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Author: bluezink

Osama bin Laden

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Post time 25-5-2011 09:42 AM | Show all posts
osama ni karut...semuanya fabrication us je.
lupakan je la osama ni...makan cendol lagi baek. lagi ...
thessailly Post at 25-5-2011 08:01 AM

tom yam real tak ? keh keh keh gath datang arr... aku banjer ko makan tom yam.

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Post time 25-5-2011 10:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply 41# winamp05

tak leh bro, tak leh...percayalahhh

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Post time 25-5-2011 09:17 PM | Show all posts
Reply 28# unekspekted_XII

   chewahhhh konon cool le sokong osama bin laden.
mungkin ko terlupa nabi muhammad pon mati sebab sakit tua jugak. tak syahid pon

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Post time 26-5-2011 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Reply  unekspekted_XII

   chewahhhh konon cool le sokong osama bin laden.
mungkin ko terlupa  ...
muaythaiko Post at 25-5-2011 21:17

peehhh. isle moderate konoonnnnn

ala bodo. klu nabi terakhir mati kene bunuh.. dah terang2 laa kene kutuk dgn kapir laknat.. and aku sure mak bapak ko pun tak jadik islam skarang

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Post time 26-5-2011 09:34 AM | Show all posts
sbenarnya.. kalo osama btl2 mati.. elok jugak mayat dia disemadikan di laut.. kalo nk tanam kat mana2 pon elok dirahsiakan.. nape aku kata camni?.. sebabnya.. kalo dia disemadikan secara terang2gan.. aku percaya, 1 hr nnti kubur dia akan jadi tmpat pengikut2 taksub dia wat upacara meratap dan sbgainya.. maklumle, ada jugak org2 bebal yg anggap osama ni ada mukjizat.. kan xpasal2 org2 yg sesat barat ni wat kubur osama jd tmpat mnyembah plak.. huhuhuhu!!

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Post time 26-5-2011 06:31 PM | Show all posts
Reply 44# unekspekted_XII

  cara nabi ko mati pon kontroversi. ko jer perasan cool bila sebut nama osama bin laden, nak tumpang glamer.

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Post time 27-5-2011 09:52 AM | Show all posts
Reply  unekspekted_XII

  cara nabi ko mati pon kontroversi. ko jer perasan cool bila sebut nam ...
muaythaiko Post at 26-5-2011 18:31

yang penting, dia bukan patung

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Post time 30-5-2011 02:40 PM | Show all posts
macam berlakon filem... tak suka orang tu terus matikan wataknya...

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Post time 30-5-2011 08:31 PM | Show all posts
Osama bukan untuk disokong. Kerana dia, satu dunia Islam terpalit perang Amerika. Dia jadi slogan Amerika menceroboh Iraq & Afghanistan, & sekarang sedang jadi alasan memporak perandakan Pakistan, satu2nya negara Islam berkuasa militeri nuklear.

Kenapa perlu diagungkan Osama?

Dia kalau hidup di zaman Sahabat, hanyalah golongan Khawarij yang diperangi Khalifah Ali serta Muawiyah.

Dia bukan ulama, jauh sekali pejuang bertaraf Khalid AlWaleed, Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi dll. Dia hanya ikon gerila umpama Che Guevara atau Ho Chi Minh.

Dia dibiayai Amerika, dilatih & dipersenjataai CIA dalam perang proksi menentang Soviet Union, kemudian menggigit tangan yang memberinya makan, tak ubah seperti Saddam yang dibiayai & dipersenjatai barat mengganyang Iran tapi akhirnya menggigit tangan Barat dalam konflik Kuwait.

Tangan kedua2 insan ini jauh lebih banyak bermandi darah umat muslimin berbanding tentera kuffar.

Osama dengan doktrin jihad yang disongsangkan jadi mantera pembunuh berani mati meletupkan diri di pasar2, balai2 polis, jabatan kerajaan, masjid2 (terutama masa solat), kawasan perumahan & menyebabkan negara Islam terkuat kucar kacir. Jumlah umat Islam yang mati akibat durjana 'pejuang Islam' sama banyaknya & sama kejamnya sebagaimana dilakukan tentera kuffar.

Ini bukan jihad dituntut Islam. Jihad yang dituntut bukan menghalalkan darah sesama Muslim, kanak2, wanita & orang tua serta orang tak bersalah. Tapi Al-Qaeda cap ayam ideologi Osama menghalalkan ini semua ..

Lantas kita berfikir .... patutlah perjuangan ini sentiasa tak berkesudahan ....

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Post time 30-5-2011 08:41 PM | Show all posts
peehhh. isle moderate konoonnnnn

ala bodo. klu nabi terakhir mati kene bunuh.. dah terang2 la ...
unekspekted_XII Post at 26-5-2011 09:19

Bai, mamat tu melayu murtad. Mak pak dia aku tak tahu la agama apa...

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Post time 30-5-2011 11:50 PM | Show all posts
Ni salah satu propaganda US .... boleh caya ke???

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Post time 7-6-2011 04:30 PM | Show all posts
terang2 US menipu dunia dan terang2 dunia nampak kebodohan US.....wakakakaaka...

