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Author: HangPC2

Salahuddin al-Ayyubi dan Richard The Lion Heart

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Post time 26-5-2005 08:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 26-5-2005 08:59 AM:

aku ader koleksi lagu perjuangan islam satu yg penyanyi original (Arab) dan satu lagi versi kumpulan Brothers nyanyi tajuk dier hayya bil jihad..

every1 knws dat :nana:

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Post time 29-5-2005 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 24-5-2005 07:45 PM:
mesin pelontar batu bukan dari teknologi dari eropah ker sebelum perang salib...

teknologi tuh telah dicipta oleh org Islam dahulu semasa zaman bani Umayyah. dimana waktu tuh org2 Islam mengalami pepecahan sbb ada yg sokong pemerintahan Umayyah dan ada yg tidak sokong.. dan mekah tak sokong pemerintahan itu.. oleh sebab tuh pemerintah menghantar askar dorg utk menyerang mekah supaya taat setia pada peerintah... dan dorg guna alat tuh lah sbg senjata tuk serang mekah.. namun, serangan diberhentikan selepas tentera2 dapat tahu pemerintah mereka pada masa tuh (pemerintah kedua).

soalan.. adakah tepat semua perkara yg diceritakan dalam filem Kingdom of heaven tuh?

dr filem tuh..punca peperangan berlaku sbb sorg atasan raja tuh serang org Islam.. then raja yg tamak takhta tuh bunuh utusan Saladin....

hm.... :hmm:

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 Author| Post time 15-3-2006 05:05 PM | Show all posts
dulu pun jadi utusan pun nyawa boleh melayang bila2 masa...

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Post time 17-3-2006 11:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by barambang at 15-7-2004 08:20 AM
bila lah islam kita nak sedar ya?

Umat islam takan sedar selagi dilenakan dengan alunan hiburan tanpa henti ,
marilah kita cari jalan bagaimana nak menyedarkan umat islam tentang sejarah kita,
pernah tak ulamak bercerita bagaimana jatuhnya baghdad ketangan monggol,
dimana situasi umat islam dimasa itu telah dilenakan dengan hiburan dan kemewahan yang melampau
sehingga mereka takut untuk berperang

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Post time 26-3-2006 05:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jerai at 17-3-2006 11:38 AM

Umat islam takan sedar selagi dilenakan dengan alunan hiburan tanpa henti ,
marilah kita cari jalan bagaimana nak menyedarkan umat islam tentang sejarah kita,
pernah tak ulamak bercerita  ...

lebih2 lagi bila setiap tahun ada 4,5 rancangan melibatkan pencarian penyanyi dan penghibur hebat tanah air....


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 Author| Post time 8-8-2006 04:18 PM | Show all posts
kat german kat wilayah mana ntah siap buat tugu memperingati Salahuddin Al-ayubi

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Post time 9-8-2006 04:16 PM | Show all posts
off topik:-

nama beliau turut diabadikan sebagai nama kepada salah sebuah kereta perisai buatan british. Alvis Saladin (FV601)  merupakan sebuah kereta berperisai 6 roda. Ia diperkenalkan pada 1965. dikendalikan oleh 3 orang krew. Ia dilengkapi dengan meriam 76mm dan 2 x mesin gan .30cal (sepaksi dan di atas turet). Kelajuan maksima adalah lebih kurang 72km/h dalam jarak 400km.chasisnya turut digunakan sebagai  APC (amoured personel carrier) yang dikenali sebagai Alvis Saracen.

Alvis Saladin

Alvis Saracen

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samerosie This user has been deleted
Post time 11-8-2006 12:18 PM | Show all posts
Rosie memang minat baca pasal crusade crusade ni, bukan apa memang minat dengan ancient history.  Some months back Rosie baru habis baca buku The Third Crusade, lupa ah nama author dia tapi memang interesting because the author made reference to all crusaders' scribes dan juga periwayat peribadi Saladin  iaitu Beha-din.

Potrait ni dipercayai gambar Richard yang paling dekat resemble dia.  

Dan gambar ni adalah Saladin.

Dalam buku the Third Crusade tu, the author hinted yang Richard ni ada hubungan er...homosexual dengan Philip the King of France.  Richard dengan Philip tu ada hubungan bau bau bacang.  Bapak Philip was Richard's mother, Eleanor of Aquitaine's ex-husband.  She was divorced because she couldn't give him a son.  Bila Eleanor kawin dengan bapak Richard, Henry, berderu-deru dapat anak lelaki.  Richard was the second son, favourite of Eleanor but adik Richard, John was the favourite of Henry.  John was considered a weak ruler and had the nick name Lackland because he was the youngest and tiada harta.

