mcm yg lain2 inform, cuba score kat listening and reading. Writing ada format nya, ni kena carik kat internet la... speaking akan stress pada grammar, past tense, present tense.... |
i am applying for a masters course in UK, dah submit pun application, tapi pending IELTS, sebab when i ask around, many said that usually the university boleh bagi 'unofficial"' offer, but after you dah supplement the IELTS result baru diorang akan bagi the official offer. Sebab, dahla kelas dia mahal, then registration pun RM580, if i pi buat IELTS sekali offer tak dapat, kan ke dah melayang that duit.
so, i dah submit my application, then this particular University kat Scotland kata, they can only offer me once i give them my IELTS result.
the thing is, the next available test date is on 26th February (which is like another 3 weeks time). i dont know whether it will be crazy if i were to register for that date. Cukup ke 21 hari nak study for the exam?
my friend yang dah amik both MUET & IELTs bagitahu, MUET is harder. tapi ada yang kata IELTS is harder.
i need help la... University tu kata, they have limited spaces, so until & when i dah submit the result, baru diaorang boleh offer. I baca dalam forum ni, at least you need 1-2 month prep time for the exam. should i gamble buat gak on the 26th?
its either Do or DIE ek? |
Reply 42# cn7
erk, you ada baca post cep yg second tu? cep gamble ambik saja dan ngam-ngam lepas takde study mende pun. cep tak pernah ambik MUET sebab masa my time tak wujud lagi MUET ni so tak dapat nak compare mana yg lebih susah. Bagi cep IELTS ni mcm English SPM saja. Tak delah susah mana pun. yang penting jangan panik masa test tu.
Pasal offer letter, university mmg akan tunggu you dapat result IELTS sebelum keluarkan surat sebab surat ni crucial masa apply visa nanti. Dalam surat tu akan dilistkan semua requirement yg you dah patuhi yg melayakkan you mendapat tempat di university. Kalau tak silap offer letter ni skrg dalam bentuk CAS (certificate of acceptance of studies) bukan dlm bentuk surat dan university kena bayar some processing fee pada badan yg approved so sebab tu university nakkan valid semua ceritficate/document. Agak tedious sikit process nak masuk ke UK university sekarang sebab Border Agency dah ketatkan application student visa. Kalau tak silap CAS ni ada validation periodnya so kalau tak apply visa dlm period yg ditulis maka kena reapply semua ke university.
If you dlm area science & technology, you kena apply ATAS certificate pulak. Kalau buat kurus art, accounting tak perlulah.
So nasihat cep, ambil saja IELTS tu sebab kalau tak ambil semua process akan menjadi bertambah lambat dan university takkan keluarkan offical offer letter.
Reply 43# cepheid
So nasihat cep, ambil saja IELTS tu sebab kalau tak ambil semua process akan menjadi bertambah lambat dan university takkan keluarkan offical offer letter.
yer, mari kita ikutkan tag line NIKE itewwww...
semalam 50-50 nak amik 26hb ni, sekarang....70-30...ceph, thank you for the detailed info.
yang ATAS ni, untuk those yang under SLAB/SLAI ker, or irregardless of under what scheme they are. Sebab i amik ni under kakitangan kerajaan (under ministry of higher education).
how long will the whole process take? And should i got the results that fulfill their criteria, how long will it take for the official letter to be ready pulak |
another thing, does it matter whether i take the test kat British Council or IDP Australia tu? would the listening tape be different (ie kat British Council tape dia Brit accent, and vice versa.
secondly, masa speaking test tu, ada beza ke kat BC lagi susah/senang.
examiner diorang ni local ke tak |
Reply 44# cn7
result IELTS selalunya 2 minggu lepas exam. BC akan inform lepas you habis exam. Masa ambil exam diaorang akan brief mcmana proses permarkahan akan dibuat. Mcm I dulu, speaking buat seminggu lepas exam writing and listening so total 2 minggu exam + 2 minggu dapat result = 4 minggu.
Semua yg conduct IELTS exam tu orang local Malaysian. Tak jumpa pun org putih yg handle. Since you nak apply ke UK, better ambil di BC instead IDP.
Lepas you dah dapat result IELTS, you boleh request additional copy (kena bayar RM20) dimana BC akan hantar directly pada university yg you apply tu yg mana maybe akan ambil masa lebih kurang seminggu lepas you request akan sampailah ke university. Dan university akan ambil masa lebih kurang 2-3 minggu utk process offer letter. Sometime you kena follow-up dengan Graduate School incase kalau masa busy (byk application).
ATAS (Academic Technology Approval Scheme) cerificated dikeluarkan oleh Foriegn & Commonwealth Office. You hanya akan apply certificate ni once you dah dapat tempat (offer letter) in any UK university untuk buat visa. Actually IELTS, CAS, ATAS dan proof of funding kena ada masa apply visa. Kalau tak de salah satu bye-bye le jawabnya.
