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dlm thread aku "disitu bukan tempatnya, bukan zamannyer" ade details psal ni.. |
Reply 41# unekspekted_III
alamak bro, aq x dpt baca ler...
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Post Last Edit by Jeedai at 17-12-2010 18:13
Reply 42# zaharul_asriq94
sudah kena masuk dalam loker davy jones la tu....sayang betol... |
Reply 43# Jeedai
dh mcm citer spongebob/ pirates of caribbean... davy jones locker!!! |
Reply 44# zaharul_asriq94
satu masa dulu.......hehehe~![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_lol.gif) |
Reply 45# Jeedai
![](static/image/smiley/default/3doh.gif) |
Reply 46# zaharul_asriq94
ilmu2 purba banyak dimusnahkan...ada yg kene bakar, ada yang kene musnahkan, ada yg dipadam drpd sejrah |
The destruction of printed records has been much greater than was
originally thought.
The great library of Alexandria once contained one million volumes in
which the entire science, philosophy and mysteries of the ancient world
were recorded (including a complete catalogue of authors in 120 volumes,
with a brief biography of each author).
In a single act of vandalism, Julius Caesar destroyed 700,000 priceless scrolls.
In the seventh century, the Arabs completed the wipeout. Do you know how they did it? They used the books as a fuel supply to heat the city’s 400 public baths for six months. |
Totally destroyed also were the papyri of the library of Ptah in Memphis.
Carthage, with a library of 500,000 volumes, was razed in a seventeen-day
fire by the Romans in 146 B.C.
The library of Pergamos in Asia Minor (with 200,000 volumes) likewise
When the famous collection of Pisistratus in Athens was wiped out (in
the sixth century). surprisingly Homer’s writings escaped.
In the eighth century, Leo Isaurus burned 300,000 books in
Constantinople. |
In China, Emperor Tam Shi Hwang-ti issued an edict (213
B.C.) to destroy innumerable books.
Thousands of Druidic scrolls in Autun, France, on philosophy, medicine,
astronomy and other sciences, were obliterated by Julius Caesar. Not one
Much classical literature was systematically destroyed by the papal
Spanish conquerors searched out and destroyed the entire Mayan
literature (except for four documents now in European museums). It was
related that Mayan scholars screamed in agony as they saw their life’s
purpose go up in flames. Some committed suicide.
The Council of Lima (1583) decreed the burning of the knotted cords
(“quipas”) on which the Incas had recorded their history and that of their
What a story of carnage, in which the greatest depositories of
knowledge from the ancient world are lost forever!
(Yet somehow the Indian books escaped.)
Did you know that even of the Greek and Roman
literature, less than 1 percent has come down to us? |
rasa2nya apa lah ilmu diorang yang hilang tu yer?
ilmu sains purba? |
Reply 47# zaharul_asriq94
maharaja Diocletian pernah bakar buku ilmu kimia mesir...
tahun 1258M,buku2 ilmu dihumban ke dlm sungai tigris,ni monggol punya kerja..
sayang betul...napa la buat buku ilmu mcm tu? |
Reply 52# Jeedai
yang monggol tu, habis hitam sungai dibuatnya...hitam sbb dakwat buku2 yg dimusnahkan itu... ada riwayat tulis buku2 tu bnyk sngt dimusnahkan sampai dh jadi mcm jambatan,...boleh seberang sungai tu.. |
Reply 53# zaharul_asriq94
pheww...bayangkanla berapa banyak jenis subjek tu.
ni mcm koyak buku kat library la.yg kalut pi koyak tu buat apa?hang taknak baca,sudah.org lain nk baca. |
Reply 54# Jeedai
tulah namanya pentingkan diri sendiri...
banyak betul buku kene bakar shing huang ti tu.... sbb apa nak bakar? sbb nak nama dia yg pertama sekali dalam sejarah china..aduyaiii |
Reply 40# zaharul_asriq94
tak paham |
Reply 56# m0g
ape yg x fhm? citer sikit, baru boleh terang dgn bleh lanjut |
Reply 57# zaharul_asriq94
ekau bg den gamba buku tuuu . tp den tak tau nk baco |
Reply 58# m0g
ooh, tu senarai pasal patung2 yg bleh kuarkan bunyi sepanjang sejarah dituliss |
ni aq dpt emel smlm, pasal zaman batu bukanlah sebodoh yg disangka
But Syed, how real were those other cave men?
You know, those ones we read about in school text
What do you think? Did they really chew rotten meat?
And grunt? And drag their women by the hair?
And 'Stone Age' men.
Who were they? Evolving primitives?
Are you sitting down? They were city folk forced to
live primitively after their civilization was
destroyed. That's right. The evidence says so.
Do you want some clues?
Did you know that roick paintings in the caves of
Altamira, Lascaux, Ribadasella and others, are
masterpieces of art in any period. Their realism and
beauty are just as good as modern paintings!
They bear witness to a developed culture which used
perspective and freeness of form - an amazingly
sophisticated art.
And cave paintings have a common style worldwide. It's
as though they came from a common school.
The original caves of Montignac-Lascaux (now closed to
the public) have been called "the Sistine Chapel of
prehistory". The artists achieved a remarkable
three-dimensional effect by using the natural contours
of rock.
How did they do this? Small holes became the glaring
eyes of a bison; cracks became the wounds of a
stricken deer; odd-shaped bulges were incorporated
into the painting as a head or back hump.
Even today, light and shadow contrasts using the
natural rock shapes make the animals appear to be
alive and breathing. Here is a technique and effect
unique in the history of art.
I tell you, these cavemen scaled heights not reached
again until late in our era.
Are we to believe that these were dim-witted savages,
incapable of putting two stones together to build a
Do you know, they used scaffolds - and the holes in
the rock, where they put in crossbeams for planks, are
still there.
Now scaffolding cannot precede the knowledge of
masonry; it follows from the development of masonry.
Therefore we can be sure that 'cavemen' knew how to
construct houses.
And yes, remains of their houses have actually been
Prehistoric cave paintings in Africa depict men with
blond beards and well-styled hair who are wearing
boots, tight-fitting pants, multicoloured shirts, coats
and gloves.
A woman is wearing a short-sleeved pullover,
closely-fitting breeches, and gloves, garters and
Engraved stones unearthed in a cave at Lussac, France,
show modern-looking people in casual poses wearing
robes, belts, boots, coats and hats.
A seated young lady wears a pantsuit with a
short-sleeved jacket, a pair of small boots, and a
decorated hat. On her lap is what looks like a modern
Men wear well-tailored pants, broad belts with clasps,
and clipped beards and moustaches.
But let me warn you. If you go to photograph these
engraved drawings, you will be stopped. This is very
embarrassing material. And it's decidedly not open to
public inspection.
Understandably. It refutes all that we've been told to
There's a vested interest at stake, here. So many
peoples' careers are bound up in it now. Lifetime
Of course, many of the theorists are totally sincere.
They believe they have found the answer, and they
don't want someone to come along and tell them it's
all made up.
(a) Community cooperation was highly developed.
(b) They were familiar with sea travel.
(c) They each one inherited a common lunar calendar
system from a civilization older than they.
(d) 'Stone Age' men mined metals. |
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