Pengalaman iols dgn pil perancang ni bmula 1 week b4 nikah...cz at that time kawen ms study..under scholar plak tu. Risau bsalin dlm tempoh study @ jwb exam dlm pantang mcm one of my friend hu3.
1st time consume berat iols 44kg. Consult dgn doc,doc suggest amek Marvelon. X spai setahun amek. Stop pil trs minum susu Anmum,bln dpn trs preggy my 1st bb. Abes pantang telan Noriday(telan stp hari) cz fully breastfeed,x period 2 thn stgh. Best betol weh,dpt le puasa full 3 tahun ms tu heh3...iols fully breastfeed baby spai baby umur dkt 4thn.
Pastu cont with Diane35, dan sepapan cz gynae ckp Diane35 if ade acne prob mmg ok. Tp for birth controll mcm x brp nk bagus. Gynae suh mkn Yasmin(start mkn pd hari ke8 stlh break 1 week pil yg lama). So mkn la Yasmin slama 3thn. Pnh try skali amek Marvelon,mcm nk mati rs sakit kpala sakit dada aduhhhh... X sesuai rupanya hormon iols telan pil rege belas2 ni slps dh beranak. I can't stand with the pain. So back to Yasmin,tp gynae suggest Yaz plak cz bagus blh control PMS. Rege sama je dgn Yasmin. Disbbkan ms ni iols cuti tanpa gaji dkt 2 thn,hati senang berat naik jd 48kg hik3. Faktor dok sesaja tu yg berat naik. Gap 1st baby & 2nd baby 7thn cz iols mmg disiplin telan pil. If tlupa telan,tb2 tingat eh smlm x mkn pil la,trs aritu telan yg smlm & arini. Gynae pesan gitu. Jgn lbh spai 3 ari,pasti perutmu boncet berisi nti kwang3.
Bl 2nd baby ni,sian taw. Ms dia umur 1thn 8bln,iols bz yakmat. Baby still breastfeed + susu botol dh. So iols dh period ms baby umur 1 thn stgh. Dan la period 4bln,yg dtg awal & hjg bln. So total 8x period. Ding dong2,iols blh igt2 lupa dh mkn ke blm ek pil. Chak3...tlupa 5 ke 6 ari ntah...apalagi weh...panik giler. Taw2 je rs mcm mabuk 1st baby taw. Cz bb boy. Yg 2nd tu girl.iols ni klu preggy boy,dgn hubby skali mabuk,pbawakan bdk spai bsalin..hubby dpt detect dlu yg dia dh start body ache,loya2,demam,pening bagai kah3. Mmg preggy pon rupanya. But 2nd baby still breastfeed spai perut iols ms tu 6bln dgn risiko placenta previa type 4 nye. Tobat sgt rs preggy dlm keadaan baby rapat gap nye.iols plak pnh jatuh thentak kuat ms early stage of pregnancy tu,tu yg gynae ckp tu mybe faktor PP tu hu3.
Bl dh bsalin 3rd bb,still amek noriday. Now baby dh nk 1yo,dh 95% fully susu botol so iols decide amek Yasmin smula. Dh 4 papan dh telan. Pasni papan ke5 nk amek Yaz plak. Tingin nk implanon tp scary plak. Gynae pesan if nk taw seswai ke x implanon kna amek injection 3bln tu dlu. Klu gamble trs implanon,if x seswai mmg tendency to get pregnant is high. Skrg berat badan iols dh ok cun which is 55kg. Ms 40++ tu actually underweight taw BMI iols. Bkn sbb amek pil body naik,sbb dlu iols ni high metabolism,dgn underweight BMI lg. So skrg dh mcapai berat badan ideal,dh x high metabolism lg & i like it. Gynae pesan suh tukar2 brand pil,jgn stick with 1 brand for a certain period. So just nice la style iols wat tu mkn 2thn tkr plak.
Tp klu tlupa mkn sndri mau igt la kwang3. Jgn spai tlupa slu x mkn pil spai lbh dr 3 ari. Awas! Jeng3. Skrg,asal nk tido je,tentu hubby tanya dh mkn pil ke blm? Har3. Panjang la iols mbebel kih3. Btw,iols bli pil di farmasi je. Mula2 je amek kat klinik ms gynae suggest tu. Kat farmasi murah sket |
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hi sis,
thanks for the complete information.
just nak tnye,
as per suggestion dari your gynea, kenapa kita tak boleh stick dengan 1 brand utk certain period?
ade effect ke dkt badan kita nanti?
berapa lama semuanya on the pill?
meah_kelabu replied at 18-5-2018 02:27 PM
hi sis,
thanks for the complete information.
just nak tnye,
Coz xmo ade side effects katanya.
So far iols mmg x put on weight drastically. |
ipes2 replied at 19-5-2018 06:29 PM
berapa lama semuanya on the pill?
Almost 12 years |
Brand apa yg boleh menaikkan berat badan.. me nak gemuk..kurus sgt seihhh |
aih lama jugak tuh especially if continuous; drug holidays are used by doctors sometimes; i certainly would.
how long will you be off it
oestrogen generally menggemukkan, tetapi it is unhealthy utk naikkan berat badan melalui hormones; risks far more than benefit.
if you are young, dont worry, your metabolism will slow down with age and you will gain more weight than u want to.
if in your 40s and still slim, esp if lepas ada anak, then count your lucky stars!
unless you are underweight, you shouldnt try to gain
ipes2 replied at 11-6-2018 10:52 PM
oestrogen generally menggemukkan, tetapi it is unhealthy utk naikkan berat badan melalui hormones; ...
Next year i 40.. tp x nampak mcm 40 sbb kurus.. and i mmg underweight.. mcm tuanku zara tu....badan i gitu la.. skinny.. tp tz tu of coz la berjuta kali lawa compare ngan i .. |
wah beruntung lah gitu!
bukan main susah apa nak slim down
dulu i was so light that i beli those short chain fatty acid mixtures utk pesakit tuh (pesakit kurs bg la mkn ni esp yg tua)
botol kecik je, tapi mahal kemain; i ambik la 20mls sehari gitu.. amik 3-4 bulan, ha start naik badan.. self medicating ni bahaya; i was 49kg then.. now like 71!! man, that was a rush!!
ipes2 replied at 22-6-2018 01:00 AM
wah beruntung lah gitu!
bukan main susah apa nak slim down
Boleh bg brand apa? Nak try... |
berbeza lah mesia and europeans nye
tu yg kena jumpa doc dan di panatu oleh nya disana
| |