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Author: lai1688

Reaksi Rakyat Singapura Terhadap Ulasan Mahathir Mengenai Melayu Singapura

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Post time 27-6-2010 11:47 AM | Show all posts
ada juga org ingat tak minat sukan sampai tak boleh tau yg Perancis pasukan yg hebat tak layak masuk kepusingan seterusnya

tak pun, tak boleh tau yg Korea Selatan tak boleh ke suku akhir selepas kalah dengan Uruguay

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Post time 27-6-2010 11:51 AM | Show all posts
Di sini ada sebahagian senarai nama tokoh Melayu Singapura ... _Malay_Singaporeans

Selain mereka, saya kenal ratusan Melayu Singapura yang berjaya sama ada mewakili negara ke UN, berjaya mendapat biasiswa atas merit, ahli akademik yang berjaya, pemegang jawatan tinggi dalam organisasi mereka dsb.

Tentu saja saya juga ada berjumpa dgn Melayu Singapura yg kurang puas hati dgn kerajaan mereka. Tp mereka juga mengakui, memang kehidupan mereka lebih baik dari rakyat Malaysia rata2nya (siap berlagak pulak tu) dan walaupun ada antara mereka yg tidak cemerlang dlm pelajaran, ramai yg tetap dpt gaji lumayan dan kerja bagus somehow. Bila ditanya, mahukah berpindah ke Malaysia jd warga Malaysia dan bumiputra, mereka tak mahu pulak.

Ini cuma pengalaman peribadi berjumpa dgn beberapa org Singapura.

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Post time 27-6-2010 11:53 AM | Show all posts
Di satu pihak, aku tak berapa setuju dgn pendapat Dr. Mahathir sbb dia asyik2 nak bangkitkan isu per ...
Muntz Post at 27-6-2010 11:25

    media Malaysia tak kena konrol ke Muntz???

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Post time 27-6-2010 11:55 AM | Show all posts
manja man aku kenai
kucingTomey Post at 27-6-2010 11:37

    Hussein Jaafar

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Post time 27-6-2010 11:58 AM | Show all posts
Hussein Jaafar
Dunhill. Post at 27-6-2010 11:55

    idris man

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Dr mgu lepaih lg kt Berita Harian dh ramai org komen ttg aper yg Tun Det kater abt malay sporeans

dutchy Post at 27-6-2010 11:27

    Actually Singapore tu suasana dia lain daripada di Malaysia nih. Singapore tu urban nation.. maksudnya semua rakyatnya ialah urbanized. Malaysia takleh nak 100% urbanized, sbb rakyat dia masih ramai yg bertebaran jauh di pedalaman. Pemikiran org yg urban, biasanya lain. Contohnya aku, aku tinggal di kawasan urban/bandar dan aku pikir kalau semua org duduk kat bandar, sepatutnya tiada istilah sistem kuota, hak istimewa bagai. Tapi, bila aku fikir, masih ramai Bumiputera di pedalaman memerlukan bimbingan. Mereka takleh keluar dari rumah panjang atau kampung atau penempatan Felda dan korang expect diorang terus boleh bersaing dgn org2 yg berada di bandar. Mereka hidup dalam persekitaran org pandai yg tak ramai. Jadi kalau ada di antara mereka yg pandai, mereka kena pergi ke sekolah di bandar yg lebih ramai org pandai daripada tinggal di kampung atau ceruk pedalaman sana. Di Singapore, benda nie tak berlaku sbb kampung semua juga dalam bandar. Jadi takder alasan utk org2 kampung kat Singapore tu (ader ker kampung lagi?) utk bersaing sama level dgn org2 di bandar yg lain.

Sbb itu, ko tak leh bandingkan keadaan Melayu di Singapore dgn keadaan Melayu & Bumiputera di Malaysia... apa lagi dgn di Indonesia. We're perfectly different. Unless, semua org di Malaysia tinggal di kawasan urban atau berkumpul satu tempat kat KL dan biarkan tanah2 lain kosong.. barulah boleh fikir tentang persaingan sihat, meritokrasi, hak samarata dsb. Aku dulu pun berfikiran mcm ko noks.. sbb aku dibesarkan di bandar. Tapi bila aku lihat dgn mata kepala aku sendiri suasana hidup di pedalaman, baru aku buka mata. Aku tengok student2 kat pedalaman nih, ramai yg gigih belajar... dgn kemudahan yg tak berapa lengkap, jarak yg jauh dari bandar, diorang masih mampu lagi utk belajar dan score dgn baik, walaupun tidak cemerlang. Cuba bayangkan diorang nie tak diberi tempat utk belajar di tahap lebih tinggi, dan diharap utk bersaing sama rata dgn pelajar2 di bandar yg rata2 pegi tuisyen private... ko tak rasa dia putus harapan ker? Sbb tu skarang Malaysia cuba nak wujudkan "role model system". Di mana kat pedalaman nie kalau ada pelajar2 yg berpotensi, diorang akan hantar belajar lebih tinggi dgn biayaan ditanggung kerajaan walaupon, ada org bandar yg score lebih baik daripada pelajar2 nih. Sbb nanti, bila pelajar nie berjaya, harapan kerajaan agar pelajar nie boleh jadi contoh kepada pelajar2 lain di kampung/rumah panjang dia. Contoh paling jelas.. Idris Jala. Dia nie datang nun jauh di kawasan tanah tinggi di Bario sana. Nak pergi sana, takder jalan sungai, jalan darat kena jalan kaki. So the only way yg cepat ialah pakai Twin Otter. Itupun tambangnya mahal (tapi partially subsidized). Imagine kalau di Bario takder org mcm Idris Jala, rasanya diorang ada motivasi tak utk maju? Kalau ada pun, mgkin tak sehebat skarang.

