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Author: orsay1

Youtuber Pavithra dipukul suami????

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Post time 22-7-2020 11:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aku rasa bukan setakat x sebut nama tu je...
Tapi sbb pavi semakin laku...dpt anugerah lagi..
Laki rasa insecure... laki plak x hari2 x buat apa..
Mati kutu gak.. kita yg ada keje ... gaji jalan.. masa pkp kena duduk rumah..tgk tv... shoping lazada..shopee pun leh jadi sasau sbb duduk rumah..tambah dia yg dh biasa keje..tiber gaji x de... mengharap youtube je sumber pendapatan... maybe bila pavi bz dgn x dpt nak layan sgt laki yg duduk umah 24 jam tu..laki klu x keje apa lagi bende dia nak buat.. haruslah hari2 mau ... 2 round mcm sohai bewak... cuma bezanya..pavi ni x berapa nk taat kot mcm iza zaim.. kwn tu letih kot kena p photishoot sana sini..intvw sana sini..
terbakar lah kot laki..tambah2 x sebut nama laki masa anugerah... tu jadi bertambah2 marah...haaaa gicuuu spekuan aku...

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Post time 23-7-2020 08:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dah biasa keje napa berenti..mau mati kutu duk rumah hari2

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Post time 23-7-2020 08:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
duffyduck replied at 22-7-2020 02:18 PM
Kesiannya.. baru nk merasa. Yg laki tu siap berenti kerja.

Dgr kata lakinya diberhentikan. Bukan berhenti kerja

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Post time 23-7-2020 08:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Adoiii xsebut nama time dpt anugerah pun kena bantai ke.. Gila glamor jugak ye laki dia. Kahkah

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Post time 23-7-2020 08:51 AM | Show all posts
iraizz replied at 22-7-2020 06:23 PM
Bila si sugu tu berenti kerja dgn Estate tu, terasa risau ke nak carik duit makan  ...

Dasar malas. Tak fikir panjang utk cari alternatif lain utk urus rumah tangga (jaga anak kat rumah).
esok-esok kalau dh content utk youtube pun dah kering... duit pun tak reti nk simpan.
Dah berenti kerja, majikan mana nak ambik kerja semula..

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Post time 23-7-2020 09:47 AM | Show all posts
lol.. baru tau sugu tu nama laki dia.. ku pikirkan sugu pavithra tu memang nama penuh bini dia

tengok video ingat lakinye jenis tenang.. rupanye tak hilang perangai leluhur

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Post time 23-7-2020 11:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
matjerk replied at 22-7-2020 11:51 PM
aku rasa bukan setakat x sebut nama tu je...
Tapi sbb pavi semakin laku...dpt anugerah lagi..
Laki ...

Ha kan. I pon salahnya pegi berenti kerja. Laki kot. Diorg ada pride dan ego . Bila tak kerja or x de income sendiri mmg sasau la peginya. Lain la dia berenti keje tp si suami  mmg dilantik as manager ke, pa ke , assistent ke dan mmg dibayar gaji tetap atleast takde la sasau galau gitu insecure.

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Post time 23-7-2020 11:30 AM | Show all posts
laki dia dah xde keje tetap.. mesti mengharap bahagian dia dlm video pavitra tu.. wpun pavi yg masak dia pon ada tlg2 jgk amik video kan..

lps ni pavi masak sdrila, xyah nak pakai suami suruh amikkan video. beli je alat utk rekod video tu xperlu bantuan org. bila dah melibat kan org lain wpun suami sendiri, opkos ada yg tak puas hati

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Post time 23-7-2020 12:00 PM | Show all posts
matjerk replied at 22-7-2020 11:51 PM
aku rasa bukan setakat x sebut nama tu je...
Tapi sbb pavi semakin laku...dpt anugerah lagi..
Laki ...

kalau dah mabuk, benda kecik2 hal pun jadi gini lah...tu la pasei jangan mabuk
kan dah malu, kena tangkap plak tu..
haih... baru je nak senang dah buat hal...

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Post time 23-7-2020 12:26 PM | Show all posts
No.1 - dah mmg estet mari
No.2 - dah memang dasar jantan ego

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2020 01:27 PM | Show all posts
Normabaru replied at 22-7-2020 11:27 PM
Bpe byk laaaaa nk buka post psl si aci estet ni..

kat mana ada lagi? sebelum iols bukak iols dah scroll belum ada lagi

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2020 01:28 PM | Show all posts
pandangan seorang india

Thirunavukkarasu Karasu

Thursday Sermonette: Time for Indians to Let Go of Ego

The sad story of Sugu Pavithra once again, exposes the root problem of the Indian community - Ego.

If there’s a silver lining in this whole nasty business, it’s that Pavithra managed to bring it out in the open, unlike thousands of other women who choose to suffer in silence. Of course she asked for privacy but sorry, we care. We want you to be safe and free from that same cycle of violence and intimidation prevalent in so many Indian families today. (sorry but that’s the truth).

I can promise you this wasn’t her first time. Because most victims don’t get hit overnight. Abuse is a slow and gradual process. You need to be ‘conditioned’ into it. Starts with abusive words, then gradually degenerates into physical violence. And since all abusers are just effing cowards, they pretend to be nice outside and keep reminding the victim they will change and all that.

If you ask me, the problem started when Pavithra became ‘more famous’ than Sugu. Indians always had this problem. Centuries of deeply-embedded patriarchal bullshit created the whole power imbalance between males and females in society. E.g. the wife cannot be ‘more educated’ than the husband, ‘more famous’ than the husband, ‘more respected’ than the husband, drawing a higher salary than the husband etc. She must be ‘lower’ and be seen to be ‘lower’ than the husband.

