is this correct?
too good to be true = ct
:cak: |
hearsay = gossip only....hheheehh... |
chicken out = - stop doing something because of fear
dead duck = someone in a hopeless situation or condition |
dead tired= very, very tired
dead meat= in trouble, did something wrong
dead scared= very, very afraid/frightened |
down the drain = wasted or lost
bookwarm = someone who read a lot
bed of roses = easy situation/comfortable |
Originally posted by mok_nik at 30/6/04 04:25 AM:
down the drain = wasted or lost
bookwarm = someone who read a lot
bed of roses = easy situation/comfortable
bookworm...I think...:hmm:
raincheck = postphone something to another time...
r u game? = do you want to involve urself??? |
Originally posted by seribulan at 30-6-2004 07:59 AM:
bookworm...I think...:hmm:
typo again :malu::malu:,..sorry
yeap..bookworm |
landshake = my God/alamak...
bootilicious = great |
Cool la thread nih..
tolong interpret:
stop beating around the bush..
cross your finger (somewhat sound's like this)..
ada lagi tapi tak ingat laa.. selalu dgr mat salleh sebut tapi tak paham.. |
Originally posted by aishiteru at 1/7/04 01:27 PM:
Cool la thread nih..
tolong interpret:
stop beating around the bush..
cross your finger (somewhat sound's like this)..
ada lagi tapi tak ingat laa.. selalu dgr mat salleh sebut tapi tak ...
kudos to all who contributes...
stop beating around the bush = get straight to the point...don't meander..
cross your finger = hope for luck...
stuck up, full of air = proud, snobbish
tell tall stories = boastful
telling tales = telling about someone, might be untrue.. |
aaa baru igt lagi dua:
strecth(maybe silap eja) the surface..
on the tip(/top?) of the iceberg..
mintak tolong interpret jugak.. |
Originally posted by aishiteru at 1-7-2004 10:46 PM:
strecth(maybe silap eja) the surface..
on the tip(/top?) of the iceberg..
mintak tolong interpret jugak..
scratch the surface=barely begin, uncover only a few facts
the tip of the iceberg = small part of a large problem
[ Last edited by mok_nik on 2-7-2004 at 01:24 AM ] |
scratch = money, cash, or remove from the list, cancel
scratch your head = feel confused, wonder who or why |
power Mok Nik.. thanks a lot.. |
crack ur head = think over something very hard
laugh urself silly = laughing so hard |
out of my hair = not bothering me, not a problem for me
get out of your hair = leave, not bother you, get lost |
this one..got many meaning get over...depend for the sentence or situation
1.get over = move, let me sit beside you, move over
2.get over =travel, go to visit
3.get over =forget, stop worrying about |
moonlighting (lupa lak..heheheheh) = having to do another job ( doing more than 1 job)
airhead = bimbo, dumb blonde |
hehehe like you...moonligthing ...working at a second job in the evening at cari
ask for the moon = ask for a lot, ask for more than you need or want
promise the moon = promise that everything will be perfect |
blue moon = rare event, unusual happening
once in a blue moon = very seldom, rarely, in a long time |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi