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Author: Magika

Pilihanraya Sarawak 2011 : Barisan Nasional menang majoriti 2/3

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:07 AM | Show all posts
Tadi tefon kampung.....sumber2 dr kg ckp..kali ni mmg panaz tempat aku...nmpak gaya...BN kena tabur  ...
cmf_shalom Post at 9-4-2011 17:44

    Sine kmpg ko?

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:12 AM | Show all posts
penyokong BN berak dlm seluar la..

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:13 AM | Show all posts
aik...apsal website dayakbaru dh x buleh buka....account suspended....? Perang siber naik tahap maks ...
cmf_shalom Post at 9-4-2011 11:27

    Bandwidth exceeded kot?

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:14 AM | Show all posts
banyak gak laman web pro-pakatan tak boleh buka

nampaknya Melayu/Melanau jer masih sokong B ...
DTECCONAN Post at 9-4-2011 11:46

    Tak juga. Kampung aku kali nie sentimen PR sangat kuat. Bendera PKR memenuhi jalan.

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:16 AM | Show all posts
KUALA LUMPUR, April 9 — The DAP dared the prime minister today to form a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) to probe the mysterious death of a Sarawak environment investigator in 2004.
DAP Parlimentary Leader Lim Kit Siang said in a statement that state Department of Environment investigating officer, Rumie Azzan had fallen from the ninth floor of Wisma STA (Sarawak Timber Association) in Kuching, back in September 2004.
“The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak seems to be amenable to the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Carcosa sex videotape scandal, not into the roles of the Attorney-General and the Police to ascertain why the threesome forming ‘Datuk T’ had not been arrested and prosecuted for crimes after three long weeks, but to establish the identity of the ‘key character’ in the video.
“Would Najib seriously consider the possibility of a RCI if the target of the Carcosa sex video tape screening had been the prime minister himself, the deputy prime minister or anyone of the Cabinet Ministers?” he questioned.
The recently surfaced video grabbed headlines when Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was accused of being the man in the video, of having sex with an alleged prostitute.
The Ipoh Timor MP said that the Sarawakians and Malaysians are entitled to ask why the prime minister is not prepared to establish RCI for a “whole host of more important and pressing public issues”.
He added that an inquest into Rumie’s mysterious death had returned an open verdict as the coroner was unable to determine whether the death “resulted from or was accelerated by any unlawful act or omission”.
“Many Sarawakians were reminded of Rumie’s mysterious death from height when in the course of official duties investigating a major environment case when the tragic case of Teoh Beng Hock falling to his death from the 14th floor of MACC headquarters in Shah Alam on July 16, 2009 shocked the nation,” Lim said.
The aide to Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah was a witness whose body was found sprawled on the fifth floor corridor of the anti-graft body’s Selangor headquarters following overnight questioning there.
“Is Najib prepared when he comes to Sarawak for the general elections campaign to announce a Royal Commission of Inquiry to re-open the riddle of the seven-year mysterious death of 31-year-old DOE investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from ninth floor of STA in Kuching as there are many questions which remain unanswered – in particular whether it is suicide or murder?
“There have been too many cases of mysterious deaths whether occurring under official custody or involving government agencies – like the most outrageous recent case of Customs officer, Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, falling to his death from the third floor of the MACC office in Jalan Cochrane, Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday,” Lim pointed out.
The death of Ahmad Sarbani, a customs officer, comes as a RCI is investigating Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) operational procedures and the death of Teoh in 2009 after a coroner’s inquest returned an open verdict of neither suicide nor homicide.
“Now MACC is to hold interrogation only on the ground floor of any MACC premises — making it one of its kind in the world for anti-corruption agencies and undoubtedly an international laughing-stock.
“This is trying to cure the symptom but not the disease — which is the lack of public confidence in the efficiency, independence and professionalism of the MACC,” he said.
He said if the MACC and the government do not know how to secure public confidence in the efficiency, independence and professionalism of the MACC, it is further testimony that the Barisan Nasional is “too decadent, corrupt and totally incapable of redemption” and a change of government is the only answer to revamp the whole system of governance in the country.


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Post time 10-4-2011 12:20 AM | Show all posts
aku try masuk dayakbaru - account suspended

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:23 AM | Show all posts
In what is seen as a last ditch bid to prevent Sarawak from falling into the hands of the Pakatan Rakyat, the BN federal government said its 10-point solution has successfully paved the way for the release of 35,100 Malay-language Bibles or Alkitab which had been in Port Klang and Kuching.
But the late statement from Idris Jala, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, directly contradicts the comments made by Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud, who claimed he was the one who broke the impasse.
"It was I who talked to the prime minister. I said to him that it was a stupid idea to stamp serial numbers. I told him it should be stopped and he said 'yes I agree and I'll put a stop to it'. So he went and stopped the serial numbers. Now there's no more of this nonsense," Taib had been reported as saying on Saturday.
The 10-points solution was proposed by Idris last week. When it was first announced, the government-controlled media immediately declared the impasse broken.
But Christians condemned the solution offered as it divided their community - with no conditions placed on the import of the Alkitab in East Malaysia while in the peninsula, the front cover still had to be stamped with the words "Christian Publication" and the sign of the cross had to be displayed prominently.


wakakakaka...sudah goyangggggg...bukti jelas kepentingan agama diperalatkan utk political gain!:re:

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:24 AM | Show all posts
dgn islam bukan agama majoriti di sana
dgn isu alkitab yg tak settle2

    mmg amat bodo pian ...
hzln Post at 9-4-2011 10:38

    Aku rasa kbykan Muslim kat Sarawak pun tak kisah sangat siapa CM.. Islam ker tak. Ada jugak aku dengar org cakap mcm tu lah.. tapi mostly diorang nih jenis yg tak tau nak sokong siapa lagi sbb PAS pun sbhg dari PR jugak.

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:24 AM | Show all posts
Reply  Muntz

    hari tu najib kata... PRN sarawak penentu tarikh PRU
atira Post at 10-4-2011 00:04

    Yup. Aku yakin PRU lambat lagi.

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:25 AM | Show all posts
Reply  Muntz

    ada terbaca.... pasal kerusi ni.. PKR tak nak surender banyak2 sbb takut kes  ...
atira Post at 10-4-2011 00:06

    PKR sendiri pun aku rasa calon2nya jugak akan mudah nak melompat parti jugak. Baru Bian tu sendiri penah bertanding atas tiket SNAP.

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:29 AM | Show all posts
Masalahnya PKR nie degil sangat. Sepatutnya diorang surrender jah 26 kerusi tu kepada SNAP. Bukankah ada lebih kurang 24 kerusi lagi balance yg belum ada siapa2 bertanding. Tengok DUN Jemoreng tu, sorang pun dari PR takder masuk. Aku yakin kalau diorang buat rundingan betul2, PR boleh menang banyak. Malah tak mustahil boleh majoriti 2/3 skalipun.
Muntz Post at 9-4-2011 11:55 PM

masalahnya kawasan2 yg SNAP bertanding tu banyak yg boleh bg pembangkang menang
tambahan pula PKR kan nak jadi CM mestilah diaorg kena dpt banyak kerusi
kalau based kawasan yg PKR bertanding sekarang hanya boleh menang 8 jer
DAP sah2 boleh menang 14 kerusi
kalau bg semua kawasan SNAP tu, SNAP dpt 10 kerusi
mungkin ini satu strategi PR juga kot, jangan undi SNAP undi PKR untuk dpt CM baru
kalau SNAP ngan PKR bertembung, kemungkinan yg rugi SNAP

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:33 AM | Show all posts
Tak juga. Kampung aku kali nie sentimen PR sangat kuat. Bendera PKR memenuhi jalan.
Muntz Post at 10-4-2011 12:14 AM

tgk juga, mungkin kawasan ko tu memang antara kawasan kemungkinan PR akan menang
kawasan Melayu biasalah, bilangan pengundi sikit tapi kawasan bertanding tu banyak
mcm Cina cthnya pengundi ramai tapi kawasan bertanding sikit

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:34 AM | Show all posts
In what is seen as a last ditch bid to prevent Sarawak from falling into the hands of the Pakatan Ra ...
kecimpret Post at 10-4-2011 00:23

Aku boleh kata, HIshamuddin tak fikir panjang dulu sblm KPDN deface Bible BM. Spatutnya isu camnie tak timbul dalam keadaan PRN Sarawak akan berlangsung. Sepatutnya ada grace period kira2 6 bulan minimum sblm targeted PRN date supaya tidak menyentuh apa2 isu sensitiviti org Kristian. Kalau kat S'jung mgkin masih okay.. sbb S'jung less than 10% Kristian.. tapi di Sarawak, jumlah org Kristian sangat ramai... dan ramai di antara mereka jugak ialah devout terutamanya di kalangan org Bumi. Kalau Cina Kristian diorang tak devout sangat.. diorang cuma pakai nama Kristian jah.. lepas tu masih mengamalkan adat2 org Cina. Sbb tu aku rasa isu Alkitab nie antara isu terbesar yg akan dibangkitkan PR di PRN Sarawak nih. Tak mustahil ramai org Sarawak terutamanya Bumiputera Kristian akan sway ke PR hanya kerana isu ini.