Jadi, sblm ko ungkit pasal sistem kuota, hak istimewa masyarakat Melayu dan Bumiputera di Malaysia, ko kena faham intipati sistem ini dari sudut peri pentingnya kepada masyarakat pedalaman di Malaysia yg rata2nya Bumiputera yg miskin, bukan dari sudut perkauman. Ramai org salah tafsir terma ini sbg satu terma perkauman. Jadi harapnya tak perlu lah nak disamakan dgn sistem meritokrasi yg diamalkan di Singapore. Aku rasa kalau Lee Hsien Loong jadi PM Malaysia pun, dia akan tetap kekalkan terma dalam perlembagaan tu jugak demi kepentingan majoriti masyarakat Malaysia.

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:01 PM | Show all posts
wah!!!! memang hebat ler tokoh2 Melayu Singapura sampai ada yg tak kenal langsung siapa diaorg

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:03 PM | Show all posts
media Malaysia tak kena konrol ke Muntz???
Dunhill. Post at 27-6-2010 11:53

    Mmg kena controlled jugek. Aku rasa kurang sikit jer dari Singapore. Tapi Singapore best sikit lar.. sbb diorang masih benarkan buku mcm "No Money No Honey".

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:04 PM | Show all posts
Mamak kutty tua bangka selalu mainkan isu kaum.. dan org melayu yang kaya pun terus memperlekehkan bangsa sendiri pemalas dan bertongkat padahal dia sendiri kaya hasil association dgn kutty.....

inikah yg patut dijadikan contoh ???

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply 49# Dunhill.

    sebab tu aku suka baca komen peyno..  

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:08 PM | Show all posts
Biasalah, dia orang ingat kita tak ade internet, tak tau ttg hal singapore.

kalo dia orang terbongkok2, bagaimana dgn kita ?

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:09 PM | Show all posts
yang aku peratikan suasana politik singapore pembangkang x leh pegi!sebabnye kalo fitnah kat kerajaan,kerajaan akan amik tindakan tegas!saman!!kalo x bayar saman kerajaan istihar muflis!last2 x dapat bertanding pilihanraya.malaysia ni fitnah nio hal la!hanya dengar cite mak long die punye jiran pun leh karang cite macam die ade kat tempat kejadian

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:11 PM | Show all posts
Reply 9# kecimpret

1st July bila ni bro? 2010? Kalau 2010 tak payah cakap la. Tun dah complaint dah 4 dekad dah bro. Sekarang ni hang mintak apa pun dia kasi dia tengah nak rujuk ngan Malaysia. Kat artikel bawah ni siap salahkan Dr Goh sebagai punca perpisahan Malaysia- Singapore. Kononnya bukan Lee Kuan Yew punya idea, of course selepas Dr Goh dah meninggal camana dia nak counter.  Kononnya Emperor Lee tak pernah fikir pun nak ambil Singapore.  

Meritocracy is just another excuse, tak der orang lain ker yang boleh manage the country, mesti dari dinasti Lee jugak? Singapore sebenarnya dah di privatisekan kepada Dinasti Lee, everything owns by them. Nak kata terror, time 08 crisis Temasik assets shrunk by 31%, Khazanah ok jer. Aku punya investments growth pun maintain 16% compounded average! Sekarang ni dia dah foresee depletion of resources in the very near future, thats why nak apa pun kasi, nak jaga hati orang melayu malaysia, senang nak negotiate nanti.  Nak pasir senang, tanah, market, logistics, semua akan jadi senang. Melayu Singapore sebenarnya tak tahu apa yang kita dah achieve, thats why dia rasa dia dah excel. Kalau setakat sorang jadi Jeneral apa hang boleh buat? In nation building we need a pool of professionals, millions of professionals. Nowadays you can go to any hospitals in Malaysia, private or gov's, majority of the doctors are Malays. Technology companies kat Malaysia electronics, biotech, oil n gas, pharmaceuticals ada berapa ratus ribu engineers Melayu. Ini semua jadi engineer without merit ker?

