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Author: NIXAR

[Jenayah] Tragedi MH17 V4 : Kemungkinan MH17 ditembak jet pejuang Sukhoi?

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:18 AM | Show all posts
check in...good job..senyap2 jer deal...

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:18 AM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 22-7-2014 11:16 AM
tp tak selaju mh370...
yg pasal mh370, selagi najib tak umum yg mangsa tu terbenam kt lautan ...

Aku tak follow sgt thread MH370 psl terlalu laju. Time kejadian tu pun aku br balik dr umrah sehari selepas kejadian. So tumpuan lbh kpd menghabiskan kerja2 yg berlambak.

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:19 AM | Show all posts
kelana36 posted on 22-7-2014 11:16 AM
windows 7 screen shot

Well,well Kita tunggu dan lihat sapa yg kena.

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:19 AM | Show all posts
oh my! adakah mh17 sengaaja dilencongkan?

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:20 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf posted on 22-7-2014 11:18 AM
Baguslaa...dah tembak ikut suka...our plane...dah tu kalau x bagi blackbox tu mmg saja bodohlah sang ...

Ukrainean army dah block train yg membawa mayat2 tersebut. Menghalang perjalanan utk di hantar ke Netherland. Nape ye?? Klu tak bersalah nape gigih nak halang org dari buat kerja?? Dah tu pi serang civilian lak time nak hand over black box. Hipokrit kan kata tak salah.

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:20 AM | Show all posts
ada can x data dlm blackbox tu dah diubah?

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:20 AM | Show all posts
HangPC2 posted on 22-7-2014 11:06 AM

sian plak aku nengok rebel tu simpan kotak hitam dlm guni beras je, tapi terima kasih sbb bagi black box kat malaysia bukan kat negara lain

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:20 AM | Show all posts
jadi siapa tembak siapa?

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 22-7-2014 11:10 AM
bagi akak mana2 pihak yg cuba halang itu lah yg most likely bersalah.

kalau ummah yg tak bersalah ...

saya setuju dgn kakak

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:23 AM | Show all posts
  Military officials – chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces  Lt. Gen. Andrey Kartopolov and chief of the Air Force Main Staff  Lt. Gen. Igor Makushev - posed a number of questions to Kiev and  Washington concerning the possible causes of the catastrophe in  Eastern Ukraine that killed almost 300 people last Thursday.

  1. Why did the MH17 plane leave the international corridor?  “Please note that the plane stayed within the corridor until it  reached Donetsk but then it deviated from the route to the  north,” said Kartopolov.

  2. Was MH17 leaving the route a navigation mistake or was the  crew following instructions by Ukrainian air traffic controllers  in Dnepropetrovsk?  “The maximum deviation from the left border of the corridor was  14 km. Following that, we can see the plane maneuvering to return  to the corridor, yet the Malaysian crew did not get a chance to  complete the maneuver. At 17.20, the plane began to lose speed,  and at 17.23 it disappeared from Russian radars.”

  3. Why was a large group of air defense systems deployed to the  militia-held area if the self-defense forces have no planes?  “As far as we know, the Ukrainian military had three or four air  defense battalions equipped with Buk-M1 SAM systems deployed in  the vicinity of Donetsk on the day of the crash. This system is  capable of hitting targets within the range of 35 km at the  altitude of up to 22 km.”

Buk missile defense units in Donetsk Region, 5km north of Donetsk city, on July 14, 2014. (RIA Novosti)

  4. Why did Kiev deploy Buk missile system right next to the  militia-controlled area straight ahead of the tragedy?  “We have satellite photos of the places where Ukraine had its air  defense units deployed in the southeastern parts of the country.  The first three photos were made on July 14. The first photo  shows Buk launchers 8 km northwest of Lugansk. You can clearly  see a TELAR and two TELs. The second photo shows radars 5 km  north of Donetsk. You can see two TARs along with other equipment  and technical structures. The third photo shows air defense  systems north of Donetsk. You can clearly see a TELAR launcher  and about 60 military and auxiliary vehicles, tents for vehicles  and other structures.
  “Here’s a photo of the same area made on July 17. Please note  that the launcher has disappeared. The fifth photo shows a  battery of Buk missiles at the village of Zaroshchenskoye 50 km  east of Donetsk and 8 km south of Shakhtyorsk on the morning of  the same day. The sixth photo shows the same area on July 18. As  you can see, the battery has left.”

