ok ke kalau sambung phd direct lepas degree dgn masters. maksudnye takde working experience langsung ...
syA_Ah Post at 26-3-2012 17:52
theory wise, insyallah mantap la.. tp in real life, byk benda yg tak de dlm buku.. esp bila masuk service, terus jawatan tinggi, kena handle staff n supervise student.. yg tu.. mmg experience makes the man. All the best babe |
To to share nice article about PhD
Do you need a PhD?
Since I decamped from the academic world to industry, I am often asked (usually by first or second year graduate students) whether it's "worth it" to get a PhD in Computer Science if you're not planning a research career. After all, you certainly don't need a PhD to get a job at a place like Google (though it helps). Hell, many successful companies (Microsoft and Facebook among them) have been founded by people who never got their undergraduate degrees, let alone a PhD. So why go through the 5-to-10 year, grueling and painful process of getting a PhD when you can just get a job straight out of college (degree or not) and get on with your life, making the big bucks and working on stuff that matters?
Doing a PhD is certainly not for everybody, and I do not recommend it for most people. However, I am really glad I got my PhD rather than just getting a job after finishing my Bachelor's. The number one reason is that I learned a hell of a lot doing the PhD, and most of the things I learned I would never get exposed to in a typical software engineering job. The process of doing a PhD trains you to do research: to read research papers, to run experiments, to write papers, to give talks. It also teaches you how to figure out what problem needs to be solved. You gain a very sophisticated technical background doing the PhD, and having your work subject to the intense scrutiny of the academic peer-review process -- not to mention your thesis committee.
I think of the PhD a little like the Grand Tour, a tradition in the 16th and 17th centuries where youths would travel around Europe, getting a rich exposure to high society in France, Italy, and Germany, learning about art, architecture, language, literature, fencing, riding -- all of the essential liberal arts that a gentleman was expected to have experience with to be an influential member of society. Doing a PhD is similar: You get an intense exposure to every subfield of Computer Science, and have to become the leading world's expert in the area of your dissertation work. The top PhD programs set an incredibly high bar: a lot of coursework, teaching experience, qualifying exams, a thesis defense, and of course making a groundbreaking research contribution in your area. Having to go through this process gives you a tremendous amount of technical breadth and depth.
I do think that doing a PhD is useful for software engineers, especially those that are inclined to be technical leaders. There are many things you can only learn "on the job," but doing a PhD, and having to build your own compiler, or design a new operating system, or prove a complex distributed algorithm from scratch is going to give you a much deeper understanding of complex Computer Science topics than following coding examples on StackOverflow.
Some important stuff I learned doing a PhD:
How to read and critique research papers. As a grad student (and a prof) you have to read thousands of research papers, extract their main ideas, critique the methods and presentation, and synthesize their contributions with your own research. As a result you are exposed to a wide range of CS topics, approaches for solving problems, sophisticated algorithms, and system designs. This is not just about gaining the knowledge in those papers (which is pretty important), but also about becoming conversant in the scientific literature.
How to write papers and give talks. Being fluent in technical communications is a really important skill for engineers. I've noticed a big gap between the software engineers I've worked with who have PhDs and those who don't in this regard. PhD-trained folks tend to give clear, well-organized talks and know how to write up their work and visualize the result of experiments. As a result they can be much more influential.
How to run experiments and interpret the results: I can't overstate how important this is. A systems-oriented PhD requires that you run a zillion measurements and present the results in a way that is both bullet-proof to peer-review criticism (in order to publish) and visually compelling. Every aspect of your methodology will be critiqued (by your advisor, your co-authors, your paper reviewers) and you will quickly learn how to run the right experiments, and do it right.
How to figure out what problem to work on: This is probably the most important aspect of PhD training. Doing a PhD will force you to cast away from shore and explore the boundary of human knowledge. (Matt Might's cartoon on this is a great visualization of this.) I think that at least 80% of making a scientific contribution is figuring out what problem to tackle: a problem that is at once interesting, open, and going to have impact if you solve it. There are lots of open problems that the research community is not interested in (c.f., writing an operating system kernel in Haskell). There are many interesting problems that have been solved over and over and over (c.f., filesystem block layout optimization; wireless multihop routing). There's a real trick to picking good problems, and developing a taste for it is a key skill if you want to become a technical leader.
So I think it's worth having a PhD, especially if you want to work on the hardest and most interesting problems. This is true whether you want a career in academia, a research lab, or a more traditional engineering role. But as my PhD advisor was fond of saying, "doing a PhD costs you a house." (In terms of the lost salary during the PhD years - these days it's probably more like several houses.) |
Reply 603# cepheid
tq... sebab sudi berkongsi |
Reply 604# epal_putih
No problem epal. Artikel ni banyak merujuk kepada situasi sebenar orang buat PhD (maybe setengah tu tak applicable untuk Malaysian) tapi still a good article to read. |
Reply 596# bezita60
buku-buku ni... masih available?? |
Saya di semester ke 4.
bulan depan semester ke 5.