And the most important paradigm that I want Malays to strongly hang on to, "Never give away what is yours simply because some gunghos told you that you are an idiot, you dont know how to manage them and we can manage them better therefor its ours. Learn the tricks and manage it yourself. The fact that they told you that you are an idiot proved that they are not your friends. A friend will show you of how to do it, not insult you and take possession of what was yours" .

You want to be kiasu, can. But dont sour grape when you are loosing;-)

Now better read below article.

Goh the architect of separationINSIGHT DOWN SOUTH

Singaporeans were surprised to learn that it was Dr Goh Keng Swee – and not Lee Kuan Yew - who played the pivotal role in taking Singapore out of Malaysia, resulting in an independent country.
AS new generations in Singapore and Malaysia work for a closer partnership, a bit of the past history has popped up to baffle some old-timers here. It involved the question of who in Singapore really made the decision for the break-up with Malaysia in 1965.
Until recently, the majority had thought that Lee Kuan Yew, the chief engineer who had navigated Singapore into it, was also pivotal in pulling it out when relations became intolerable. Not so, according to the 86-year-old Minister Mentor.
In his eulogy at his late former deputy leader Dr Goh Keng Swee’s funeral, Lee said the decision for a “clean break” was actually made by Dr Goh, who was tasked to negotiate with Kuala Lumpur. Founding fathers: Tunku Abdul Rahman and Lee Kuan Yew (left) on their return from the London talks on the formation of the Federation of Malaysia in November 1962.

“I did not want this, and asked Keng Swee to work towards a looser federation,” Lee told surprised Singaporeans.
“In his talks with Tun (Abdul) Razak, then Malaysia’s Deputy Prime Minister, and (Tun) Dr Ismail (Abdul Rahman), then Malaysia’s Minister for External Affairs and Minister for Home Affairs, Keng Swee decided it was best to separate.
“He decided that the best alternative was a clean break ... I had to agree,” Lee added.
(In his memoirs, Lee said he found out that Dr Goh “never pressed Razak for a looser rearrangement as I had asked him to ... he knew they wanted Singapore out of their Parliament and went along with their desire to have us hive off”.)
All this is now water under the bridge but the disclosure has raised questions about how important a role Dr Goh really played in Singapore’s history.
According to Associate Professor of Political Science, Hussin Mutalib, from what Lee revealed, that role appeared more significant than so far believed. This was because Lee’s remarks had suggested the break-up was decided unilaterally at the crucial moment by Dr Goh, against the proposition of Lee and even the collective Cabinet.
The National University of Singapore academician observed that Lee had said that the key Malaysian leaders agreed to Dr Goh’s break-up proposal.
“This would imply that it may well have been Singapore which precipitated the idea of separation, rather than Malaysia, as has been the notion all this while,” Hussin said.
Singaporeans were surprised to learn that it was Dr Goh – and not Lee - who played the pivotal role in taking Singapore out of Malaysia, resulting in an independent country.
It has set tongues wagging. “Why did Lee talk about it now after so many years, and only after Goh’s death?
“Like others, I had always thought Lee was the main player,” a retired teacher said. “Does it mean that if he had been negotiating, instead of Goh, Singapore would today still be in Malaysia?”
Another wanted to know whether Lee was implying that separation was a bad move and he was blaming Dr Goh for it.
If Lee’s allegation was surprising, his preference to remain in Malaysia was no surprise. At the time, Lee, Dr Goh and other leaders strongly believed that Singapore’s future was in the federation.
Since separation, the subject of possible re-merger has occasionally surfaced – more as a talking point, rather than a serious discourse for action.
When the recent global crisis hit Singapore’s economy and people’s confidence about the future, a number of online writers revived the talk of the “inevitability of reuniting with Malaysia”.
Their rationale was that tiny Singapore, without natural resources, was too dependent on the outside world to be able to survive for long by itself.
Opposition leader Chiam See Tong has advocated that both countries form “an economic union” or a “common market” to compete with the world. He was once quoted as saying: “A political union is out of the question. The Malaysians will never agree.” Not to mention, the bulk of the Singaporean public!
Since 1996, Lee Kuan Yew had commented twice when he was questioned on the prospect of getting back with Malaysia, and on each occasion, he talked of conditions that upset some Malaysian leaders.
In the view of Dr Terence Chong of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Lee probably had in mind “50 to 100 years down the road” when he talked about rejoining Malaysia.
Malaysian researcher Dr Ooi Kee Beng told Today newspaper that the prospect of it happening is next to zero. “The very idea of a re-merger on Singapore’s terms is appalling to most Malays (in Malaysia),” he said.
The younger set, however, seems less stirred by this theoretical debate of political union than they are about practical measures to give both peoples more opportunities for jobs, business or studies.
Within three months, both sides hope to conclude an agreement on exchanging land parcels between the two countries. Meanwhile, the leaders want to adopt plans for easier and cheaper travel between their territories.
“This is the way to go, step by step, rather than talk of political union,” said a journalist who has extensively covered both countries. “Each success will build confidence and trust between distrusting parties, and push them to the next project,” he said.
The impact is steadily emerging. Mobile phone users, as well as drivers who use the Second Link, will soon enjoy lower costs. This could just be the start of more to come.