Anyone remember cerita kat Hallmark dulu - Lion in the Winter, tu lah cerita keluarga Richard.

Richard was a ruthless warrior, he even spite his father.  He lived most of his life in France so he was more pro-France when his father was alive.  When Henry died, Richard insaf and vowed to live righteously and so when the pope called for a crusade, he saw this was his chance to tebus dosa-dosa dia.  Before he left, he made everybody in England pay a tax called Saladin's tithe in order to fund the crusade.  He also gave John certain duties whilst he was away, so that his lands in France would not fall into other people.  But John got carried away and proclaimed Richard dead and took over as the heir to Henry etc.  The Robin Hood legend was inspired during John's cruel reign.

On the way to the Holy land, Richard invaded Cyprus.  He was also impressed with the horses there, short legged and could "climb" mountains.  The disadvantage of European horses was that they were much bigger and could not only run fast on leveled ground.  

Saladin, although had never met Richard before this, he was told that Richard was a great warrior.  The Arabs called him Al Malech Ric thus Saladin had a respect for Richard.  During a battle with the Saracens, Richard's horse was killed and he continued on feet.  Someone from Saladin's camp noticed this and informed Saladin who then sent two horses to Richard and said, it is not befitting for a king to fight on the ground like his people.

There were often stalemates, Saladin also ensured that all water holes were poisoned in order to weaken Richard's army.  Richard often sent messages to Saladin asking for a meeting but Saladin always the chivalry said, "it is not befitting for two kings to meet and later, fight each other again".  There was also a plan of truce by wedding Richard's niece to Saladin's brother, which did not materialised because of different religion.  Richard's niece wants to marry a Christian not an infidel!

Of course, the best of all stories is when Saladin sent his own physician to Richard when Richard fell ill.  Not only that, they had such a respect for each other that Richard could send a message to Saladin for food and water and Saladin would oblige.

When Richard returned to England, he had many things await him.  Philip, his er...spiteful ex lover who had returned to France after 3 months in the Holy Land spread vicious rumours about Richard and thus Richard was captured in Austria under house arrest.  Finally a ransom was paid for his release and he returned to England to deal with John.

Richard was struck by an arrow when he sieged a fort back in England.  The old Richard would've just killed the boy whose father was killed during the siege, but he let the boy go.  But of course, Richard's followers would not have the boy alive so he was butchered.

When he died, Richard wanted parts of his body be sent to different parts of his lands.

[ Last edited by  samerosie at 11-8-2006 01:06 PM ]



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samerosie This user has been deleted
Post time 11-8-2006 12:53 PM | Show all posts
Kisah hidup Saladin ni banyak materials the Westerners made reference from his personal scribe Beha-din.  It was no unusual for the Kings to have his scribe with him even in battles.

During the siege of Jerusalem by the Christians, Saladin could only wait and watch while the Muslims defenders in the fort became weaker with lack of food, water and medication.  He had earlier requested help from Egypt and other Muslim leaders but had no way of getting those into Jerusalem.  

As the sea way and ports were blocked by Christian ships, the Muslims had disguised themselves.  The Muslim ships with help had been painted as if it was a Christian ship and the people on the ships wore Western attire and shaved their head and beards.  Some were successful and a few were discovered.  

Messages sent to the Muslims defenders were carried by pigeon (a method which the Crusaders brought back to Europe and used til WWI) and some brave Muslim divers were despatched as well.

When Saladin siege Tyre, to entice Conrad the Monferrat to surrender, Saladin had his father William the old put in front of the fort to persuade Conrad, but Conrad refused and pointed an arrow into his father to call Saladin bluff so that Saladin would lose his bargaining chip.  Saladin later remarked, "This man is an unbeliever and very cruel".  But Saladin later released William.

Conrad, much later was murdered by the infamous Assassasin (Hasshasin) and ammo for Philip, Richard's jilted lover in spreading lies about Richard's having hired them to kill Conrad.  The Old man of the mountain (Assassin's leader) later sent a letter to Richard's captor explaining that Conrad was killed because he had raided their ships not because Richard sent them for him.

When Saladin captured Jerusalem, he granted amnesty and free passage to all common Catholics and even to the defeated Christian army.  He also escorted the Bishops of Jerusalem (who had tons and tons of gold and other wealth carted out) out of the Jerusalem guaranteeing a safe passage.

