"I Tak Boleh Bernafas, Dada Sakit, Mental Teruk" - Diana Danielle Kong
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OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 19-8-2019 12:29 PM
@Fazzbulous - yes kesian dia part tu lar, was dupe into marrying him at a young age, termengandung, ...
again,i agree. can see from the way she talk also. very soft n sound tired. dia penah rebel out sekejap. dpt lak biras yg so called nampak perfect islamik potray gitu..it doesnt help..as sometime they dun even care..diaorg lagi padankn muka kau ada(contoh masa kokping vs atita) |
Satu je tolongla jangan ckp pesakit anxiety sebagai mengada2 atau byk fikir
Dan stop suh org bersabar, zikir bagai
Pls take note ye yana samsuddin
Kalau nak acah2 sgt membantu yg sebetulnya adalah tanya Apa yang akak boleh bantu kau? Kalau nak luahkan akak sedia mendengar.
Dan ingat just jadi pendengar yg setia jgn sesekali menghakimi. |
Suchi replied at 19-8-2019 01:26 PM
Satu je tolongla jangan ckp pesakit anxiety sebagai mengada2 atau byk fikir
Dan stop suh org bersab ...
omg betul sgt uols..tak paham i yg gelakkan situasi org mcm DD and tuduh attention seeker pdhal ape yg dialami tu real kot..
n yes..dpt pulak dik ipar mcm yana kaki bawang..kalau ex queen oxana pn sheols membawang cenggitu, iols tak dpt bygkan die bawangkan kuarge DD ke org lain..
@cikdilla - kann? she can't sorok penderitaan dia dari mata dia, sejak kes laki dia jadi gila haritu, she hasn't been the same happy person, now mcm terpaksa looks happy so that she can support her husband
@nia_salina - indeed anxiety attack ni lain, I know lar ada 2 kawan rapat yg sedang fighting it, mmg kena amik ubat to lessen the burden on the mind, tu sebab orang kata JGN overthink as it eats you up from the inside.
that DD needs help is clear, dia pulak berkawan dgn si keknis yg so far nmpk her life looks fab and teratur, ada hubby yg mcm kanak2 ribena but dotes on her and her kids. Mesti lagi tertekan si DD ni
I also have friends that were put on suicide watch, been put in straight jacket too because tendency to inflict pain on themselves. And always we have to reassure her, that we are here, we are not here to judge, that the world is not as dark as what she see it to be when the depression attack. Its a huge demon that they are facing and trying to shake off, ada tu saja jer jalan berlawan arus dgn traffic at a busy junction when dia tengah stress, or went to high rise building.
susukambingbest replied at 19-8-2019 11:14 AM
Memg ksian, ada rmai je frumer dlm ni anxiety sedar or xsdar jer. Member iol mkn ubat anxiety, lama2 ...
Thanks sudi kongsi info |
Dia masih ada bapak la ye. Ingatkan bapak dia dah meninggal. Stay kat Malaysia ke bapaknya.
chicozinn replied at 19-8-2019 11:18 AM
aku kalu da sakit xsempat la nak pegang fon..even bapak aku meninggal pun fon aku tah mana2 aku tak ...
Pd I bagus apa yang DD buat nih.. advocate mental health awareness. Mental health problem is real .nowadays the ratio is in every 10 people, 3 are suffering from mental illness. Tahun 2020 ianya jd penyakit kedua selepas sakit jantung. Ramai yg tak sedar depa ada masalah dan yg sekeliling pulak tak tahu dan suka pulak menghentam suka2 hati tanpa mengetahui the problem is very real sama mcm sakit fizikal yg lain.. bukan benda yg boleh dijadikan bahan gurauan atau hentaman. Sbb tu bila Haqiem rusli buat gimik tang depresi, ramai yang tegur sbb depresi adalah salah 1 masalh mental yg tk patut dijadikan gimik |
kesian dia ni.Suka dengar dia bercakap , lembut tutur kata lenggok dia.
nak tak nak kena lah hadap laki dia selagi mampu & bertahan. Dah tu pilihan dia . |
ok laki dia buat perangai. in laws dia tak tolong ke support supplort apa yang perlu. |
Selama ni die kuat...tp lepas jumpa DTL terus ade story nanges2... aku bukan tak percaya die ade problem or what...or ade anxiety or ape... tp aku lebih percaya lepas jumpa alip syukri segala ilmu mak nenek kebayan tuk tarik traffic telah diturunkan pada DD...hahahaha... |
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 19-8-2019 01:36 PM
@cikdilla - kann? she can't sorok penderitaan dia dari mata dia, sejak kes laki dia jadi gila haritu ...
i anxiety survivor.bukan selfclaim.i mmg makan ubat to lessen the overthink.so i cant imagine posting it up eventho i mmg jenis shares. but this one nope. sbb one thing ppl tend to judge nowadays so why puting more pressure by teling it to the world.ni for me lah. tak tau la dd ni kenapa. nanti org ckp u attention seeking.tp sbb dia artis so org akan ckp create awareness |
Kalau betol2 sakit pergila jumpe doc pakar... nengok sejarah kehidopan die dr kecik sampai skrg mmg tak mustahil die stress... |
Lawanya she all. Moga cepat baik. Dekatkan lagi diri dengan Allah, moga peroleh ketenangan. |
on one part memang bagus dia bagi penjelasan tentang anxiety disorder ni but I still have doubt almaklum la she is a celeb/actress tapi takpe la I reserve my comments..lets agree to disagree..no hard feeling ye..
harap-harap bukan sbb tok parit |
GWS DDD  |
Gws DD.. siannya uol.. smoga dipermudahkan urusan |
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 19-8-2019 11:47 AM
ni bukan anxiety attack, so don't lock it in the mental issues problem, also not thyroid syndrome
Finally somebody said it. Tlg la jgn tiap kali stress terus mengaku depress. Org depress/anxiety attack wont show it to other people. Kita xkn tau pon dia ada depression |
susukambingbest replied at 19-8-2019 11:14 AM
Memg ksian, ada rmai je frumer dlm ni anxiety sedar or xsdar jer. Member iol mkn ubat anxiety, lama2 ...
Yeke..oh ada kaitan dgn makanan juga ye |
malutapimahu replied at 19-8-2019 11:51 AM
Pernah kena attack kat kedai makan. tgh lepak2 tiba2 hati berdebar2 jadi takot nafas jadi laju.
Ta ...
Dah pergi cek dgn pakar jantung / cek hormon? Kwn i kene mcm ni la |
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