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:41 AM | Show all posts
masalahnya kawasan2 yg SNAP bertanding tu banyak yg boleh bg pembangkang menang  
tambahan ...
DTECCONAN Post at 10-4-2011 00:29

    Since that DAP pun setuju Baru Bian jadi KM dan diorang pun tak letak syarat PKR kena menang besar bagai... aku rasa takder masalah pun dari segi itu. Mcm kat Perak, DAP menang banyak, tapi PAS jadi MB. Satu lagi, aku heran jugak kerusi yg stronghold BN pun diorang berebut. Yg ko cakap pembangkang boleh menang tu apa jah... stakat nie yg aku yakin betul2 kerusi Bumiputera yg pembangkang boleh menang pun aku rasa masih kurang dari 10 jah... :re: :re:

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:44 AM | Show all posts
tapi kalau tgk calon2 PKR lebih hebat dr calon SNAP

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:47 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Muntz at 10-4-2011 00:49
tgk juga, mungkin kawasan ko tu memang antara kawasan kemungkinan PR akan menang  
kawasan ...
DTECCONAN Post at 10-4-2011 00:33

    Sbenanya kawasan Melayu tak banyak berbanding populasi. Kawasan Melanau yg banyak. Tapi Melanau nie digroup sama dgn Melayu, jadi tak nampak sangat. Contoh kerusi Melanau: Belawai, Semop, Daro, Jemoreng, Dalat, Balingian, Jepak. Org Melanau kalau ikut statistik cuma 5% jer dari penduduk Sarawak, kurang daripada Bidayuh. Tapi jumlah seat sampai 7 bijik. Yg anehnya, Melanau nie tak semua Muslim, tapi yg represent mereka semua Muslim, malah kerusi yg majoriti Melanau non-Muslim iaitu Dalat, diwakili oleh org Cina Muslim. Tapi aku tak kisah lah sbb Datin Fatimah tu mmg terkenal wakil rakyat yg baik.

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Post time 10-4-2011 12:50 AM | Show all posts
tapi kalau tgk calon2 PKR lebih hebat dr calon SNAP
DTECCONAN Post at 10-4-2011 00:44

    Calon2 SNAP mmg tak berapa hebat pun.

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Post time 10-4-2011 01:01 AM | Show all posts
Yg ko cakap pembangkang boleh menang tu apa jah... stakat nie yg aku yakin betul2 kerusi Bumiputera yg pembangkang boleh menang pun aku rasa masih kurang dari 10 jah...  

Muntz Post at 10-4-2011 12:41 AM

yup, kemungkinan boleh menang 10 yg selebihnya tu kemungkinan sahaja
mungkin kerusi2 inilah menjadi perkiraan PR untuk ambil alih kerajaan
yg dikatakan setuju utk jadi CM tu kalau dgn DAP, kalau dgn SNAP????
tapi itula, walau sekuat mana pun pembangkang tak boleh nak tumbangkan BN lagi

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Post time 10-4-2011 01:22 AM | Show all posts
Aku boleh kata, HIshamuddin tak fikir panjang dulu sblm KPDN deface Bible BM. Spatutnya isu camn ...
Muntz Post at 10-4-2011 00:34

    mungkin Hishamuddin adalah spy BN, nak bantu PR sebenarnya?

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Post time 10-4-2011 01:37 AM | Show all posts
yup, kemungkinan boleh menang 10 yg selebihnya tu kemungkinan sahaja
mungkin kerusi2 inilah men ...
DTECCONAN Post at 10-4-2011 01:01

    Yup. Aku pun masih yakin BN boleh menang dgn majoriti selesa, cuma mgkin diorang akan lose lebih seat kali nih, dan seat2 yg lain diorang akan kurang majoriti. Mgkin ada yg menang tipis jah.

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