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:12 PM | Show all posts
Mmg kena controlled jugek. Aku rasa kurang sikit jer dari Singapore. Tapi Singapore best s ...
Muntz Post at 27-6-2010 12:03

    Heavy Control gak muntz.. Utusan, TV pun selalu sekat berita dari pembangkang.. utk menutup kelemahan, sbb tu byk suratkhabar lebih byk cerita mahkamah syariah ataupun kes org kena tangkap khalwat jer

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:15 PM | Show all posts
yg penting jeneral melayu tu jadi jeneral bukan kerana quota... mmg dia layak jadi jeneral ...
peYno Post at 27-6-2010 09:42

    Apa yg anda kata memang kisah benar.

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:18 PM | Show all posts
Actually Singapore tu suasana dia lain daripada di Malaysia nih. Singapore tu urban nation ...
Muntz Post at 27-6-2010 12:00

Pasal ko tulis kebaikan kuota tu, aku cam nak bangkang gak... Tapi takde mood nak menaip panjang-panjang. Nanti la...

Cumanya, walau dengan bantuan kuota sekali pun, orang Melayu tetap ciput dalam senarai orang terkaya di Malaysia. Adakah itu membayangkan sistem tu betul?

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Actually Singapore tu suasana dia lain daripada di Malaysia nih. Singapore tu urban nation ...
Muntz Post at 27-6-2010 12:00

    turn the table then kiter bley gaks kater yg melayu spore neh ibarat org2 pendalam di tmpt muntz tuh kn? yer lah kalo kiter amek dr perspektif Tun org2 melayu neh di pinggirkn, baek nyer tuk org2 di pendalam muntz tuh depa dpt gaks msk U krn depa diiktiraf sbg bumi, kalo depa tk di iktiraf sbg bumi nmpknyer depa kener ler lanjutkn pelajaran depa di spore like a lot of well to do Indians and Chinese are doing now

jgn nk bohong kalo nk kater kuota bumi tuh benefits bumi dr tmpt muntz tuh, when majority yg dpt gunerkn kuota tuh are org2 dr semenanjung

dut simpati ngan nasib2 org2 bumi di Swak coz dut pung taw depa dipinggirkn secara sistematik samer mcm org2 asli di semenanjung tuh, and I deeply sympathise with their plights laungan dr depa tuk di kenali tuh fell on deaf ear jerk kt saner, I know all that dut dh gi tmpt2 tuh semuer cumer blom berkesempatan to go to Swak, adik dut dh gi saner, smpai ader tenaga pengajar yg tkmo berbakti kt sinun tuh pasai kemudahan yg nan hado jaahh

on a level playing field kejayaan bumi2 di bumi kenyalang tuh n kejayaan org2 melayu spore neh lebey better ekceli coz kiter got to work damn hard to be where we are now, and to hear others denying the facts yg kiter berjaya against all odds, bernanah tlinger neh and pedih hati ulu neh nk terimer yg ader lg org2 melayu yg tk taw perkembangan serantau asia neh, tp dia kokok smpai satu kampung bergoyang...

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:31 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by juwaini at 27-6-2010 12:36

Walaupun orang Melayu Singapore ni (kononnya) 'tertindas', tapi dari segi kuasa beli (ekonomi) dan pendidikan, rasanya depa dapat jauh lebih baik dari yang majoriti Melayu Malaysia dapat. Sebab tu depa macam tak berapa berminat nak 'kotorkan tangan' dalam politik singapore...

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:32 PM | Show all posts
Comment pon dalam Singapore Straits Times...nak expect apa..mesti yg sokong kerajaan dia punya ...
ebiet Post at 27-6-2010 10:55

tu la pasal...
melayu singapork ni keje kuli je kat sana...tukang cuci , saleman, tukang jual makanan kat foodcourt2....

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Post time 27-6-2010 12:35 PM | Show all posts
dan setakat ni bukan setakat Melayu jer, org Singapura sendiri belum ada tokoh yg betul2 hebat

Singapura hanya boleh berbangga dgn negara mereka sahaja
kalau nak dibandingkan org Cina Malaysia yg dikenakan kouta, rasa2nya org Cina Malaysia lagi hebat drpd org Cina di Singapura

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