leh wat banyak handbag nih... |
hadeiii...ni baru ular kt dunia,ular kt saaaannnaaaaa sampai 7 kepala wooo.... |
Reply 6# honam
ular ke apa ni..  |
alahai super imposed ngan bukan super imposed pun taktau beza...
gmbr ular ngan jentera tu gambar betull lerr  |
cantik kulit ular tu tapi geli la plak   |
ngerinye........besar gilerrrr.... |
ular sawa,
dasayat2 |
ular dlm kubur lagi besar..........  |
apa dimakan dek ulo tu sampe panjang beno |
rase mcm penah tengok yang panjang lagi je kat zoo MELAKA. hahaha |
Post Last Edit by phanz00 at 30-6-2011 16:44
A photograph purporting to show a 55ft snake found in a forest in China has become an internet sensation.
It was originally posted in a thread on the website of the People's Daily, the official Communist Party newspaper in China.
The thread claimed the snake was one of two enormous boa's found by workers clearing forest for a new road outside Guping city, Jiangxi province.
They apparently woke up the sleeping snakes during attempts to bulldoze a huge mound of earth.
"On the third dig, the operator found there was blood amongst the soil, and with a further dig, a dying snake appeared," said the post.
"At the same time, another gold coloured giant boa appeared with its mouth wide open. The driver was paralysed with fear, while the other workers ran for their lives.
"By the time the workers came back, the wounded boa had died, while the other snake had disappeared. The bulldozer operator was so sick that he couldn't even stand up."
The post claimed that the digger driver was so traumatised that he suffered a heart attack on his way to hospital and later died.
The dead snake was 55ft (16.7m) long, weighed 300kg and was estimated to be 140 years old, according to the post.
However, local government officials in Guiping say the story and photograph are almost certainly a hoax as giant boas are not native to the area.
Post Last Edit by Naru at 1-7-2011 03:05
Reply 32# honam
yg ni memang BUKAN super impose, TETAPI ko faham tak KESAN FOKUS DEKAT? Memanglah boya dlm video ni nampak besar giller, tetapi sebenarnya taklah besar gedabak bagai; cuma video/kamera tu FOKUS menghala dekat dgn boya. |
Post Last Edit by Naru at 30-6-2011 22:56
Reply 51# phanz00
Kan? Gambo ni ala2 super impose... (Bukan tak nak pcaya kewujudan binatang yg sangat besar, tapi agak-agaklah ). Kalaulah ada dah lama masuk dlm Discovery Channel, sama mcm boya yg paling besar yg pernah dirakam kewujudannya; boya tu dinamakan Gustave, di Burundi.
Berita ttg ular yg 'dipercayai ramai besar' tu juga boleh didapati sini http://www.weirdasianews.com/2010/02/16/giant-snake-china-scares-man-death/
"...the story as a hoax is to laugh in the face of ..."
p.s: Kalu betullah gambar tu 100% asli, MENGAPA CUMA ADA 1 FOTO SAJA....??? Mengapa tak ambik bebanyak; Mengapa tak de gambo CLOSE UP, atau gambar pelbagai sudut/angle???? Kan boleh jadik kayo...? |
Post Last Edit by Naru at 1-7-2011 03:15

Nah! Adakah boya ni bersaiz raksasa kerana manusia di belakangnya KECIL?? 
"News Ltd photographer Sam Ruttyn took a close-up shot of 'Elvis' the crocodile using his camera mounted on a pole..." |
alahai super imposed ngan bukan super imposed pun taktau beza...
gmbr ular ngan jentera tu gambar b ...
axhiology Post at 11-3-2011 11:20 
Aku nak pakai balik ayat ko ekkk, nah!:
"alahai super imposed ngan bukan super imposed pun taktau beza ka? ..." |
superimpose menda apa, memang real ada kat tengah tengah hutan pahang???
lebih besar dari tu pun ada ...
honam Post at 14-11-2010 21:34 
Ko biar betull?
Sila rujuk address di atas, tak pun tanyalah Cik Google.
p.s: I raise my case... |
Reply 53# Naru
p.s: Kalu betullah gambar tu 100% asli, MENGAPA CUMA ADA 1 FOTO SAJA....??? Mengapa tak ambik bebanyak; Mengapa tak de gambo CLOSE UP, atau gambar pelbagai sudut/angle???? Kan boleh jadik kayo...?
tulah aku pon tak brape nak percaya sgt, takkan amek satu gambar je kalo betul ular tu dah mati pegi jelah dekat2 amek gambar banyak2 sebagai bukti.Dari apa yang aku tau ular jenis BOA ni memang lah besar2 tapi yang ni....entahlah!?? |
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