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[Tempatan] Ridhuan Tee Abdullah: Krisis identiti dan ultra kiasu

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Post time 27-5-2014 07:56 AM | Show all posts
tobby posted on 27-5-2014 12:21 AM

The way the Chinese behave and try t ...

the way the chinks behave
nowadays in malaysia
is known as "the thirty percent behaviour"


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Post time 27-5-2014 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 26-5-2014 09:24 PM
demi mengeratkan silaturahim dgn mr ridhuan teh, aku sanggup berkorban wang ringgit utk mengadakan j ...

apake barua jemput aku makan babi

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Post time 27-5-2014 11:39 AM | Show all posts
BotakChinPeng posted on 27-5-2014 11:28 AM
apake barua jemput aku makan babi

jika dihidang coklat cadbury dengan
kacang hazel sebelum diketahui
ada isu DNA mesti you makan

so tak salah lah
you dijemput
makan babi


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Post time 27-5-2014 11:49 AM | Show all posts
d'zeck posted on 27-5-2014 11:39 AM
jika dihidang coklat cadbury dengan
kacang hazel sebelum diketahui
ada isu DNA mesti you makan

aku tak makan coklat kacang

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Post time 27-5-2014 11:50 AM | Show all posts
BotakChinPeng posted on 27-5-2014 11:49 AM
aku tak makan coklat kacang

coklat kacang ka
coklat kismis ka

kalo cadbury,
coklat babi jugak


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Post time 27-5-2014 11:52 AM | Show all posts
d'zeck posted on 27-5-2014 11:39 AM
jika dihidang coklat cadbury dengan
kacang hazel sebelum diketahui
ada isu DNA mesti you makan

dah i pesan sejak dulu,
cekelat kaler biru mcm cop dacing tu ada babi

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Post time 27-5-2014 11:57 AM | Show all posts
d'zeck posted on 27-5-2014 11:50 AM
coklat kacang ka
coklat kismis ka

cadbury kismis tiada babi

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Post time 27-5-2014 12:07 PM | Show all posts
BotakChinPeng posted on 27-5-2014 11:57 AM
cadbury kismis tiada babi

sekali babi
sukar dipercayai


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Post time 27-5-2014 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 26-5-2014 07:33 PM
antara perempuan cina & melayu, aku pilih melayu..... adakah aku pembelot?

Orang yang tak berbangsa  macam kau, tak boleh dikategorikan sebagai pembelot.....

Itu 'kelebihan' kau......


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Post time 27-5-2014 12:19 PM | Show all posts
dia sendiri yg syak wasangka tuduh org lain. mabuk ka ridhuan

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Post time 27-5-2014 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Adeh dah masuk tahun 2014 tak selesai2 lagi masalah racial ni. 6 tahun lagi dah nak 2020. personally aku rasa sampai kiamat pun tak akan selesai perbalahan ni. yang melayu dok mengata cina, dok memboikot produk , tapi tak nak pulak nak bercampur dalam masyarakat cina, yang cina plak berperangsangka bukan2 dan mengata melayu , dan hanya bersosial dengan kaum mereka2 sahaja. tak nak pula di asimilasi  Ni lah hasil bila dah terpecah dari hasil dari pemerintah.  melayu pun satu , sensitif sangat dengan bangsa , agama dan budaya. no wonderla bukan islam panggil negara ni heading to taliban life soon dimana akan ketinggalan bersaing dengan dunia luar dari serba-serbinya.

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Post time 27-5-2014 12:35 PM | Show all posts
NIXAR posted on 27-5-2014 12:19 PM
dia sendiri yg syak wasangka tuduh org lain. mabuk ka ridhuan

dia tau la DNA sejenis dia


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Post time 27-5-2014 01:08 PM | Show all posts
nak cakap pasal racist ni mana2 negara multiracial pon sama, cer tengok US tu.....ok kita kata US dah ada presiden kulit hitam, tapi kita kena ingat presiden kulit hitam US tu dipilih selepas 200 ++ tahun mereka merdeka......lg pon obama punya mother tongue ni bukan bahasa afrika dan fasih berbahasa inggeris...tapi ni bukan isunya.....ada betul gak tang ridhuan tee ni cakap masjid sebelah tokong, sebelah gereja sbgnya...bukan penentu malaysia dah cukup harmoni, hakikatnya masih ada lg jurang kaum tu dinegara kita, jgn cakap pasal peluang pekerjaan dsbgnya, juz fokus isu semasa je la...aku tengok kaum cina dulu2 memang baik, tapi selepas PRU 2008 ada sikit besar kepala la, ni pandangan peribadi aku...dan dah ramai yg provok benda2 sensitif di media sosial yg dulunya generasi nya begitu hormat benda2 sensitif, adakah sebab politik??? atau dah termakan dakyah yg tak sihat........tang nak buat negara dalam negara tu pon aku setuju pandangan ridhuan tee ni.....coz kaum cina dah di whack oleh ex-PM ausie dan presiden Filipina......tapi sifat ni ada gak dalam diri umat islam terutamanya yg datang dari negara timur tengah dan asia selatan....dah tau merempat dinegara org nak org ikut pulak cara dia??? contoh mcam kes puak2 islam swiss nak tukar bendera swiss yg ada salib tak sedar diuntung...sama la kaum cina (sebahagian) yg nak buat negara dalam negara, ada betulnya kata ridhuan tee ni cuma bg aku bukan mudah nak mentadbir negara kan pulak PIS nak buat hukum islam yg hanya untuk islam tapi non muslim btak kena......what da' joke....