I hope I dah jawab semua soalan you |
baru je lepas dpt result ielts... dpt band 7
well, aku xde attend preparation course (dont have mon ...
outLAw Post at 29-9-2010 13:22
yeah..u r right..at least, u did two or three sample papers to at least grab the idea...in fact, i did like a mock test n scored very poor!..THEN when it comes to real exam, dpt la skor 8...tpi overall x ok just 6.5 cukup makan jek.geram gak sebab spm dpt 1A then ielts ni x perform...dah buat latihan sikit sgt..so, better buat betul2 ya..nnti nyesal lak...dpt 7.5 is fine.. |
i hampir2 nak register for ielts last yr.. i study dkt uk now..
but since i dah ada degree course i tu conducted fully in english, so dpt exemption.. selamat 580.... my friends ckp if basic ok then grammar lintang pukang skit, nothing to worry about..inshaallah bleh je dpt 6.5..tak susah nak dpt tu..
now muet pun dah ssh..my sister la yg ckp coz dorg dh ubah format n lebih kurang mcm ielts gak..dorg start last year kot tukat format muet..my sister score A spm tp muet dpt band 4 je |
Amik ielts end of 2009 as one of requirement utk entry u kat japan
Mlm bef nak exam br study, just surf internet utk dpt guide mcm mana nk jwb paper writing
Yg ptg ielts nih teknik kena betul esp writing
Sbb terer mcm mn pun kalau salah teknik menjwb tu mmg out la
Sy score paper reading and writing
Total band 7
Ada kwn dpt 9 tp sbb dia mmg very good in english plus dia attend preparation class |
i am applying for a masters course in UK, dah submit pun application, tapi pending IELTS, sebab when ...
cn7 Post at 1-2-2011 21:04
i have handled students who "must have IELTS' in order to proceed with whatever they wanted to pursue...
my honest opinion - looking at the way you write in many postings....tak yah study pon boleh lepas 7.
(pandai2 je akuuu... hahahaha) |
Reply 50# Delifrance
tak yah study pon boleh lepas 7.
(pandai2 je akuuu... hahahaha)
aminnnnnnnnn...mintak2 masin la mulut you.
you teach prep class IELTS ker? I ada gak google2 tengok if ada tutor nagajar IELTS. Harga boleh tahan gak. RM170 per class. For 1.5 hours. I rasa boleh kaya ngajar prep class IELTS nih... |
Reply Delifrance
aminnnnnnnnn...mintak2 masin la mulut you.
you teach prep class ...
cn7 Post at 7-2-2011 12:33
heee mana ada.. neglish ku ke laut cemana nak ngajar org |
Reply 52# Delifrance
you jer yang kata english you ke laut, i tengok dalam posting suma macam ke swimming pool jer...macam kat jacuzzi...ada asap berabuk2 hehehehe |
tak sesusah french language..hihihi.. ok la tak de lah ssh mane ade 3 part je,,writing listening and speaking.. nk bandingkan ngan MUET.. I tataw sbb tak pnh amek MUET.. hihihi... |
Post Last Edit by bezita60 at 1-3-2011 01:26
another thing, does it matter whether i take the test kat British Council or IDP Australia tu? would ...
cn7 Post at 2-2-2011 08:47
dh amik ke cn7. bukan hang doktor ke? nk wat specialist ke?
silap aku lambat baca ni. kalau tak, boleh bg buku IELTS aku kt hang.
dua kali dh aaku amik...satu thn 2006 (master). skali lg last yr (2010). sbb yg lama dh expired
dua2 study sendiri je. tgk internet tips.
harap result hang ok.
for MSC, mmg kene result ielts dulu...baru dpt cond. letter. then ada financial affidavit...baru dpt uncond letter. |
erk, you ada baca post cep yg second tu? cep gamble ambik saja dan ngam-ngam lepas ta ...
cepheid Post at 2-2-2011 07:24
cep...mmg betul2 leceh la CAS dan ATAS system ni. melambatkan lg proses.
esok bez baru nk apply visa. harap semuanya lancar..dpt fly on time.
oh...BTW, sesape nk buku IELTS, pm me. aku bg free je. |
Reply 55# bezita60
pergh, terrernya bez
mesti english berabuk ni. cep dah nak balik Malaysia dah.. tak sempatlah nak jumpa bez di UK |
Reply 57# cepheid
ahaha. mana ade...berkarat ada lah..
balik malaysia dah ke? sempat shopping2 dulu tak kt sana.. |
Reply 58# bezita60
shopping barang orang pesan je.. tak banyak pun.. adalah dlm satu tea carton je.. kalau orang lain mesti dah satu kontena |
Reply 56# bezita60
nak buku ielts for free pls ! hehehe bole ke ?
(posted by mobile) |
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