MSC Malaysia (formerly the Multimedia Super Corridor, and also known as the MSC in Malaysia) is a Special Economic Zone in Malaysia. The Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) program was officially inaugurated by the 4th Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on 12 February 1996. The establishment of the MSC program was crucial to accelerate the objectives of Vision 2020 and to transform Malaysia into a modern state by the year 2020, with the adoption of a knowledge-based society framework (Jeong, 2007).
MSC Malaysia Bill of Guarantees
Bill of Guarantee No. 1: To provide a world-class physical and information infrastructure
Bill of Guarantee No. 2: To allow unrestricted employment of local and foreign knowledge workers
Bill of Guarantee No. 3: To ensure freedom of ownership by exempting companies with MSC Malaysia Status from local ownership requirements
Bill of Guarantee No. 4: To give the freedom to source capital globally for MSC Malaysia infrastructure, and the right to borrow funds globally
Bill of Guarantee No. 5: To provide competitive financial incentives, including Pioneer Status (100 percent tax exemption) for up to ten years or an Investment Tax Allowance for up to five years and no duties on the importation of multimedia equipment
Bill of Guarantee No. 6: To become a regional leader in Intellectual Property Protection and Cyberlaws
Bill of Guarantee No. 7: To ensure no censorship of the Internet Bill of Guarantee No. 8: To provide globally competitive telecommunications tariffs
Huraian BOG no 7
Policy Objective
To realise the vision for Malaysia to be a major global ICT hub, the Government recognises the revolutionary role of the Internet in facilitating information exchange and innovation, and providing the basis for continuing enhancements to quality of work and life.
While the Government will not censor the Internet, this does not mean that any person may disseminate illegal content with impunity and without regard to the law. To the extent that any act is illegal in the physical world, it will similarly be outlawed in the online environment. Hence, laws prohibiting dissemination of, for example, indecent / obscene or other illegal materials will continue to apply.
In this regard, relevant ministries and agencies will continue to take appropriate actions and enforce those laws that are under their respective purview.
Responsible Ministries / Agencies
- Ministry of Information, Communication and Culture.
- Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
so biar betik nak tapis InternetttIbarat ape eh pepatah tu..
sorry klu xde kaitan
credit to Encik Wiki & MSC
Last edited by CauPandin on 26-3-2014 08:33 PM