Kenapa perlu pukul gendang dan tiup terompet serta menyanyi semasa pooja?
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by warisputerijawa
sebelum ni, kau cakap penganut agama hindu tak terikat dengan rituals, which means that they can pray to their lords in various ways. therefore kalau tak pakai gendang dan trumpet semasa pooja selama 4 jam (sehingga orang lain terganggu) pun boleh diadakan, bukan?
Yes, its true. In Hinduism, its up to the individuals on how they wish to pray. And mostly accompany prayers with drum beating and nadaswaram. Thats the way Hindus wish to pray. And when you say its for 4 hours, then I guess its special prayers and Im sure they don't play for 4 hours everyday. |
Post Last Edit by warisputerijawa at 24-6-2011 16:29
Reply 41# Freako-2
thank you... i would like to ask two questions. (but... off topic K)
does different people with different caste worship the same lords and go to the same temples?
my ancestors were the Brahmins (with the Buddhist influence)... they were the kings of Majapahit empire and the ancient kingdom of Sailendra. but i don't know much about them. but i had recurring dreams of white tigers.
what does these tigers signify in Hindusm? |
Post Last Edit by Freako-2 at 25-6-2011 10:14
Reply 42# warisputerijawa
First of all, let me explain the misconception of the caste system. Caste system has no place in Hinduism because Hindus believe that everything including human being is manifestation of God. And God can never have a lower or higher caste.
So why is there a caste system (Priests, Warriors, Artisans, Merchants, Labourers)?
Every individual has different capabilities. Some are good at crafts, some are good at business/commerce and etc. If im not mistaken, even modern science has proved that certain individuals are better at certain things compared to others. But that does not mean that if you are born into a family of sportsmen, you can't be an academician. The same thing applies here too, being born into an artisan family doesn't stop a person from being a merchant or warrior.
According to the veda, people should recognize their capabilities and choose a profession according to that. Therefore, a warrior is in no way more superior compared to a labourer. Just that their working capabilities are different.
Caste was meant to be a guideline for people to choose their profession but misused by certain quarters for their personal gains.
So back to your question. 'does different people with different caste worship the same lords and go to the same temples?'
There's no such thing as different caste gotta pray to different lords or assigned to different temples. It's up to the individual to choose which lord he/she wishes to pray to or which temple he/she wishes to go. As I've said everyone is equal in Hinduism but the caste system has been exploited by certain quarters for their personal gains, this includes control of temples.
On the white tiger. I have no idea what tiger signifies in Hinduism other than Lord Shiva wears a tiger skin and Goddess Durga rides on the back of a tiger. I'll check on that. The only thing i know about white tiger is they are called Siberian tigers. |
Dah...cukup sila jangan gaduh tak tentu pasal dan menjadikan board Hinduism sebagai tempat untuk menyuarakan ketidakpuashatian...hmmm.Be professionals pls... |
Dah...cukup sila jangan gaduh tak tentu pasal dan menjadikan board Hinduism sebagai tempat untuk men ...
kirhmuru Post at 29-6-2011 14:05
The last post was five days ago and now you making comments? Shouldn't a moderator check his column more frequently? |
I got to agree with seph on this one.
Maybe you should check more regularly.
And I dont see why it is relevant to have that post from you when the last 2-3 posts were not provocative.
Just my thoughts.... |
sabar tu iman .. .. ... i tinggal dekat dengan lapangan terbang antarabangsa .. 24 jam ada kapal terbang naik turun .. lama lama kemudian dah biasa dengan bising itu ..
kesimpulannya .. sabar tu iman ... |
Reply 45# Sephiroth
Excuse me...I am here all the time but its up to me whether wanna comment or not...as a moderator i know my job...mind your own work...as a forumer...and I what you expect me to say? if u guys r fighting about some issues? interrupt?
sorry...if u guys behave like stupids...go ahead...i will watch...n then will reflect myself. Isn' t that v r foruming here? Its not a debate column here...hope u gusy understanding the differences... |
Reply 48# kirhmuru
Yes, it is up to you to comment or not, but you gotta see the relevance too...is it relevant to comment on inappropriate arguments when the last 3-4 posts weren't provocative at all.....
And what kind of a moderator would disrespect and address others as stupid? |
Reply 49# Freako-2
Sorry for that word but I am frank enough to behave as what the forumers will behave...so once a issue is raised...be polite and respond nicely...respect all religion...give ur opinions suggestions in a nice way...remember v r foruming here...not debating...thanks... |
Reply Sephiroth
Excuse me...I am here all the time but its up to me whether wanna comment ...
kirhmuru Post at 24-7-2011 10:00
To Supermod and Admin,
What sort of moron you put here as a moderator? Not only he is not doing his job properly but have the guts to say that he is around but CHOOSES not to do anything. |
To Supermod and Admin,
What sort of moron you put here as a moderator? Not only he is not do ...
Sephiroth Post at 28-7-2011 14:58
Sephiroth: I am doing my job correctly, u just mind ur own business...if u want to be the moderator eagerly...then u r welcome to be...rather condemn people all the time...can you? |
tanya dalam forum buat apa? pergi lah tanya dekat koil sendiri. dengar sendiri lepas tu tanya? pelik betul. ingin tahu, tetapi tak berani nak pergi tanya sendiri di tempatnya. apa yang salahnya dengan nadaswaram? dalam perkahwinan pun ada juga nadaswaram n musical orchestra, utk suatu yang bertuah. Mesti lah ada menandakan sesuatu kalau dimainkan. Kan Jowo pun ada muzik duduk besan semua kalau macam upacara kahwin.
jowo pun ada buat gamelan masa puja Dewa Shiva. Sekolah aku dulu belakang koil Shri Mahamariamman kat KL ok saja aku mendengarnya setiap pagi, tak lama pun sekejap sahaja. Pagi2 pun pemandu bas Metro kat KL dulu selalu membuka montram puja awal pagi masa aku nak ke kelas aku tak terasa apa2 pun, ok lah sembahyang perbuatan yang baik bukannya membunuh orang pun. Lagi baik pergi puja daripada merempit tak tentu hala, berpegang tangan laki perempuan tapi tak berkahwin lagi!
Keralite Style Orchestra
Tamil Traditional style
Apakah perbezaannya? Hanya pada alat muzik sahaja, tujuannya sama juga.
Hindu-Bali Style Orchestra
Hindu-Jowo Style Orchestra
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