Syukur, saya punya husband yang supportive.
Masalah itu ini memang ada.
Nak cerita tak cukup malam ni.
Apapun, buat phd kena kental.
Semoga Allah lindungi kita semua.
Yang ikhlas menimba Ilmu.. |
iklan kejap
Human Life Advancement Foundation Science & Technology Doctoral Scholarships
The Human Life Advancement Foundation (HLAF) is the newly established foundation active in the fields of the education, technology transfer and sustainable development in developing world. Our mission is to develop networks of organizations and individuals able and willing to contribute to the needs of society, as well as in the development of internationally competent individuals. HLAF aspires to become a reference point for creation of knowledge, innovations and technology transfer related issues in developing countries. We support the importance of education in building a knowledge society.
This foundation strives to be an innovative institution responsive to needs of society for innovations, knowledge and technology by supporting fruitful interaction between firms, academia and public sector. We are delighted to announce that we are offering scholarships to those pursuing postgraduates PhD studies.
Applicants are invited from outstanding postgraduates for the award of PhD scholarships funded by Human Life Advancement Foundation. The scholarship will be awarded for academic session 2012/2013
More information please refer to http://hlaf.org.my/scholarship.php
baru mula ..terpaksa tolak oversee dan buat kat local universiti memandangkan banyak perkara nak kena settle. klu bujang dah lama terbang pegi.
harap2 kental bersemangat waja le sehingga selesai. |
baru saja register utk journey PhD di local Univ. semoga diriku & kalian semua cekal mengharungi journey PhD ini. |
nak sambung wat phd ..... huaaaaaaaa.... |
matabelalang posted on 10-9-2012 05:02 PM
nak sambung wat phd ..... huaaaaaaaa....
dah plan ke sambung kat mana?
plan nak sambung phd.
masih mencari lagi.tatau nak cari tempat, atau cari sv dulu..
biasiswa ada.cuma nak menyambung tu terasa buntu.
kalau jadi RA dlu ok tak?sb otak pun tak mampu nak pikir proposal baru
ada taklimat Phd di uitm trg pada 20 sept ini...aku nak gi dengar ,,, |
Ada sapa boleh advice tak .. macam mana nak cari supervisor dekat U luar negara ???
Tgh cari tempat nie untuk Phd ..most likely .. hanya dibenarkan parents ke OZ atau NZ ..
SiBOntot posted on 20-9-2012 02:12 PM
Ada sapa boleh advice tak .. macam mana nak cari supervisor dekat U luar negara ???
Tgh cari te ...
first you identify bidang apa nak buat lepas tu search universiti mana yang you nak pergi, check potential supervisor di universiti tersebut. selalunya academician ni ada page mereka sendiri dlm website universit. dah dapat e-mail, cuba e-mail diorang dan discuss apa research phd yang you nak buat
cepheid posted on 23-9-2012 07:39 PM
first you identify bidang apa nak buat lepas tu search universiti mana yang you nak pergi, check p ...
For the past two weeks .. I dah email berbelas2 potential supervisor ..
Ada yg respon dah x amik student
Ada yang cakap .. dia akan propose to another lecturers since dia x berapa expert sgt ..
Ada yang cakap .. I am no longer serve this U ..
Ada yang cakap .. dia pegi conferens ..
Tapi memang penat juga 2 weeks nie ... tapi hasil x der sorang pon lagi yg berminat ..
Memang susah ke nak cr supervisor nie ..even kita nie fully sponsored by government ...
Klu nak sambung local ..dah ada dah s/visor ..
Tapi nak juga la eden try buat luar ...gitu ..hak hak hak
SiBOntot posted on 24-9-2012 07:46 AM
For the past two weeks .. I dah email berbelas2 potential supervisor ..
Ada yg respon dah x ami ...
Of course lah.. sebab SV ni dia akan komited once dia ambik PhD student. Dah berapa universiti you try? Kalau boleh cubalah semua universiti yang ada.
Ada SV tak ambik student maybe sebab dia dah ramai student atau tak de research grant. Ni penting jugak sebab bila nak buat research ni perlu masa dan duit juga. Tak de grant maknanya student tak boleh buat research. Nanti student jugak yang merungut.
aku mmg berminat nk buat phd...cuma keberanian tu masih belum timbul lg...master aku dah selesai sebelum berkahwin lg, so tidak timbul masalah dgn husband n anakl2...skrg kena fikir pls kerja, anak2 n husband...cuma aku nak tanya, kt forum ni ada tak yg buat phd in IT? |
SiBOntot posted on 24-9-2012 07:46 AM
For the past two weeks .. I dah email berbelas2 potential supervisor ..
Ada yg respon dah x ami ...
apa syarat2 utk dptkan scolarship gomen?
u ambil bidang apa?
| |
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