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Author: babydoll

ALL ABOUT MAKEUP PALETTE ( Eyeshadow / Highlighters / Blusher / Lip color)

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Post time 6-2-2017 02:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miss_curious replied at 6-2-2017 02:07 PM
sis, i pun suka  Silky Girl Matte Junkie ni sebab formula dia lebih kurang macam Nyx soft matte li ...

Oh ok nnt nk cari lip balm.

Thanks bg tips sapu bedak dulu. Lg satu blh ke kalo mix ngn lipstick lain ye? Cth mix ngn lipstick biasa, sbb selalu buat gitu tuk dptkn color yg cantik.

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Post time 6-2-2017 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Suchi replied at 6-2-2017 02:31 PM
Oh ok nnt nk cari lip balm.

Thanks bg tips sapu bedak dulu. Lg satu blh ke kalo mix ngn lipstic ...

boleh je nak campur dengan lipstick lain,takda masalah..
kadang2 i pun mix mix dengan liquid lipstick/bullet lipstick

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Post time 7-2-2017 12:19 PM | Show all posts
intan_smsb replied at 6-2-2017 12:31 PM
sonok nye u  
i pun mcm da admire je kt kat von d metal matte tu

dh dpt smlm, i takot nak swatch sbb cantikk, x nak ruin pan tu, hahaha.
besar & panjang wooo palette tu.


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Post time 7-2-2017 12:29 PM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 7-2-2017 12:19 PM
dh dpt smlm, i takot nak swatch sbb cantikk, x nak ruin pan tu, hahaha.
besar & panjang wooo pale ...

untungnya u, klu i jadik u pun rs sayang kan nk pakai
selamat bersolek u

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Post time 7-2-2017 02:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sape ada beli peach pallete kyliecosmetic?tgk review mcm cantiknyaaaaa walau aku xreti nk bermekap tp kalau ada peach pallette bahagia rasa jiwa

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2017 02:22 PM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 7-2-2017 12:19 PM
dh dpt smlm, i takot nak swatch sbb cantikk, x nak ruin pan tu, hahaha.
besar & panjang wooo pale ...

wahhhhh!! tazabar nk tgk u switch off sini. panjang kan palette dia? jenuh nak swatch!

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Post time 7-2-2017 03:00 PM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 7-2-2017 02:22 PM
wahhhhh!! tazabar nk tgk u switch off sini. panjang kan palette dia? jenuh nak swatch!


2-2 lengan penuh swatches nti..

eiii i pun x zabar @iloveyou ...nk tgk..cantik kan palette tu

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Post time 7-2-2017 04:51 PM | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 7-2-2017 02:22 PM
wahhhhh!! tazabar nk tgk u switch off sini. panjang kan palette dia? jenuh nak swatch!


hahaha, penuhhhh tgn nnti mntak pinjam tgn org lain
nnti malam i update pic ekk.


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Post time 8-2-2017 08:58 AM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 7-2-2017 04:19 AM
dh dpt smlm, i takot nak swatch sbb cantikk, x nak ruin pan tu, hahaha.
besar & panjang wooo pale ...

tgk gambar pn dah bole imagine how big it is.. once u dah pakai review skit

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Post time 8-2-2017 09:07 AM | Show all posts
chuols, nak tnye pendapat pasal brush ni.. i mcm minat nk beli flat contouring brush.. mula nampak zoeva face paint 109

tp ternampak plak sigma ada gak more or less the same.. ada dua jenis F77, F56,57

anyone ada pakai this type of brush..?


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Post time 8-2-2017 10:03 AM | Show all posts
why x boleh upload pic dr hp ni? waaaa. smlm nk tepek pic, xbolehhh

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Post time 8-2-2017 10:24 AM | Show all posts
iloveyou replied at 8-2-2017 10:03 AM
why x boleh upload pic dr hp ni? waaaa. smlm nk tepek pic, xbolehhh

kena kecikkan saiz dlu x..

i pun x mahir.. kne tnye @intan.smsb

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Post time 8-2-2017 05:22 PM | Show all posts
lagi satu pertanyaan pasal Zoeva ni.. @iloveyou @babydoll

i nampk kt sephora jual set 15 brushes rm499.. kalo tolak disc 10% dpt 450 mcm berbaloi..

tp sbb experience i dgn one of brush dulu rasa mcm risau plak keras.. so nk tnye u all pakai brush zoeva which code

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Post time 8-2-2017 08:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miss_curious replied at 6-2-2017 02:51 PM
boleh je nak campur dengan lipstick lain,takda masalah..
kadang2 i pun mix mix dengan liquid lips ...

Iols dah pkai lips matte silky girl tu.. bila cium baby ok tak melekat
Tp kalo mkn ade ilang juga ye? Pastu tinggalkn garisan tepi bibir plak huhu.. iols igt takkn ilang langsung kecuali guna wet tissue or make up remover.

Kalo blh nk yg kekal je kt bibir walopun mkn so kalo tetiba org nk snap gambo kita tadelah kusam sbb bibir masih berlecu.
Sblm ni kn org duk jual lipstick yg waterproof apa tah nama yg mcm inai tu tp tak blh bawak solat plak tidak pkai yg tu je sehari suntuk menten.

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 Author| Post time 9-2-2017 03:00 PM | Show all posts
nut.legacy replied at 8-2-2017 09:07 AM
chuols, nak tnye pendapat pasal brush ni.. i mcm minat nk beli flat contouring brush.. mula nampak z ...

i ada beli zoeva flat contouring brush tu. yg tu ok. xde cocok2. yg blending brush utk eyeshadow tu dh selamat dlm tong sampah.sakit kt mata, sakit lagi hati i bila  pakai

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 Author| Post time 9-2-2017 03:03 PM | Show all posts
Suchi replied at 8-2-2017 08:56 PM
Iols dah pkai lips matte silky girl tu.. bila cium baby ok tak melekat
Tp kalo mkn ade ilang juga ...

tgk ape jenis makanan yg sis mkn. klo berminyak,definitely akan hilang. klo sis perhatikan makeup remover yg utk eyes and lips, slalunya oil based.sama jugak dgn makanan.

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 Author| Post time 9-2-2017 03:04 PM | Show all posts
nut.legacy replied at 8-2-2017 05:22 PM
lagi satu pertanyaan pasal Zoeva ni.. @iloveyou @babydoll

i nampk kt sephora jual set 15 brushes  ...

i punya flat contouring brush tu je ok. yg eyes tu je tak. teros i trauma nak beli zoeva

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 Author| Post time 9-2-2017 03:06 PM | Show all posts
more KVD palette!! KVD Pastel Goth. mcm warna crayon

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Post time 9-2-2017 03:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 9-2-2017 03:03 PM
tgk ape jenis makanan yg sis mkn. klo berminyak,definitely akan hilang. klo sis perhatikan makeup  ...

Mkn sate. Pastu mkn oats n susu pun ilang


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Post time 9-2-2017 06:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
babydoll replied at 9-2-2017 07:04 AM
i punya flat contouring brush tu je ok. yg eyes tu je tak. teros i trauma nak beli zoeva

Itu la.. i risau gak! So i think beli loose je la kan even mahal dr beli set ni.. i minat flat brush sigma tu tp stock available kt zalora aje

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