lkick~ni adalah pandangan peribadi, tiada kena mengena pun dengan DNA babi dalam coklat cadbury mahupon yg hidup atau telah meninggal dunia...harap maklum...

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Post time 28-5-2014 10:40 AM | Show all posts
9:00AM May 28, 2014
Whatever Tee says won’t make him more Malay

YOURSAY ‘You are a Chinese, regardless how you hate yourself as being one.’

'Chong Wei vs Misbun, who will they support?'

David Dass: This is totally confused thinking. It first assumes that Chinese Malaysians will not support a Malay badminton player if his opponent is a Chinese from China.

And Ridhuan Tee Abdullah has no basis to say that. Secondly, who made him the guy in charge of nationalism.

And thirdly, he draws some kind of analogy between disloyalty and voting for the DAP. And he goes on to say that he is anti-Chinese and pro-Malay because he is defending Islam which is under threat.

So Chinese by that fact alone are both anti-Malay and anti-Islam. He should take a course on straight thinking.

Guyintheglass: The more Ridhuan speaks, the more he shows his lack of knowledge. The analogy used is a poor one.

In the 1992 Thomas cup semi-final against China, all Malaysians were solidly behind Malaysia.

For the record, the first singles was between Rashid Sidek and Zhao Jianhua which Rashid won. I think arguing with Ridhuan will bring down one’s IQ.

Anonymous #40538199: ‘Malaysian behind giant-killer Kento Momota’ - Izuan Ibrahim has no regrets having coached young Japanese shuttler Kento Momota, who scored a crucial point against Malaysia in Sunday's Thomas Cup final - TheStar.

Ridhuan Tee should not pretend to love this country or the Malays by running down the Chinese. The Malays should not trust this type of hired gun, especially those who will to "gadai" his roots to do the bidding for his master.

Casey: A betrayer is a traitor. Ridhuan not only betrays his family and ancestors, he betrays the Malays whom he professes friendship.

Ridhuan is also a traitor to the Malays and the nation solely because, while professing friendship by championing the Malay's cause, he distorts facts, incites ethnic hatred, fuels religious bigotries, and selfishly set the nation on a collision course.

Majoring On The Minor: A wise man once told me to beware of the swinging pendulum - that we all need to make an effort to take the middle path. Ridhuan is such a pendulum.

The pendulum swings from one extreme to the other: from a Chinese, and now to a somewhat Malay who needs to keep justifying his "Malayness" through bellicose statements against his Chinese roots.

It is true, then, that the Malays are an accepting lot - that they will let a Chinese defend their Malayness for them. But the more Ridhuan does so, the more value-less the Malay identity is.

Ferdtan: Ridhuan, sorry to disappoint you - don’t think that by bashing your own kind you can be one of them. You were there to make some Malay ultras entertained that they can make a fool of at least one willing stupid Chinaman.

That was the ultimate racial supremacy satisfaction. I read the same thing in one of the Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s autobiographies.

Long time ago, before he was well known in politics and well-off from his private medical practice, he said he employed a personal Chinese driver, which he said haughtily, was unheard of (uncommon) in those days - a Chinese servant driving a Malay master.

Nothing wrong with that - it was only an employment but he insinuated (and not correct in taking pride) for a different reason.

Iiiizzzziiii: I do not know Ridhuan and I also do not wish to make claim of meeting or socialising with him. If he professes to be the champion and defender of Islam, then I think he is doing a very bad job at that.

With words that come out from him, they only serve to drive many away and yet the sad thing is he is not aware of his own action.

He claims to an educated person, but his rationale and thinking do not reflect an ounce of wisdom. Ridhuan is like an empty vessel that makes a lot of noise.

At a personal level, I find this Ridhuan character very interesting. What made him said the things seems to indicate a highly insecure character and with a low self-esteemed, hence the need to engage in self-justification reinforcing the belief that he is a self-worthy person rather than a loser.