That’s why I smelt disaster after that modelling thingy and the whole Malaysia went goo goo gaa gaa. Because in many traditional Indian families, it’s a cardinal sin to exclude the husband. A slightly-smarter photographer would have featured both husband and wife – in a saree and kurta/matching jippa/veshti of course. Even the PM was wise enough to address the husband first when giving gifts or welcoming them in Putrajaya. Unfortunately, we can’t expect other well-meaning people to be equally wise in these things.

It was a time-bomb, and eventually went off, exploding into a nasty, violent end with cops, handcuffs and that purple ‘tahanan reman’ outfit. Perfect Tamil movie scene.

Violence is not the root problem among Indians – that’s just their preferred method of disagreement. It’s not alcohol either – that’s just the catalyst to violence.

It’s Ego.

Ego is why Indian families spend decades not talking to each other. Ego is why women are always expected to stay silent and put up with abuse and mistreatment. You’ll be surprised how many moms-in-law actually advise their daughters-in-law to keep silent to “save the family name”.

Tell you a funny story about the Indian ego. In 2014, I found out I had six older siblings from my late father’s first marriage. An older sister, Mala discovered me on Facebook and very quickly, got everyone together. Our oldest sister, Saraswathy had just passed and Mala called me to inform of her death.

Despite the terrible news, I naturally got excited about my undiscovered siblings, especially to discover that four were still in Malaysia. I was already imagining this giant family reunion dinner taking place somewhere in Langkawi. I thought we were all going to live happily ever after. Honest.

Guess what? Barely a month later, the family was at odds. Suddenly they cut ties with me just because I published my late father’s 35th year obituary full page in a national newspaper (it was bloody expensive by the way). Their reasoning? That I had ‘dishonoured’ the family name by publicly naming myself as his son – since my late mom was the second wife, therefore I’m the ‘lower son’ and all that.

Now here’s the funnier part. That second marriage happened in 1968. I was born in 1971. (Which means they’re blaming me for an event that happened three years BEFORE I was even born.)

Yep. Go figure.

So poof! Just like that, another Indian family chooses to give into their fragile egos, and go down that same ugly path that destroyed so many other families in Malaysia.

My message to Malaysian Indians, is pretty simple. Whichever side of the caste or wealth or education periphery you come from, there is no such thing as ‘losing face’, ‘being dishonoured’, ‘brought shame’ and so on apart from what your egos dictate. By being ruled by ego, you have nothing to gain, and everything to lose.

So choose wisely. May Pavithra emerge stronger and wiser after the dust settles. I believe she will.

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Post time 23-7-2020 01:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
orsay1 replied at 23-7-2020 01:27 PM
kat mana ada lagi? sebelum iols bukak iols dah scroll belum ada lagi

Anney pukul bini ni kan inter-related dgn award ikon,  polis report mabuk tgkp masuk court smlm.. Blh je merge. Takkan tetiap satu nk buka benang...semua around the same time, same cause of event

Kes org kenamaan pon byk merge ja.. Ni kes aci estet je pon.. Nk cari benang with the same exact tajuk mmg xkn jmplaaa.. Pfffttt

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Post time 23-7-2020 01:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Normabaru at 23-7-2020 01:55 PM
orsay1 replied at 23-7-2020 01:27 PM
kat mana ada lagi? sebelum iols bukak iols dah scroll belum ada lagi

Anney pukul bini ni kan inter-related dgn award ikon,  polis report mabuk tgkp masuk court smlm.. Blh je merge coz komen2 porumer semua topik sama gak!
Takkan tetiap satu nk buka benang...semua around the same time, same cause of event

Kes org kenamaan pon byk merge ja.. Ni kes aci estet je pon.. Nk cari benang with the same exact tajuk mmg xkn jmplaaa.. Pfffttt

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2020 02:09 PM | Show all posts
Normabaru replied at 23-7-2020 01:53 PM
Anney pukul bini ni kan inter-related dgn award ikon,  polis report mabuk tgkp masuk court smlm..  ...

i dunno how to merge it. so if u know tolong ajar pls.

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Post time 23-7-2020 02:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
orsay1 replied at 23-7-2020 02:09 PM
i dunno how to merge it. so if u know tolong ajar pls.

Iols hari tu mod yang buatkan..
Sis pm mod yg incharge..ok?

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Post time 23-7-2020 02:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
orsay1 replied at 23-7-2020 01:28 PM
pandangan seorang india

Thirunavukkarasu Karasu

Ni bkn masalah kaum indian.. Ni masalah laki. Tercabar ego. Tp worst bcoz anney ni kaki todi.. Pastu edu level taraf estet jah.. Tu ug bijak sgt bwk sabit kt spital. Klu kt rumah confirm si pabi ni keep it silent.. Ni sbb dh kt spital, terkantoi la..

Dh aci pon cinta mati level doormat what to do?

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2020 02:16 PM | Show all posts
Normabaru replied at 23-7-2020 02:12 PM
Iols hari tu mod yang buatkan..
Sis pm mod yg incharge..ok?

thanks! dah pm nuryakmal

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 Author| Post time 23-7-2020 02:17 PM | Show all posts
tapi ada seorang kawan dapat info dari group2 dia katanya benda ni ada kaitan dengan pavithra bagi adik dia pinjam duit. tapi sejauh kebenaran kurang pasti. iols pun tak boleh sahkan. tapi normal je kalau bg adik pinjam duit kan hehe

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Post time 23-7-2020 02:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
orsay1 replied at 23-7-2020 02:16 PM
thanks! dah pm nuryakmal

Welcome dear

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