Post Last Edit by cikgutuition at 26-6-2012 12:55
Kadang2 kita perlu dikejutkan baru kita nak mulakan sesuatukan? :-)
Here are 20 diseases orconditions that can be attributed to obesity:
1.Kencing Manis - Diabetes which is a disorder where thepancreas is not producing enough or sometimes not any insulin. Diabetes canlead to a whole host of other medical issues and obesity is one of the maincauses due to the body having excess glucose due to overeating.
2.Kanser -Cancer has many different forms and types and manyof them could be prevented with more attention to eating healthy and avoidingobesity.
3.Kegagalan jantung akibat tersumbat - Congestive HeartFailure is a condition in which the heart can’t pump enough blood to the body’sother organs.
4.Pembesaran jantung - Enlarged Heart is another heartcondition where the muscle of the heart become larger due to being overworkedwhich naturally happens if you are overweight.
5.Emboli Paru - Pulmonary Embolism is a sometimes fatalblockage of an artery. Being overweight causes most people to reduce activityand after time lack of activity can result in an embolism.
6.Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is when cysts develop in yourovaries. These can burst causing even further problems.
7.Masalah perut - Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease means thatstomach acid and juices flow from the stomach back up into the esophagus. It iscommon in overweight people.
8.Hati berlemak - Fatty Liver Disease is a reversiblecondition where large pockets of fat accumulate in liver cells. Fatty liver canbe considered a single disease that occurs worldwide in those with excessivealcohol intake and those who are obese.
9.Hernia is caused when the hole in the diaphragm weakens andenlarges.
10.Mati pucuk - Erectile Dysfunction is the inability to developor maintain an erection which can be caused by a medical problem due to obesityor a psychological effect.
11.Kencing tak lawas -Urinary Incontinence is the inability tocontrol ones urine and is frequently associated with obesity, weak bladder andpelvic floor muscles.
12.Kegagalan kronik buah pinggang -Chronic Renal Failure meaningthe kidneys fail to work is a much greater risk to those that are overweight orobese. 13.Lymph edema is a condition that occurs from a damaged ordysfunctional lymphatic system sometimes caused by people suffering fromobesity actually crushing the lymphatics.
14.Cellulitis is clinically a spreading infection involving boththe dermis and subcutaneous tissues due poor lymph flow caused by obesity.
15.Stroke is a lack of blood supply as the body has to workharder when you are obese.
16.Pickwickian Syndrome is mainly characterized by sleep apneadue to obesity placing an excessive load on the pulmonary system.
17.Depression is a condition where a person feels extremely sadall the time. Even to the point of being suicidal. This can be greatly enhancedfor someone that has a weight problem.
18.Osteoarthritis is a clinical syndrome in which low-gradeinflammation results in pain in the joints, caused by abnormal wearing of thecartilage oftentimes due to obesity.
19.Gout occurs when uric acid accumulates in the blood. Nerveendings then become irritated causing extreme pain made worse by carrying extraweight.
20.Batu karang - Gallbladder Disease commonly affects overweightpeople as a result of high blood cholesterol levels and causes gall stones. |