Perhaps we may meet one day, but definitely not in this lifetime.

Malaysian Born: This is one terribly confused and rather twisted individual.

They hit the nail on the head when they said he had an identity complex but in reality I think his psychosis seems to be far more complex than that - this need to attack non-Muslims while constantly working on being perceived as a Malay himself.

No non-Muslim or for that matter non-Malay Malaysian, would ever be able to satisfy his preconceived ideas of who they are and what they are thinking, it’s like he is trapped in some kind of horror movie where the villains are preset regardless of the roles they play and the plot.

A very sick guy unfortunately being given media coverage. I worry about the young minds that are exposed to his bile and rhetoric, we worry about young people going out and overdoing it but forget about the dangers they are regularly exposed to when you put them in a room with a bent character like him.

2Kali5: Ridhuan, no one question or want to deny you in your right to convert into and defend the sanctity of your religion, Islam. We do not question your patriotism, but what irks so many is that you seem to say that only Malays can and are patriotic.

We don't deny that you are now a Muslim, but it does not detract from the fact, you are a Chinese, regardless how you hate yourself as being one, and whatever you do or say will not change you into a Malay, ipso facto, period.

Pahatian: Ridhuan, you are brilliant to come out with the Chong Wei vs Misbun anology.

Why not we put your analogy to test - Mah Siew Keong vs Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud and see who is getting support from whom?

Let's see if your analogy works like you think it should.

jika nampak mr ridhuan teh & ular, katuk ridhuan teh dulu

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Post time 28-5-2014 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Acong posted on 26-5-2014 11:41 AM

aku ada tgk sikit2 badminton itu hari.

waktu mereka bermain kepala aku asyik terfikir tak malukah macai2 bangsat UMNGOK yg duk pung pang dgn sikap anti-Cina tapi pada masa yg sama terkinja-kinja melompat gembira dgn pemain badminton yg keseluhannanya adalah org Cina.  Tak malukah mereka bila menghina mereka dgn gelaran pendatang, tak kenang budi tapi tersengih2 mcm babi busuk bila tgk pasukan badminton masuk final yg rata2nya diwakili org Cina. Kalau keluarga Hj. Sidek tak ada, boleh jadi tak de langsung DNA melayu dlm pasukan negara.

Ini Cina Bangsat Ridhuan Tee mengutuk bangsa sendiri.  Persoal siapa yg cina sokong kalau Lin Dan lawan Misbun.  Aku tak tahu apa dia ni bodoh ke sebab lebih baik dia sebut Rashid.  Sudah berapa byk game Rashid lawan pemain China di K.Lumpur.. si bangsat Ridhuan ni pi cari tape tgk dgn matanya yg celaka tu sendiri sama ada org Cina Malaysia sokong Rashid ke sokong pemain China.  Apa kes main 'kalau' ke hulu ke hilir.  Apa kejadahnya sebut pasal kemungkinan jika sblm ini mmg ada contoh player melayu lawan player China di KL??   Celaka ini ingat Melayu tak pernah main badminton untuk Malaysia kaa?

Tapi yelah UMNGOK mmg tonggong duk jaga jugak si celaka ni, bagi lagi job jadi Emcee rancangan TV.  Padahal mulut celaka membebel tak ketahuan.

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Post time 28-5-2014 11:19 AM | Show all posts
kan dah ckap, dia yang x paham konsep.
dia ckp nak perjuangkan islam, tp dok citer sifat kiasu sesama bangsa
apa motif dia sebenarnya?
nak ajak cina semua masuk islam, then bsatu lah kita tanpa prejudis? cmtu?
sebab dia sorg je dah rasa beza beragama bukan islam, ngan islam bukan tiket dia nak provok sikap orang Malaysia..

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Post time 28-5-2014 11:21 AM | Show all posts
tepisket.. posted on 28-5-2014 11:19 AM
kan dah ckap, dia yang x paham konsep.
dia ckp nak perjuangkan islam, tp dok citer sifat kiasu sesa ...

dia mau jadi Senator

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Post time 28-5-2014 07:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Acong posted on 28-5-2014 11:21 AM
dia mau jadi Senator

Haha! Semoga tmakbullah hajat dia
Tu pun kalo betul pemimpin malaysia pandang..

Hai la, biskut celup.. bak kata kawan den..

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Post time 28-5-2014 07:09 PM | Show all posts
tepisket.. posted on 28-5-2014 07:04 PM
Haha! Semoga tmakbullah hajat dia
Tu pun kalo betul pemimpin malaysia pandang..

mungkin dia ada masalah stress kecelaruan jantina?

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Post time 28-5-2014 07:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Idola Presiden CDA aka Acong semakin biadap.

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