s. Mo ...

darah Jesus tu darah waktu Jesus masih hidup disimpan masa istana tu belum dibina lg...kaedahnya camtu...

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Post time 7-9-2018 04:46 PM | Show all posts
Dah tengok tadi. Tengok tanpa perlu menutup mata atau menonton di celah2 cari macam tgk Munafik 2 hari tu. Scary yes scary - LAH. Nama pun horror movie. Tapi, mcm bosan pun ada. It's like you're all excited about the origins of Valak and then after watching you go like "la... ni ja ka kisahnya"

And yes....mengaku juga ada part yg aku menguap 3-4 kali....maybe I am too old for horror movies yang hantu nya cekik2 dan jerkah orang... rasa eerie and seram tu xdak melainkan terkejut... seram lagi Conjuring yang pertama, and Annabelle also seram. And of course, seram lagi Munafik 2.

Ending also x smooth. Wpun bleh laa put together the missing pieces cana Valak bleh muncul kat dalam hidup Lorraine tu --- mebi sebelum lelaki yg kena rasuk tu pulih ke mati dia bisik something kat Lorraine --- and that's how she started to have visions of Valak.

This whole movie bagi aku gambaran yang gereja tu is a scary place.

2/5 stars only. Should have watched Munafik 2 again, just now. Penuh ja panggung tu. Hat The Nun ni cuma 4 row je ada orang.

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Post time 8-9-2018 12:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah tengok tadi. Tak best sangat. Tunggu jelah kat TV keluar nanti

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Post time 8-9-2018 12:41 AM | Show all posts
since rebiu cam sendu jer ... so, iols cancel plan nak nonton mobie ni ....
btw .. tadi layan citer korea along with the gods....

1st mobie dulu .. iols nanges lebat ....
2nd mobie ... still nangis lebat dan iols rasa puas sesangat
one of the best mobie of the year ...

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Post time 8-9-2018 12:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
utk peminat conjuring franchise gi la tengok.. ok je movie ni, walau ada kurang skit sebab ramai org kecewa dengan development chatacter valak dlm movie ni, tapi still ada scene yg scarry here and there..

my review:
The bad:
first 15 minutes nampak promising movie ni, lepas tu agak menurun.. cara diorang expose valak dan kekerapan valak keluar buatkan kurang rasa seram dah kat valak.. less is more memang satu tagline yg universal, dan tepat even utk filem seram juga.. tak macam dlm conjuring 2, rasa takut dibina gradually dan ada tinggal ruang utk imaginasi penonton, sebab tu rasa mcm seram dan wow sangat watak valak masa tu.. asal usul valak yg diceritakan dlm the nun ni pun mcm biasa2 je..  keseluruhannya its a bit anticlimax pada character valak.. agak kecewa jugak la sebab expectation tinggi sgt kot.. but one good thing is sound effect setiap kali valak keluar mmg onpoint la..

watak hantu daniel tu mcm tak membantu sangat jalan cerita dan mcm tak perlu ada pun takpe..

The good:
cinematography cantik, pemilihan lokasi film pun tepat.. Romania mmg banyak istana2 lama yg creepy dengan surroundings yg seram

lakonan sister irene menjadi, berjaya bawa watak nun yg still baru tapi devoted and pure.. rupa dan personality dia memang nampak sama la dengan kakak dia, yg bawa watak lorraine warren dalam conjuring.. walau takde kaitan pun watak diorang tapi she really reminds me of lorraine warren.. dah la dua2 ada kelebihan dapat vision gitu.. ke james wan nak buat dua character ni ada kaitan akan datang tak tau la kan
ending dia memang membuka ruang utk sequel

keseluruhan 5 dari 10 btg

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Post time 8-9-2018 02:59 PM | Show all posts
Rhyno replied at 20-6-2018 01:30 AM
dah keluar trailer chuols. serammmmmmmssss!

trailer mcm best..

bleh x sape2 yg minat the cnojuring, Annabell kaitkan semua dgn cite the nun ni?...

so far manja dah tgk conjuring 1 & 2....annabell x tgk lagi..x suke patung creepy tu same je mcm chucky..

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Post time 8-9-2018 04:05 PM | Show all posts
Levespa replied at 8-9-2018 12:18 PM
utk peminat conjuring franchise gi la tengok.. ok je movie ni, walau ada kurang skit sebab ramai org ...

rasanya Sister Irene tu pulak akan ganti kakak dia jd penyiasat paranormal dlm filem2 akan dtg....

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Post time 9-9-2018 02:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by aza at 9-9-2018 02:31 AM

baru je balik tengok cita.. bagi aku cita ni ok aa...sekurang2nya tau laa mana datangnya natang valak tu..apa yang aku nampak cita ni.. sister irene tu mesti ada kene mengena ngan loraine.. sama ada sedara mara or apa2 laa.. sebabnya dari cita conjuring yg kita tengok seolah valak ni memang aim si loraine.. seolah2 mcm nak balas dendam.. tp tak tau laa kaaan..  dan aku pasti mesti ada the nun 2... huhuhu aku bagi 3.5/5



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Post time 9-9-2018 10:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bagi i.. okay la.. seram tu ada, and tkdela bosan mana. Tapi kawan and abang i semua ckp tak best, taktau la nape..