Some Christians had to ransom themselves, but most were paid out of Saladin's own pocket.  Al-Adil requested 1000 Christians as his "slaves" which was granted by Saladin, knowing that his brother would free them later.

When all was over, Saladin returned to Damascus, his favourite city and abode.  He then fell sick and died.  When his advisors opened his treasury, and to their suprise,  there was only a few coins that did not even amount to England's one pound.  Ssaladin had used all his own funds to free prisoners and the well being of his subjects.

After his death, his sons fought over his kingdom.

Sekarang ni, Rosie dengan baca buku, The Fourth Crusade, the Sack of Constantinople, orang West Christian vs. orang Eastern Christian.

[ Last edited by  samerosie at 11-8-2006 01:07 PM ]



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Post time 18-8-2006 03:37 PM | Show all posts

richard the lionheart .... dimedan perang neliau adalah seorg yg gagah perkasa ...

tapi dikamar tidur beliau ialah seorg hunchback yang homoseks ... pnah ader affair ngan phillip loius from france ... ape nyer laaa

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Post time 15-10-2006 07:53 PM | Show all posts
puas hati tengok citer Kingdom of least puak kristian tak demand dengan movie diorang...dengar citer sebelum movie ini ditayangkan ader para pakar pakar sejarah islam dok filter dulu movie nie untuk kesahihan citer nya.

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Post time 16-10-2006 08:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chayroul at 15-10-2006 07:53 PM
puas hati tengok citer Kingdom of least puak kristian tak demand dengan movie diorang...dengar citer sebelum movie ini ditayangkan ader para pakar pakar sejarah islam dok filter dulu  ...

Bukan pakar sejarah Islam filter, tapi Ridley Scott pengarah ceta ni kaji sendiri dan dia cuba pamerkan apa betul2 terjadi..
masalahnye, pihak2 kristian barat marah betul pasal ceta ni tunjukkan sebahagian pemimpin2 beragama mereka cam huru hara dan jahat giler..

Paling best paderi tu yang bila kena kepong ngan tentera Islam, dia cakap " meh kita tukar agama masuk Islam"
hanya kerana dia takut.... kelakar ada, tapi betul2 aib la kalo paderi bleh cakap gitu...

Ni ceta, kena tengok Directors Cut, aku sampai skarang belum dapat Directors Cut dia, yang versi wayang tak complete. banyak edit

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Post time 16-10-2006 08:28 AM | Show all posts
nasik tambah..

Aku paling kagum ceta Kingdom Of Heaven ni bila tunjuk tentera Islam semayang jemaah, berpuluh2 ribu orang kot kat tengah padang pasir...

ceta ni tak cam stereotaip hollywood yang selalu islam ni terrorist la apa la...

ada satu scene tunjuk orang2 islam semayang tepi pantai tu pun style.

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 Author| Post time 16-10-2006 08:36 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 16-10-2006 08:28 AM
nasik tambah..

Aku paling kagum ceta Kingdom Of Heaven ni bila tunjuk tentera Islam semayang jemaah, berpuluh2 ribu orang kot kat tengah padang pasir...

ceta ni tak cam stereotaip hollywood ...

aku tengok jugak baru dengar bunyi orang tengah sembahyang bergema tentera salib gerun...

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Post time 16-10-2006 01:45 PM | Show all posts
aku mmg kagum dgn keberanian dan daya kepimpinannya sbg jeneral perang dn sbg org islam...

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Post time 19-10-2006 10:46 AM | Show all posts
setakat kagum & bangga je dgn sejarah pahlawan islam dulu ... tak mencukupi. Kena gak disusuli dgn peranan kita pd ari ini .... jgn terus dipermainankan oleh musuh2 islam & jgn terus menyokong produk2 drp musuh islam gak

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Post time 20-10-2006 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by waksir at 19-10-2006 10:46 AM
setakat kagum & bangga je dgn sejarah pahlawan islam dulu ... tak mencukupi. Kena gak disusuli dgn peranan kita pd ari ini .... jgn terus dipermainankan oleh musuh2 islam & jgn terus menyok ...

Betul tuh, aku sokong sangat...jangan bangga aje tapi takde usaha nak kembalikan kegemilangan...kalau tak silap aku Dr. M pernah sound ape pasal nie.

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2007 02:34 PM | Show all posts
Replika Pedang Salahuddin al-Ayyubi dan Richard


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 Author| Post time 30-3-2007 07:50 PM | Show all posts
Replika Pedang Salahuddin al-Ayyubi dan Richard


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Post time 2-4-2007 01:19 PM | Show all posts
panglima islam yg agung...

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