taken from http://ja.curecos.com & http://www.cosp.jp/prof.aspx?id=8491
NIckname : KANAME
Birthday : 5th March (some say he's 41..not sure about this)
Hobbies : cosplay, internet, drive, karaoke, ネトゲー(リネ2) --> help me with this one.. netoge(rine2) nandesuka?
making accessories, travelling, training (nice biceps ne~)
Height : 168cm (4cm taller than me lor)
Blood type : A-
Occupation : Office worker
oooohhh.. tenks.. rupe cam 30+.. nape J stick to 41 ek??
tenks J and ibuKA.. buat duit jugak dia nih..
tapi mmg sebijik sgt dia nih ngan cloud strife tuh.. ingat dia la GACKT.. rupe beza besar ek..
sure dia ni lagi pandai pakai foundation dari aku..
oooohhh.. tenks.. rupe cam 30+.. nape J stick to 41 ek??
tenks J and ibuKA.. buat duit jugak dia nih..
tapi mmg sebijik sgt dia nih ngan cloud strife tuh.. ingat dia la GACKT.. rupe beza besar ek.. ...
Kia_picanto Post at 19-3-2010 19:39
me tengok dia macam Criss Angel lah (character-wise)