adila39 replied at 13-8-2020 06:08 AM
carefully.. better ke klinik if can.
larat ke cuools asik nk ke clinic bila nk cut every 2 weeks ? I once a month ke pedi.. cut dorg kemas smpi ke dlm. Tp my toe nails x dak la smpi pic tu bengkak benanah2.. i is jaga ok... spt i komen sblum ni.. stakat ni staff pedi puji jer kaki ioollss kemas bersih senang nk uruskn.. |
AyaqMeloSuam replied at 13-8-2020 09:58 AM
larat ke cuools asik nk ke clinic bila nk cut every 2 weeks ? I once a month ke pedi.. cut dorg ke ...
i see then it shud be ok. ur toe then is in perfect condition!walla. Glad to know. |
Only 1 doctor down, but 1 patient RIP...doc @ipes2 will be active soon
seribulan replied at 13-8-2020 02:29 PM
Only 1 doctor down, but 1 patient RIP...doc @ipes2 will be active soon
Cabut kuku tu ngeri weyy.. tcabut kuku kecik tu pun sriauuuwww... |
Saya cabut kuku ibu jari kaki...mujur dah mati...x sakit...sapu minyak gamat
| |