No Buk missile defense units in Donetsk Region, 5km north of Donetsk city, on July 17, 2014. (RIA Novosti)

  5. On the day of the crash Kiev increased activity on its  Kupol-M1 9S18 radars, which are components of the Buk system in  the area. Why?  “Also, July 17 saw increased activity on the part of Ukraine’s  Kupol-M1 9S18 radars, which are part of the Buk system. Here on  this chart you see that there were seven radars operating on July  15, eight radars operating on July 16, and nine radars operating  on July 17 in the area. Then, starting with July 18, the  intensity of radar activities radically decreased, and now there  are no more than two or three radars operating a day. The reason  behind this is yet to be found.”

  6. What was a military plane doing on the route intended for  civilian flights?  “There were three civilian planes in the area performing their  regular flights at this time. There was a flight from Copenhagen  to Singapore at 17:17, there was a flight from Paris to Taipei at  17:24, and then there was the flight from Amsterdam to Kuala  Lumpur.”  

  “Also, Russian monitoring systems registered that there was a  Ukrainian Air Force jet, probably Su-25, climbing and approaching  the Malaysian Boeing.”  

  “The Su-25 was 3-5 km away from the Malaysian plane. Su-25 is  capable of climbing to the altitude of 10,000 meters for a short  period of time. Its standard armament includes R60 air-to-air  missiles, which are capable of locking and hitting targets from  12 km and which are guaranteed to hit the target from the  distance of 5 km.”

(RIA Novosti / Vadim Savitsky)

  7. Why was the military jet flying at almost the same time and  the same altitude with a passenger plane?  “At 17:21’35, with [the Boeing’s] velocity having dropped to 200  kilometers per hour, a new mark detecting an airborne object  appears at the spot of the Boeing’s destruction. This new  airborne object was continuously detected for the duration of  four minutes by the radar stations Ust-Donetsk and Buturinskaya.  An air traffic controller requested the characteristics of the  new airborne object, but was unable to get any readings on its  parameters – most likely due to the fact that the new aircraft  was not equipped with a secondary surveillance radar transponder,  which is a distinctive feature of military aircraft,” said  Makushev.  

  “Detecting the new aircraft became possible as it started to  ascend. Further changes in the airborne object’s coordinates  suggest that it was hovering above the Boeing 777’s crash site,  monitoring of the situation.  

  “Ukrainian officials earlier claimed that there were no Ukrainian  military aircraft in the area of the crash that day. As you can  see, that is not true.”

  8. Where did the launcher – from the video circulated by Western  media and showing a Buk system being moved allegedly from Ukraine  to Russia – come from? As the video was made on the territory  controlled by Kiev, where was the launcher being transported?  “I’d like to say that the information we have presented here is  based on objective and reliable data from various technical  systems – unlike the groundless accusations made against Russia,”  said Kartopolov.

  <p>    “For example, media circulated a video supposedly showing a Buk    system being moved from Ukraine to Russia. This is clearly a    fabrication. This video was made in the town of Krasnoarmeisk,    as evidenced by the billboard you see in the background,    advertising a car dealership at 34 Dnepropetrovsk Street.    Krasnoarmeisk has been controlled by the Ukrainian military    since May 11.”  </p>
  “For example, media circulated a video supposedly showing a Buk  system being moved from Ukraine to Russia. This is clearly a  fabrication. This video was made in the town of Krasnoarmeisk, as  evidenced by the billboard you see in the background, advertising  a car dealership at 34 Dnepropetrovsk Street. Krasnoarmeysk has  been controlled by the Ukrainian military since May 11.”

  9. Where is it right now? Why are some of the missiles missing on  the launcher? When was the last time a missile was launched from  it?
Screenshot from video posted on Ukraine’s Ministry of Interior account, showing a Buk system supposedly being moved from Ukraine to Russia with two out of three missiles.

  10. Why haven’t US officials revealed the evidence supporting  claims that the MH17 was shot down by a missile launched by the  militia?  “US officials claim they have satellite photographs proving the  Malaysian airliner was shot down by a missile launched by the  militia. But no one has seen these photographs so far. As far as  we know, there was indeed a US satellite flying over southeastern  Ukraine on July 17 from 17:06 to 17:21 Moscow time.
  “This satellite is part of an experimental system designed to  track and monitor the launches of missiles of various ranges. If  our US colleagues have imagery from this satellite, they should  release it for the international community to examine it in  detail. This may be a coincidence, but the US satellite flew over  Ukraine at exactly the same time when the Malaysian airliner  crashed.”