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Post time 9-9-2018 02:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah tgk semalam.. such a huge disappointment, cite meleret, bosan, mengantuk. Like watching paint dry

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Post time 9-9-2018 06:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
suka movie ni.. 4/5.. ending x best sgt..
okla to me jauh lg seram dari munafik 2

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Post time 9-9-2018 08:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Spoiler alert!!
Dah tgok smlm. Agak average. Not that scary sbb mcm kelakar siap boleh tembak hantu nye. Certain part memang scary macam bila diorang g tgok mayat sister tu in different position naik gak bulu roma. Cuma development cerita tu agak predictable. Ada satu part yg i rasa tak logik which is bila si maurice tu kena rasuk sikit padahal dia baru je lumur muka si irene dengan that so called darah jesus. By right darah jesus tu yang boleh chase away si valak tu. Watak father tu technically tak de role since irene did most of the job & dia tak pernah ada protect si irene tu



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Post time 10-9-2018 06:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iolss dah tgk smlm.. ada part seram ada part mcm biasa2 jer.. kdg2 rasa bosan pon ada.. tp overall oklah.. mgkn sbb bkn james wan yg direct so xbe best mcm conjuring.. movie nie just nk cerita psal valak jer.. mcm mne blh mncul dlm movie2 sblm nie.. krenya nie prequel kpd conjuring kan.. kalo ada the nun 2 msti smbg kisah psal maurice kena rasuk.. ptutlah sister irene tue muka sama mcm lorrine aka vera framiga.. adk bradik kndg rupanya..



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Post time 10-9-2018 08:15 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 8-9-2018 02:59 PM
trailer mcm best..

bleh x sape2 yg minat the cnojuring, Annabell kaitkan semua dgn cite the nun ...

camni sisthurrr

the nun ni cerita pasal kedatangan valak how the demon was summon and came dalam church tu how dia possess all the nuns.

after that came anabelle creation. yg ni ada satu nun (dia penjaga anak2yatim yg tumpabg rumah this one couple di mana anak peremouan tuan rumah ni mati kena langgar and roh dia masuk dlm patung yg dikenali sebagai annabelle) gambar nuns yg dia kenal and dalam gambar tu terselit muka valak. pastu annabelle creation ni cerita oasal how the doll was possessed by anak tuan tumah yg tumpangkan anak2 yatim tu. fast forward one of the anak yatim tu was possessed and later being adopted by this one couple. which was then killed by her and her friends.

anabelle ni cerita how rentetan dari pembunuhan couple by their adopted daughter and the doll was later being found by this one lady and put it in her store. and one day one guy picked up and hadiahkan pada wife dia yg mengandung. fast forward macam biasa rasukan bla bla bla the doll was later again at first disimpan oleh father yg menjalankan cleansing tu. after that it was then kept by the warrens

the conjuring doll tu tersimpan dalam lock up kaca the warrens and they came across the family yg kena kacau dengan bathsheba yadda yadda yadda word travel fast sebab the warrens ni mmg buat jelajah bg ceramah anyways to england where the conjuring 2 later happened. dalam cinjuring one awal2 masa bagi ceramah the warrens bgtau the students that they came across a guy nama dia maurice if u would recall was the person/ penghantar barang dalam the nun who was being possessed by valak

the conjuring 2 valak ikut lorraine smpai ke england telling her that the demon will kill ed. and the hantu yg kacau budak budak tu was controlled by valak

macam tu la ceritanya



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Post time 10-9-2018 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Ok je as ianya filem yang akan menerangkan dari mana punca wujudnya si nun tu.  Semuanya saling berkait dengan series2 pilem terdahulu.  Jadi kalau yang dah tengok series2 pilem sebelumnya akan faham perkaitan tu.  Kalau baru sekali nak tengok pasti tak fahan akan kaitannya kesemuanya. Ada babak mendebarkan ada yang kadang agak tak logik.  Overall bagi 8/10.



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Post time 10-9-2018 11:41 AM | Show all posts
ayoooo youls ... hebak hebak belako...
terror ler uols leh nak link setiap siri siri ni ... yang related to each other ....

iols ni .. kalo ar citer sequal .. prequel bagai .... mmg fail nak link to each other ...
harry potter ... pun iols fail .... nengok suma series ... but at the enad ... still blur yang mana ekor yang mana kepala ...
same goes to star war .... nengok suma series ... tapi tak tau apa kaitan this epi ngan other epi

tapi kalo citer LOTR .. haaaa.. yang ni mmg iols hafal .. sebab direct to the point ...
ker sebab eargon ngan legolas yang wat iols paham sesangat pasai mobie ni..???

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