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Post time 10-6-2011 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Scenario 1:Memang Osama dah kena bunuh dan mayatnya disemadikan di laut to avoid his followers making his tomb as a shrine kalau dikuburkan on land (anyway which government would take his body?..Saudi confirm tak...Afghan,basically its under US now..and remember Taliban are not ruling there anymore). Secondly, kenaper takde photos or videos of dead Osama..?possibly bcos the images would had been too graphic and the backlash from his followers would be unimaginable. Yea..lar...kalau kena headshot..memang muka kepala semua dah berkecai...and kalau followers dier tgk confirm marah.

Scenario 2:Maybe it's staged by Obama since tahun depan is their election, kalau tak silap i. So to increase his support and popularity among the ppl of US...Obama mungkin had this one staged. But then kalau staged, confirm al qaeda or osama dah release statement by now saying osama masih alive n kicking...and there wouldn't be a retaliation attack by taliban in pakistan.

So.......up to the individuals to decide whether osama dah mati ke tak.
btw, just my 2 those who say US tu bodoh...think again....they are the only country which is able to do whatever and whenever they want. Memang dier org kuat military wise tp just by force u cant dominate the world....u need to be smart too. For example kes osama...kalau nak US boleh settle the entire controversy once and for all...but it has the whole world in limbo...
i bukan pro US....but find it amusing when ppl call others a fool or stupid when it actually shows the opposite.

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Post time 22-6-2011 04:55 PM | Show all posts
anyway, ada satu lagi yg aku bru bace baru ni.. tak pasti same ade sumber ni mnyatakan yg betul atau tak.

The Mujahideen were recruited and formed in the late 70′s by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the United States National Security Advisor of Jimmy Carter (Brzezinski is today Obama’s main policy advisor). The military group was trained by the United States in order to repel Russian forces from Afghanistan. Bin Laden was trained by the CIA to fight the Communists and
the Taliban are a by-product of this US created movement.

Since the fall of the USSR, Bin Laden and his Taliban served a new agenda: providing an excuse for the invasion of key middle-eastern countries under the guise of a “war on terror”. In 2001, about 15 minutes after the second plane hit the WTC, the image of Bin Laden was shown on television. He was the ideal patsy on who to blame the attacks and the perfect boogey-man to scare the American people. This scapegoat allowed the unquestioned invasion of Afghanistan, of Iraq. He even facilitated the enactment of the aberration called the Patriot Act.

In 2011, Bin Laden’s usefulness to the Agenda has ran its course. Furthermore, the Obama administration needed an exploit to boost its poll ratings until the next elections. Consequently, in a classic combination of occult rituals with pragmatic politics, the death of Bin Laden was announced on May 1st 2011 with triumph and jubilation. Through CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX, millions of viewers rejoiced at the death of man in the same matter ancient peasants rejoiced at the offering of human sacrifices to Baal. In a dumbed-down, politicized and “Illuminati-sed” version of the Beltane Festival, the masses have celebrated the ritual sacrifice of a man and, without even realizing it, partook in one of the Illuminati’s most important holidays.

anyway, merujuk pada salah satu komen..
The real Osama Bin Laden died in 2001 of kidney failure. Yes he died before 911.
He was a CIA operative trained by the CIA. They knew of his kidney issues. So they used his face to be the #1 Terrorist in the world/most wanted. It was an easy lie and yes like we have all this technology: infared, prone airplanes, digistal GPS, etc etc..and he just now died? Your killin me softly America.

Go figure and do some research instead of using FOX, CBS, ABC, CNN as ur coffee.

secara kasarnye, mungkin 'kematian osama' pade bulan may baru ni, adalah utk modal obama utk raih undi pada election day yg akan datang.


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Post time 8-3-2012 08:43 PM | Show all posts
yg i percaya adalah

oosama bin laden, anak kepada mohammad bin laden.
dalam islam kita di'bin'kan bapak kita contohnya kalo disebut osama bin md ladin (baru i caya dia anak mohammad laden).
bangcak Post at 4-5-2011 08:46

betul tu, boleh jadi aje Osama tu watak yg dicipta...
cuma kalau mencipta watak pun...msti diorang dah buat homework....
bin Laden tu nama keluarga... infact, datuk dia pun bukan la bin Laden...moyang dia....
nama penuh;  Osama bin Muḥammad bin ʿAwaḍ bin Ladin

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Post time 8-3-2012 09:09 PM | Show all posts
tuduhan amerika terhadap Osama bin Laden tidak pernah dibuktikan di mana-mana mahkamah di dunia ini..

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Post time 9-3-2012 08:22 AM | Show all posts
Ini semua konspirasiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.......................................................

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Post time 9-3-2012 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Reply 3# bangcak

    den percayo psl semuo tipu helah amerika yo...
diorg ni mmg pengarah plg handal dlm dunio menipu...

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Post time 9-3-2012 10:01 AM | Show all posts
kalau osama bin laden tu watak tipu, anak2 Bin laden tu semua penipu la jugak?

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Post time 9-3-2012 10:02 AM | Show all posts
terang2 US menipu dunia dan terang2 dunia nampak kebodohan US.....wakakakaaka...
kiahbosan Post at 7-6-2011 16:30

    bkan takat menipu yo kiah oiii..
segalo bahan yg tak buleh dipercayai dio buat...sampai org yakin..
bkn zmn osama..zaman nazi pun dio dah buat..

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