Buk missile defense units in Zaroschinskoe, 50km south of Donetsk city and 8km south of Shakhtyorsk, on July 17, 2014.Photo courtesy of the Russian Defense Ministry

  This is not the first time Russia brings up questions on the plane crash. No  explanations have followed with Kiev insisting they have full  evidence of Russia being behind the attack, but so far only  releasing tapes.
  The USA, putting the blame on the self-defense forces, has yet  refused to release any intelligence material. On Monday State  Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf described Russia’s  statements as “propaganda and misinformation” - but when  reporters asked her whether Washington would be releasing their  intelligence and satellite data, Harf only replied "may  be." So far the US has been backing its statements by social  media and "common sense." ... U83GnZyllLU.twitter

Aku rasa ramai yg akan tolak mentah2 kot benda sbb RT.   Tp berbanding dgn Ukraine dan US yang meratib tanpa bukti sekurang2nya Rusia berani tunjuk bukti bagai.


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Post time 22-7-2014 11:24 AM | Show all posts
kelana36 posted on 22-7-2014 11:16 AM
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akak ada baca somewhere pesawat itu kena lencong sikit laluan asal sebab nak elak thuderstorm.

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Siapa lagi yang ada kepakaran untuk analisis kotak hitam selain dari USA? Memandangkan Boeing buatan USA, takut2 dorang akan diberi kotak hitam tersebut.

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:24 AM | Show all posts
sedikit kelegaan kepada Malaysia

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:25 AM | Show all posts
ingtkan liow tiong lai yg terima blekbox

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:27 AM | Show all posts
jgn ada pihak cuba sabo...usaha msia nak bwk box tu...

komando or skuad elit kita ada eskot tak?

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:28 AM | Show all posts
baca kat the star tu mmg nampak macam askar Donetsk tu beria2 juga la escort mereka ni takut mereka ni kene tembak
tak macam askar ukraine asyik nak menembak aja kerja nye

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 22-7-2014 11:24 AM
akak ada baca somewhere pesawat itu kena lencong sikit laluan asal sebab nak elak thuderstorm.

Tak silap Mas dah nafikan dakwaan psl ribut.

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Peterpan17 posted on 22-7-2014 11:20 AM
Ukrainean army dah block train yg membawa mayat2 tersebut. Menghalang perjalanan utk di hantar ke  ...

My reading says ...pi check evening standard 18th july 4 and 5.

And page 6 and 7.

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:29 AM | Show all posts
makk aiii korang dah baca ke soalan2 Rusia kpd Kiev dan US? i pos kat mukasurat 2 tu

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Post time 22-7-2014 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Apabila puak pemisah serahkan kotak hitam dan beri kerjasama, menandakan kemungkinan besar BUKAN mereka yang menjatuhkan MH17... hmmm... atau tak sengaja tembak?

Mungkinkah Isreal ada peranan di sebalik berlakunya tragedi ini? Untuk melagakan Ukraine dengan Russia dengan tujuan melemahkan puak pemisah? Lalu Malaysia sengaja dijadikan mangsa? Lagipun Malaysia ni lantang pasal isu Palesti kan?

Ukraine pernah tembak Kapal terbang penumbang Russia pada ketinggian 36,000 ft. Disebabkan dalam pesawat tu penuh dengan warga Israel, akhirnya Ukraine mengaku dan bayar pampasan pada Israel. Senang nak mengaku salah bila dah tembak warga Israel? Menunjukkan yang Ukraine ni memang pro Israel!

Kes tembak MH17 ni sengaja atau tak sengaja? Nampak macam sengaja tembak.... masih kurang jelas siapa yang tembak... Ukraine pun ada kemungkinan buat plot, sebab ada backing dari EU, US dan Israel... jadi dia berani, walaupun bahaya tindakan dia (jika betul la Ukraine punya kerja)

Russia pula tak ada keuntungan untuk tembak MH17.... tapi ada kemungkinan tersalah tembak untuk bantu puak pemisah...?


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